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What is this palm pest?

Yunder Wækraus

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2 minutes ago, Laaz said:

Thanks for the warning. Is it any real threat to my palms?



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14 minutes ago, Laaz said:

It looks like a Io Moth Caterpillar. If it is they sting... Just a heads up.


It looks like you're right. It's an Io moth caterpillar, and it looks like it turns into a beautiful moth. Other than the danger of being stung by its spines, it seems to be harmless to my garden. I'm going to let it live :-) http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/misc/io_moth.htm

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I got stung in the neck by one of these. My neck felt like it was on fire for days. It's more than a mild sting.

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"If you need me, I'll be outside" -Randy Wiesner Palm Beach County, Florida Zone 10Bish

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Avoid like the plague. We have something similar except it has little glistening bright luminouse green jelly like bubbles on the spines, a white and silver stripe (without the brown) down the centre of the back. Very interesting and attractive unfortunately. Even if you so much as brush against it you get horrific and continuous itching for three days. I have a tube of antihistamine at the ready just for this, if you apply straight away it keeps the itching down substantially at first but not completely, the itch creeps back so you have to reaply a few times . They seem to go for the older leaves on palmate leaved palms here, not doing much noticable damage to bigger palms but could be a nuisance on seedlings I imagine. 

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Non omnis moriar (Horace)

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io moth

DONT stuff in shorts

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