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Was it really my fault and will it survive? (Mule Palm)


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I purchased a Butyagrus online in Spain and after 4 days in its parcel it arrived here. The leaf on the left and the spear in the middle each had a "white spot" (plant cells which cannot perform photosynthesis?) at the leaf base and they were extremely wobbly. I assumed that this was because of its time in the parcel as it certainly was warm and dark in there and therefore the palm could have pushed weak growth during this time. Furthermore it was in coco coir and had basically no roots which is why I have re-potted it very carefully in a slightly bigger pot with better soil. Due to a short heatwave which started the next day (37°C) the mule palm was in filtered shade behind an Ensete Maurellii for 3 days and I watered it every morning before it commenced to get hot. The days thereafter were rather rainy and cool (21-25°C), so I moved it into more sun.

That is how it looked like after unpacking it:


At the end of the heatwave (still in mostly shade):


Two days ago in more sun: The two leafs with the "white spots" at the leaf bases fell off on their own!



That is what I approximately wrote the seller in several mails over the last week(including the photos). He was certain that the white spots would turn green again but probably due to my suboptimal care (he said I should have taken the palm immediately into full sun and keep the soil considerably drier) it got worse. 

This means I should have skipped the acclimatization period and everything would have been good?


Then again I have acclimatized many (greenhouse-grown) palms of similar sizes including near relatives of this mule palm (another Butyagrus, Butia yatay, Butia matogrossensis, Syagrus schizophylla and a Syagrus romanzoffiana Santa Catarina) without problems.


Final and most important question:

Will it most likely survive or is it too small to recover from the spear loss?

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I think it will continue to grow. You weren't wrong in acclimating the mule seedling.  

When I germinate in my garage & don't open it often, the new growth is white like yours. Eventually they turn green when they get sunlight but not direct sun. I think the problem was too much sun right away. 

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Hesperia,Southern CA (High Desert area). Zone 8b

Elevation; about 3600 ft.

Lowest temp. I can expect each year 19/20*f lowest since I've been growing palms *13(2007) Hottest temp. Each year *106

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I've seen this before and usually they grow out of it.  I had a mule palm have something similar but was due to insect damage, the frond was very pale at the base and broke off.  That palm completely recovered and is growing on well.  Hopefully yours will too.  If the remaining fronds stay green I think you'll be ok.

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Hi LivistonaFan,

where did you find this seedling? I'm looking for one since a long time here in Europe.




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9 hours ago, Palmensammler said:

Hi LivistonaFan,

where did you find this seedling? I'm looking for one since a long time here in Europe.



Sent you a PM/DM/whatever it might be called:greenthumb:.

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