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Dead or Alive?


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I germinated this coconut 4 months ago and it was doing ok till 2 weeks ago (till i turned off radiators due to hot weather in Istanbul). For 2 weeks I put it balcony inside ziplock bag with full sun exposure. It is around 25-30 C in Istanbul for 2 weeks. I did same way today as well but the palm burnt today. Roots are really ok but i really wonder now it this palm is still alive or not? What do you think?





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Hi Mehmet

I'm not very expert but it could be rot. I think it doesn't like to be sealed in the bag in full sun on the hot balcony. It might still be OK but I think is better to keep it in the room 

for the moment and slowly bring it out in the sun. It might be better to plant it in a pot already in a sandy soil mix.

If it will not make it try to germinate another one. It's great that you germinated one from the supermarket!

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Hi Stelios

Today i put it in a pot with sandy soil mix in my small greenhouse. Roots seems really fine. hope it is not dead we will see. I tried 4 other coconuts already except from this one but did not succeed and bored to try because it is really hard to find a good one to germinate. 

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Let's hope you will have positive news. Keep us posted. If you don't want to try again to germinate a coconut, try to find a small one from a nursery.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello. These are the latest pics of my coconut taken today. It is not getting better still looks more or less same goes yellow. I checked the roots today and roots are still really good and growing so fast but still no improvement on leaves. What do you think? I keep it in my small greenhouse around 15C at nights 25-30C in morning time and humidity rate is high.





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I would not give up if the roots are still growing.  Maybe the meristem is still OK.  

Andrei W. Konradi, Burlingame, California.  Vicarious appreciator of palms in other people's gardens and in habitat

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looks like a gonner. is the spear loose or squishy?

Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation)

Sunset zone 24

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spear is a bit firm. Still has some green parts as seen on pics but not sure if it is a real survivor. Roots are doing really well. 

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I checked the roots today again and saw that they are doing really great and I cut the leaves to see what is happening inside and took this photo. As you see there is a white dot. Do you think is it a new leaf about sprout?


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I think that's a real possibility.  Monitor that for development.

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Andrei W. Konradi, Burlingame, California.  Vicarious appreciator of palms in other people's gardens and in habitat

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