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 I thought it would post a picture or two of how the garden is coming along.


  • Upvote 14

 This poor flamethrower palm isn't happy but I love the color on the stems of the leaves.


  • Upvote 9

Your last photo, especially, makes me homesick for the Big Island. :wub:

Is the second photo Dypsis 'Orange Crush'? Or...? (Showing off my poor palm ID skills.) ^_^

Kim Cyr

Between the beach and the bays, Point Loma, San Diego, California USA
and on a 300 year-old lava flow, Pahoa, Hawaii, 1/4 mile from the 2018 flow
All characters  in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


 No Kim it is a redneck or teddy bear palm but it does look pretty similar.  If the lighting was a little better in the photo probably be easier to tell.

 I get homesick seeing your photos of the big Island when I'm stuck on the mainland.  I just hope sooner or later I can get back to planning palms.


 These are my orange crush palms.  Very slow.


  • Upvote 4

Nice little grove!!  They may be slow now, but they will pick up later.  That's going to be awesome when they begin to trunk.

Kim Cyr

Between the beach and the bays, Point Loma, San Diego, California USA
and on a 300 year-old lava flow, Pahoa, Hawaii, 1/4 mile from the 2018 flow
All characters  in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


 Coconut palm in the center with two spiny palms on the side.  I think they're supposed to also have stilts on the spiny palm but I can't remember.  But they were planted from a four-inch pot  so they're coming along pretty fast.


  • Upvote 3

 This photo was taken from up above from a door to nowhere right now future lanai .  There is a beetle nut and a windows palm in the photo and a couple more I don't know.


  • Upvote 4

Hey Kev, you on island?

Place is coming along, gonna have some giants before too long. 

Coming to the BBQ next week? Going to be LOTS of palms for you to take home.



Hilo, Hawaii


Looks like a jungle! 


On 1/28/2017, 12:31:04, realarch said:

Hey Kev, you on island?

Place is coming along, gonna have some giants before too long. 

Coming to the BBQ next week? Going to be LOTS of palms for you to take home.


 Back on the mainland already.  Hope my next trip maybe you guys might be doing a garden tour on the Hilo side.  Sad is I'm around so many good nurseries in the neighborhood but no time to go visit them.  I didn't even get the plant one new palm tree the trip :(  But I did plant some seed I got from the fox tails in the McDonald's parking lot by me Lol.


 Share some of the photos I took in Hawaii.

It's sooo fluffy.


  • Upvote 3

 The palm with the yellow leaves is one I just got from Bills my last trip.  This photo was taken before I cleaned up a little with the Weedwhacker.


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 In this photo is the very first coconut I planted. 


  • Upvote 3

You should have planted a couple Albizias, the yard doesn't seem complete without one or two....thousand:evil: in The picture with the Betel nut and Windows palm- is that fog or rain? Just trying to figure your general area, but I guess it all looks the same out there wether you're in Leilani or Hawaiian acres.


It looks like you have a good bunch of plantings, you will really enjoy those not only now but as they get larger too. I have found that you really can't overfertilize those Chambys out there. I use the plain old Osmokote whenever I get out there, but I have noticed that they all really like an extra dose of sul-po-mag, which you can buy at Pahoa Feed and Fertilizer if you're near there. Keep up the good work, I enjoyed the pictures!

  • Upvote 1

Oakley, California

55 Miles E-NE of San Francisco, CA

Solid zone 9, I can expect at least one night in the mid to low twenties every year.

Hot, dry summers. Cold, wet winters.


 Patrick it was raining in the photo.  I do kill a lot of Albizias some are in the photos above.  Because my neighbor bulldozed is whole lot I am letting one albizias tree and some other invasive trees grow for right now.  To make my lot a little more private.  In this photo behind the shed is where they are growing.


  • Upvote 1

 In this photo is my biggest palm tree as of right now.  Jeff told me it was going to be the quickest hedge type palm tree out there.


  • Upvote 1
  • 1 year later...

 So here are some photos I just took last weekend a update how things are doing.


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 I am going to miss the window of my windows palm. I was told that it disappears when the palm matures.


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 This poor fan palm is looking a lot happier it has had a rough time it has been ran over by an excavator hit with the Weedwhacker several times.


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  One of my purple king palms.


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 My beetle nut palm seems to be doing real well now I planted two more next to it.


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 My teddy bear seems to be doing pretty well also.  But the way it looks I think it should be called Kermit the frog .


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 My biggest flamethrower I was hoping that it would push  A new front when I was there but no luck.


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 But at least this palm had some nice color.


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 The palm tree above the teddy bear is real colorful but no matter how I take a photo it never comes out showing how colorful it is.  I just wonder if it is ever going to go to seed?


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 This palm tree grows pretty fast it is a nice clumping palm.


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 My orange crush palm trees are growing very slow but steady.


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 I ended up hacking back some of my ginger because it was completely shitting out some of my palm trees.  The clumping palm in the background is my fastest growing palm tree I have.


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 I ended up cutting the bark off my tree and planting a travelers park at its base.


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One of my sealing wax palm is is looking good.


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 I took Kims advice and through a few the coconut where I would like to have one growing and then I placed the rest lol.  So now I have one dozen more coconut palms hopefully most of them live.


  • Upvote 2

 So far I really love the leafs on this juvenile palm it is supposed to be one of those thorny kind.  There is also a coconut palm and a fox tail Palm in the pic.


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 This palm tree is very graceful looking how it’s leafs hang  I also love the white color of the trunk.


  • Upvote 3

 My Ivory cane palm does very well for me.


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 One of my first coconut palms I planted.  Underneath it it is a ceiling wax palm still very small but seems like it’s doing good.


  • Upvote 2

Kevin, are you on island now? Did you have to evacuate?

Kim Cyr

Between the beach and the bays, Point Loma, San Diego, California USA
and on a 300 year-old lava flow, Pahoa, Hawaii, 1/4 mile from the 2018 flow
All characters  in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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