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Fresh Palm Seed Offerings From Faulkner's Palms.


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Faulkner's Palms will now be offering fresh seeds from Florida and around the world as part of the business. So often I found in the United States that there was not one place to get a bunch of different species of palm seeds. Fresh seeds are key to getting good germination, so here is a list of what we have to start, and it will only build from here. Prices are 25/$10 or 100/$20 plus shipping unless otherwise noted. Also, if you would like to get three species of 25 each, that would also be $20. You can contact me here, or email me at faulknerspalmsllc@gmail.com. Check my Facebook business page for weekly updates on new seed availability.

Also note - we ship internationally as well.


Carpentaria acuminata 
Gaussia gomez-pompae
Trachycarpus wagnerianus
Sabal minor
Chamaedorea tepelijote
Gaussia princeps
Livistona saribus
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis
Coccothrinax argentata
Schippia concolor
Dypsis lastelliana
Thrinax radiata

Coming soon -
Attalea cohune
Cyrtostachys renda..... and much more!

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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a list update. All prices are same as above unless otherwise noted.

Coccothrinax crinita

Coccothrinax borhidiana (100% unhybridized) - 25/$20, 100/$50

Ptychosperma salomonense 

Zamia picta - 25/$20, 100/$70

Hyophorbe verschafeltii

Serenoa repens "Super Silver" - 25/$10, 100/$30





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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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I wrote too soon, a few more species now available:

Copernicia ekmanii: 10/$30, 25/$60, 100/$225

Pseudophoenix vinifera - 10/$10, 25/$20, 100/$50

Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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Christian, what is the source of the Serenoa repens 'Super Silver'? Photo of mother? What makes it superior to the silver saw palmettos all over SFL?



Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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"Super Silver" is a name given to the ecotype of Silver Serenoa native to the coastal areas of St. Lucie and Martin County, notably Hutchinson Island. These seed come from an island that imported them 25 years ago and there are no green Serenoa present. I will upload a picture of the parent plants, they appear to grow more robust and a little bit faster as well. 

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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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11 hours ago, cfkingfish said:

"Super Silver" is a name given to the ecotype of Silver Serenoa native to the coastal areas of St. Lucie and Martin County, notably Hutchinson Island. These seed come from an island that imported them 25 years ago and there are no green Serenoa present. I will upload a picture of the parent plants, they appear to grow more robust and a little bit faster as well. 

I'd love to see a photo. I know there is a population of silver saw palmettos in NW GA that are supposedly spectacular but seldom produce seeds.

I've found the silver Serenoa I grew from seeds much less robust than the green and prone to rot. But maybe that reflects my palm growing skills not the quality of the material. Almost everyone has a species that gives them fits. I'd love to try a variety so silver it glistens in the sun.


Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Here are the mother plants.


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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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Definitely interested in 'Super Silver'

Lakeland, FL

USDA Zone 1990: 9a  2012: 9b  2023: 10a | Sunset Zone: 26 | Record Low: 20F/-6.67C (Jan. 1985, Dec.1962) | Record Low USDA Zone: 9a

30-Year Avg. Low: 30F | 30-year Min: 24F

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4 hours ago, cfkingfish said:

Here are the mother plants.


Obscenities screamed down the elevator shaft . . . .

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Christian I emailed you last week. When the lipstick Palm seeds come in please let me know and I will order a bunch of different species. Thanks again 

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Just sent you an email. :)

Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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New, fresh seed as of November 6th:

Attalea cohune - $1.25 each
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons - $2.50 each, 10/$22
Hemithrinax ekmaniana - 10/$12, 25/$25, 100/$85
Syagrus sancona - 25/$10, 100/$22
Gaussia attenuata - 25/$10, 100/$22


We still have very fresh seed of the following:

Copernicia ekmanii
Pseudophoenix vinifera
Coccothrinax crinita
Gaussia attenuata
Gaussia princeps
Gaussia gomez-pompae
Schippia concolor
Serenoa repens Super Silver
Thrinax radiata
Hyophorbe verschaffeltii

And many more! Send me a message here or to faulknerspalmsllc@gmail.com if interested in making an order. Thanks!

Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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8 hours ago, @NetoPalms said:

Source of Hemithrinax? Wild collected?

No, locally collected on the West coast of FL. Have seen great germination rates in the past. 

Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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On 11/7/2018, 8:01:33, cfkingfish said:

No, locally collected on the West coast of FL. Have seen great germination rates in the past. 

Do you have any pictures?

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Unfortunately I don't have permission to take pictures on the property, the owner is nervous about her cycad collection. 

Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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Just a quick offering - I have Copernicia ekmanii germinating, I have a limited amount of germinated seed at $10 each, the rest I have potted up. Send me a PM or email if interested. 


Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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I’ve got some Cop. Berteroana seeds that are starting to sprout that I picked up last week if you are interested in trading a few for some C. Ekmanii. Don’t know what I’ll do with 100 or so of these.The two Copernicia species from Hispaniola, and the two most tender Copernicia. PM me if u do.


Warrior Palm Princess, Satellite Beach, Florida

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I would love to trade, but I actually have a bunch of berteroana I am not sure what to do with myself. I am up for trading for some stuff I don't have though!


Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Current, updated list of fresh palm seeds for sale. If the species does not have a price next to it, it has been previously mentioned in another post.

Cyrtostachys renda - $10/25, 100/$22. These were harvested in Southwest Florida from a protected plant in an atrium. 

Copernicia tectorum - $10/25, 100/$25

Copernicia ekmanii (germinated) - $10 each

Trachycarpus wagnerianus

Chamaerops humils - $8/25, 100/$20

Pinanga batanensis - $15/25, 100/$35


Send a message if interested. More seeds to come in the near future!

Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to comment that of the 10 Pseudophoenix vinifera I got from you 5 have already germinated.  50% germination in one month - fantastic.

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That is great to hear, I was actually going to post that I have some germinated seeds available of P. vinifera - 5 for $15, or take all 37 for $100 plus shipping!

There will be an updated list by early next week. Look for some very cool seeds available!



Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I normally wouldn't post a new list of seeds on a Sunday before Christmas, but fresh seed is fresh seed. Here are new, fresh seed offerings as of 12/23/18:


Copernicia fallaensis - from habitat, seed is nice and light in color, very fresh. $6 each, 25/$135, 100/$500.


Roystonea lenis - A rare species of Royal from the Eastern rain forests of Cuba, similar in size and shape to R. violacea. $1.25 each, 25 or more are $1 each.


Calyptronoma plumeriana - $.50 each, 25/$12


Syagrus sancona - 25/$10, 100/$20


Sabal causiarum - 25/$8, 100/$18


Gaussia maya - 25/$8, 100/$18


Dypsis cabadae - 25/$10, 100/$20


Coming soon - Colpothrinax wrightii, Pseudophoenix ekmanii, and possibly a few more Cuban Copernicias. Send me a message here, or email me at faulknerspalmsllc@gmail.com.





Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy New Year!

Available as of 1/1:

Pseudophoenix ekmanii - 25/$18, 100/$40

Syagrus campylospatha - $.75 each

PM me or email at faulknerspalmsllc@gmail.com.


Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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A little weekly update on availability:


Rhapidophyllum hystrix (collected in Georgia and Alabama) - 25/$15, 100/$35, 1000/$285

Sabal minor "Cherokee" - This palm grows way above the fall line, north of Atlanta and Birmingham in a natural 7b climate. This is one of the coldest climates for any palm in the world, if not the coldest natural habitat. These are fresh seeds ready to go. 25/$8, 100/$18, 1000/$60.

Livistona alfredii - something I have been searching for at least 13 years for. Native to far Northwest Western Australia, this has been somewhat of a hard seed to find for me. The climate in its habitat is a hot desert with summertime temps reaching over 115F, and it can get chilly here as well. The climate is probably similar to Cairo, Egypt or Phoenix, just without frosts. This palm does not seed every year and can often be difficult to reach. I will attach some pictures for reference, as there is very little on the internet about it. This will grow in the subtropics, including Florida where I have seen one plant doing fairly well. I have seen it take 23F with no damage as a juvenile. These are beautiful, fresh seeds that are not hard to grow, just treat them like any desert palm. It is probably the bluest of the Livistonas as well. $1.75 each or 10/$15. 

Feel free to email me at faulknerspalmsllc@gmail.com, or you can PM me here. 



L. alfredii.jpg

L. alfredii1.jpg

L. alfredii2.jpg

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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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Upon some further thought (and before anyone purchased any seed), I decided to drop the price on the Livistona alfredii seed to $1.75 each or 10/$15. I can't seem to edit my post so hopefully anyone interested will scroll down. 

Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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Absolutely stunning livistona Christian.

Best looking Livistona in my opinion.

Even hard to find for us Australians!


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Some new Caribbean seed now available along with a couple others:

Colpothrinax wrightii (wild collected) - $2.50 each, 10/$22, 25/$50

Sabal causiarum - 25/$8, 100/$18, 1000/$85

Sabal bermudana - 25/$10, 100/$22

Sabal maritima - 25/$8, 100/$18

Cryosophila warzewiczii - 25/$8, 100/$20

Cryosophila stauracantha - 25/$8

Dictyosperma album - 25/$6, 100/$15

Rhapis excelsa - 25/$10, 100/$22

Rhapis multifida - 25/$10, 100/$22


I will try and get a few pictures of mother plants uploaded, my hard drive is very disorganized and not well labeled.


I still have all of the seed posted from the last two listings, plus some species from even further back. You can PM me here as usual, or send me an email at faulknerspalmsllc@gmail.com.



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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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Forgot to add that I do have Ptychosperma schefferi - 25/$8, 100/$18, 500/$55

I will also try and add a list of germinated seeds once I sort out what is sprouting. 


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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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Another small update on seed:

I have received a larger quantity of Livistona alfredii, and now able to offer in wholesale quantities. 

100 seed - $75

500 seed - $300

This is really an excellent palm for both semi-arid, arid, and subtropical climates (and it's blue!). It grows well at Nong Nooch too, a tropical savanna climate I believe?

PM me or email me at faulknerspalmsllc@gmail.com if interested. 

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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Already got 67% germination on the  Livistona alfredii seeds.

Edited by Steve in Florida
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Thanks everyone - glad things are getting there on time and with good germination rates.

This week I have a couple new species. 

Colpothrinax wrightii (wild collected) finally were ready - $2.50 each or 10/$22.

Hyphaene coriacea - $.75 each


More seeds to come soon!

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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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Just over 2 weeks and I have 70% germination with the Livistona alfredii seeds (coconut coir/perlite and bottom heat).

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All my Livistona alfredii seeds have germinated. Thanks, Christian

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Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Thanks everyone, glad the germination rates are near 100%. As of 2/4/19, here are a few more seeds:

Livistona decora - 25/$8, 100/$22

Sabal mauritiformis - 25/$8, 100/$22, 1000/$85

PM or email me at faulknerspalmsllc@gmail.com if interested.



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Christian Faulkner

Venice, Florida - South Sarasota County.



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