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Posted (edited)

Hi Everyone,  it is a very sad day for the Aussie Ratpackers and all who loved him, but Wal Donovan passed away early this morning, April the 25th, a national day of remembrance in Australia (ANZAC Day). 

Wal will be sadly missed by his children and their families and all of us in the palm community. Also those members of PACSOA, BPACS and the IPS who have all had good times with Wal.  Wal was our source of quirky jokes and also a great mate who looked after all around him, a generous and caring man whose friendship was greatly valued by all of us.

It is truly a sad day and we will all miss him and his antics greatly.  Wal was also an IPS director which shows his passion and dedication to our favourite group of plants.  We hope you rest in peace Wal and can now tend that great palm garden in the sky.



Edited by Daryl
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Gold Coast, Queensland Latitude 28S. Mild, Humid Subtropical climate. Rainfall - not consistent enough!


So sorry to hear this sad news. I always enjoyed his posts.

  • Like 1

El Oasis - beach garden, distinct wet/dry season ,year round 20-38c

Las Heliconias - jungle garden ,800m elevation,150+ inches rainfall, year round 15-28c


Love you Wal.

  • Like 2

Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)

10 hours ago, Daryl said:

Hi Everyone,  it is a very sad day for the Aussie Ratpackers and all who loved him, but Wal Donovan passed away early this morning, April the 25th, a national day of remembrance in Australia (ANZAC Day). 

Wal will be sadly missed by his children and their families and all of us in the palm community. Also those members of PACSOA, BPACS and the IPS who have all had good times with Wal.  Wal was our source of quirky jokes and also a great mate who looked after all around him, a generous and caring man whose friendship was greatly valued by all of us.



This is so sad as so many of my Aussie mates told me I was the American version of Wal.. in looks and antics. Almost as proof and an unintended tribute, I went and took a pic of what I looked like just days ago. Wal and I had the same hats from the same trip to Nong Nooch in Thailand. A truly enthusiastic individual and we all will miss him. 


I say RIP my friend. We'll meet on the last great palm adventure..


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Zone 10a at best after 2007 AND 2013, on SW facing hill, 1 1/2 miles from coast in Oceanside, CA. 30-98 degrees, and 45-80deg. about 95% of the time.

"The great workman of nature is time."   ,  "Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience."

-George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon-

I do some experiments and learning in my garden with palms so you don't have to experience the pain! Look at my old threads to find various observations and tips!


Truly sad to hear about wal he is a great man I had the pleasure of  walking  the San Diego zoo with him and his Ozzy mates and they all came over to my garden for some beers and lots of laughs It was a very special day I will always remember. We exchanged aloha shirts like he allways liked to do when he traveled.  He will be truly missed. Rest in peace and aloha til we meet again in the great garden in the sky someday 

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My condolences to all in the Aussie (and wider) Palm Community who knew Wal - another one of the many people here on PalmTalk I feel as if I have known for years - without ever meeting face to face.

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Kona, on The Big Island
Hawaii - Land of Volcanoes


Wow. Shocked. Wal was one of a kind. RIP my friend. 

  • Like 2


Vista, CA (Zone 10a)

Shadowridge Area

"Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are."

-- Alfred Austin


Sad news. I enjoyed his post on here for years but never had the pleasure to meet him in person. Rest in peace Wal.

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Quite a shock to hear this sad news. Wal was a kind and funny person, always a unique point of view and a wise crack.  I couldn't count the number of times he made me laugh with his quips here on PalmTalk or FaceBook. He was with us in Thailand and Madagascar,  good company for us all. 

A song in memory of Wal from his favorite band, The Beatles:


  • Like 3
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Kim Cyr

Between the beach and the bays, Point Loma, San Diego, California USA
and on a 300 year-old lava flow, Pahoa, Hawaii, 1/4 mile from the 2018 flow
All characters  in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


What a great loss to the palm community.  Never met him, but his personality on PT always left a positive impression.   He hasn’t been on PT for quite some time.  

  • Like 1

Huntington Beach, CA

USDA Zone 10a/10b

Sunset Zone 24


I have never meet Wal in person but always enjoyed his posts on his Facebook page and this forum so quite shocking to see this. Rest in peace.

  • Like 1



Absolutely shocking and so tragic to hear these sad and unexpected news. Wal was definitely a one-of-a-kind guy and he will truly be missed by all of us in the worldwide palm community.  I had the pleasure of spending time with him on a few IPS related events. Here's a photo of three true palm enthusiasts, and good friends, Paul, Rafael and Wal. This was during the IPS Biennial in Thailand in September 2012. Photo at Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden. 

2012-09-23A 512.JPG

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Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm



Truly sad....RIP, Wal!


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John Case

Brentwood CA

Owner and curator of Hana Keu Garden

USDA Zone 9b more or less, Sunset Zone 14 in winter 9 in summer

"Its always exciting the first time you save the world. Its a real thrill!"


I am so sorry to hear this news!

Wal was one of a kind. I remember his bus serenades in Thailand, some with original palm related lyrics and a lovely rendition of Moon River in Madagascar.

He was very active on this forum when I first started posting and his humor and kindness were part of the reason I am still posting today. 

I had always assumed when I made it to Australia he would be around....

  • Like 4

Cindy Adair


Wal was something special. I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet him a few years back and was able to get to know him. My palm friend, it was great talking over the years here on Palm Talk.......RIP...my friend.

  • Like 1

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

Posted (edited)

It’s been a long time since I have been on PT but I felt the need to pay my respects to my mate Wally..... I will miss him! 20 years ago he was one of the first customers at our boutique palm nursery and when we sold the land last year he became our last visiter.  Attached is Wally and my father Greg Smith on the last day in our Palms For Brisbane nursery in March 2019.



