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Finally....some trunk


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If patience is a virtue, then I feel I've finally won some sort of a prize!

These two D. carlsmithii were planted out from small cones back in late 2008 and honestly, I'm surprised they even survived. They have chugged along steadily, getting fatter, taller, more colorful, and finally started trunking. Actually, slow to trunk is a good thing, as it adds more time to enjoy what will become a fairly large palm. Being at eye level for such a long time gives plenty of time to admire such a special palm.....surely that's the real prize. 




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Hilo, Hawaii

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oh yeah


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Here’s one in Florida...@ Chip Jones’ ...from Dr B.  Don’t know age but bet it’s similar


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The Palm Mahal

Hollywood Fla

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Got you matched, Tim, if not exceeded:




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Mike Merritt

Big Island of Hawaii, windward, rainy side, 740 feet (225 meters) elevation

165 inches (4,200 mm) of rain per year, 66 to 83 deg F (20 to 28 deg C) in summer, 62 to 80 deg F (16.7 to 26.7 Deg C) in winter.

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Some nice specimens in the added photos. 

Mike Arends, I'd say maybe 15' if you include the length of the fronds. 

It's picking up speed too, the last year has seen significant growth. Some of the leaf sheaths are loose and should reveal more trunk in short order. 

Merritt, mine is a bit more svelte, maybe because it gets partial sun most of the time. Yours appears to be in full sun thus the thicker trunk?

Looking good though.



Hilo, Hawaii

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Cool Tim congratulations on getting some trunk us crazy palm people get so excited over a few rings of trunk growth especially the first ring or two.  Other people don’t realize how many years it might take just to get one ring on a palm tree. Hopefully soon I’ll start to flower for you and you can post some pics of that.  I’ll see you at the zoo.


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