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Ptychosperma elegans and trunk issues


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Hey everyone I have two of these bad boys. Bought from a nursery this year. Here’s the problem. They were shade grown with huge long fronds. In the winds here they snapped. Unfortunately the fronds that we’re cut were some of the newer ones. One thing I didn’t realize is that the decaying inner crownshafts have been staying tight and stopping new spears from coming up and even decaying new spears. In one pic you will see a frond that’s tiny. I didn’t even know it was trapped inside the crown until I started digging away. Everything is growing ok unfortunately these guys shed from outside in so if an inner frond is done it messes up the trunk   Have you seen this before?


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  • 3 months later...

Update on these palms. I know they were grown super stretched with crappy soil so they weren’t great here’s an updated pic 

I pulled them out of the pot to check the roots. Thu don’t look that bad considering I’m just wondering if they need some heat! Almost time to go back outside 


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They need tropical heat & sun & warm rain. Wouldn't hurt to treat them with hydrogen peroxide. Decent, well-draining potting mix will help. Given the right conditions, P. elegans grows quickly and is not a prima donna. It is hardier and less persnickety than the equally weedy Adonidia. The double in my yard drop seeds all over my yard. I rip out most of the volunteers but somehow ended up with nearly 20 4" pots of bifid seedlings I need to get rid of when they get a bit more size. 


Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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1 hour ago, PalmatierMeg said:

They need tropical heat & sun & warm rain. Wouldn't hurt to treat them with hydrogen peroxide. Decent, well-draining potting mix will help. Given the right conditions, P. elegans grows quickly and is not a prima donna. It is hardier and less persnickety than the equally weedy Adonidia. The double in my yard drop seeds all over my yard. I rip out most of the volunteers but somehow ended up with nearly 20 4" pots of bifid seedlings I need to get rid of when they get a bit more size. 

Funny you mentioned. I thought about doing a hydrogen peroxide dip today and honestly I thought you would tell me it was a waiste of time. No biggy I repotted with coco coir perlite and clay pebbles. Hope that helps it. Soon it will go outside and get nice hot sun!

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These guys were dropping seeds everywhere at kids play park at Dominican airport yesterday. If it wasn’t for cameras and me being put in jail I would have grabbed some seeds lol. None where seeding at my resort 


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