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Bauhinia ID??


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Can any Bauhinia expert identify this particular white Bauhinia?  I am thrown off by the twisting petals and slightly odd look to the flowers.  I admit that I dont see many of these in my parts of the world so that alone limits my knowledge of them.  This particular tree is planted at a nursery in Hempstead, TX.  Zone 9a.    Pictures were a drive by shooting!  Thanks for your expert help!



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I have this beautiful bauhinia in my garden and it is beginning to bloom just now !

Other good point it is cold hardy too !


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Well I do bet yours is beautiful, as seen it the pics it is a prolific bloomer.   I live in Zn 8a/8b so most everything that is somewhat frost tender for me live as perennials and not evergreens.  I hope that yours performs well for you! :greenthumb:

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@Fusca    I probably should at least make that suggestion to her.   It would not only give her some seeds but also a reason to return to the nursery.  She does not need much of a reason to visit a plant nursery. Chances are she would just buy a full sized tree instead.  This one has some unusual and less common plants, pottery, and carved statuary too.  That is where I got my Manfreda undulata "mint chocolate chip".  

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