Edited by Kennybenjamin
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Wal was a loyal friend to many and and a much loved original Aussie Rat packer.

Eccentric at times, made us all laugh, wrote great poems, loved his sunrises over the water.

Loved his family and would talk about his grandchildren with great pride.

He missed his big palm garden when he moved to a small home.

The Aussie palm tribe all met at the Pacsoa Show in Mt Cootha Brisbane early March and we all went together to IPS director David and Rosemarie Tanswell's home

for dinner afterwards.

We will all miss you mate especially your visits and phone calls.

A 2014 memory of Wal on his first and only  sailing trip of 1000 nm, he never got seasick.

It was at the end of this trip anchored of an island in the Whitsundays that we celebrated Wal's 60th birthday

Wal's Poem/song of the trip, sent from one of the girls on the crew at the time.

I would like to think the last picture below is of  Wal waving us all goodbye with his big, famous happy grin.

Cecily sent this

I was only thinking of him today as I was catching glimpses of a glorious ABS on the way home.
Wal's words here below.
ABS (Another bloody sunset)
Verse 1
Look at me, out at sea,
Salty sea dog spray wet,
Courses plot, we’ll take the lot,
With another bloody sunset.

Verse 2
Humpback blows, wind’s on the nose,
Winches winding lines let
Don’t look now, right off the bow,
Another bloody sunset

Never felt this way before
I must be dreaming
Night time sailing shadowed shore
Milky way is gleaming

Verse 3
Captain flees for northern seas
And I will never forget
The days I shipped, the ways I sipped,
Another bloody sunset



Wal Donovan 1.jpg



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coastal north facing location

100klm south of Sydney




Holy cow!

I'm speechless, for once.

R I P oh great palm nut!

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A few more Wal Photos! 







  • Like 6

Gold Coast, Queensland Latitude 28S. Mild, Humid Subtropical climate. Rainfall - not consistent enough!


IPS Biennial, Thailand, 2012. Bo-Göran Lundkvist and Wal enjoying a moment while waiting for the shuttle to depart.



IPS Biennial, Florida, 2014.  When volunteers were asked to join the hula entertainment, Wal immediately leapt on stage, along with Jack Sayers and Jim James. Wal had all the best moves.  Good times!



  • Like 4

Kim Cyr

Between the beach and the bays, Point Loma, San Diego, California USA
and on a 300 year-old lava flow, Pahoa, Hawaii, 1/4 mile from the 2018 flow
All characters  in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Kim's photos from that great evening in Miami in May 2014 encouraged me to see what photos I have from the same event. Quite a few actually, and this one of Wal is probably one of the better ones. :)

2014-05-31 313.JPG

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Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm



I am so sorry to hear this news, only recently I wondered why Wal had ceased posting on Palmtalk.   

  • Like 1

San Francisco, California


So sad to learn this news. I always enjoyed Wal's posts and inventive, lyrical verse. I met him in person at the 2014 Miami convention. He will be missed.

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Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.


Well this is a very sad shock to hear about Wal. I only knew him from online but only recently was wondering where Wal had got too because in years past he was a very constant participant on PalmTalk. He had a very healthy sense of humour too. I imagine he was the life of the party. He loved his palms that's for sure. May he go to a world full of magnificent palm trees.

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Millbrook, "Kinjarling" Noongar word meaning "Place of Rain", Rainbow Coast, Western Australia 35S. Warm temperate. Csb Koeppen Climate classification. Cool nights all year round.




RIP Wal. 

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Trinidad!  Southernmost island in the Caribbean.

So many plants, So little space.


Sad news indeed. RIP Wal

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RIP my dear friend Wal.

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love conquers all..




so sorry to hear.

Truly enjoyed meeting and hosting a garden tour with Wal & Ken Johnson.


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The Palm Mahal

Hollywood Fla


This is truly sad. What a great fun spirited gentleman that we were all so lucky to meet through Palms.

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What you look for is what is looking


So, apparently it takes a while to join this forum, but i'm finally here.

I'm Wal's youngest son. I just wanted to thank you all for being a fantastic part of my dad's life. Seeing this pictures and reading these stories has been wonderful, knowing that he had such a large impact in so many lives.

When the quarantine is lifted, we do plan on having a larger gathering and anyone who knew Wal is welcome. We don't know when this will be of course, but i'll put up another comment here when we know more.

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Welcome Yeti!

So happy to see you here.

As you can tell we all truly miss your Dad and feel richer for knowing him.

Cindy Adair

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Gold Coast, Queensland Latitude 28S. Mild, Humid Subtropical climate. Rainfall - not consistent enough!


Daryl - thanks for that great collection of photos.

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Kona, on The Big Island
Hawaii - Land of Volcanoes


I loved these Daryl.

Thank you so much.

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Cindy Adair


I had trouble trying to watch that Daryl, it was honestly a bit too emotional for me, thank you for making it.

9 hours ago, Yeti said:

I had trouble trying to watch that Daryl, it was honestly a bit too emotional for me, thank you for making it.

Hi Kris, yes it was an emotional experience compiling it all, but we can look back at happier times and take comfort in that. Sorry for the loss of your dad; it is never easy losing loved ones, or good mates. Take care...



Gold Coast, Queensland Latitude 28S. Mild, Humid Subtropical climate. Rainfall - not consistent enough!


I never had the pleasure of meeting him but I enjoyed the interactions with him on Palmtalk.  Rest in peace Wal.


Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time


  • 5 months later...

This makes me sad. We never met, but Wal and I shared some banter over the years on PalmTalk. The highlight of our 'joint cooperation' came in the form of a topic called:

Tintin In The Land Of The Mystery Dypsis

Keep on dreaming, Wal. 

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