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Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &

The Rainforest Collection®


The 22nd Annual Fall Plant Extravaganza!

October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th – 9th, 10th, 11th - 2020


The upcoming sale is going forward, mostly as usual... with some exceptions and additions. As mentioned on the flyer, all pandemic related conditions will be enforced, including social distancing and the use of masks. Masks will be needed to enter the nursery and need to be worn throughout the sales area. No exceptions. There will be hand sanitizer provided around the sales area, not sure where yet. The Thursday before the first weekend has been turned into a sale day.* This has been done to potentially alleviate the traffic flow on Friday and keep the sales area more spaced out. Certain other elements have been implemented to help keep people spaced apart. More changes and provisions can be made at any time.

The Searle Brothers Plant Extravaganzas have become exciting plant events and a great way for IPS Members, Palmtalk Forum Members and fellow tropical palm & plant enthusiasts to come together and meet in the South Florida area. The events have always been a great way to spend a weekend (or two) in the company of those who share your passion for gardening and collecting tropical ornamental plants. To describe the events as just mere plant sales would be an understatement; as they have become much more in the form of social events for our friends and family. Forum members, friends and fellow plant collectors have all come from far and wide to attend and we are continuously surprised in the distances they will cover to share in the event. In regards to the following details, I have tried to include as much information about the upcoming Fall 'Ganza as I could. If you see something that you know should be included and it is absent, please post the idea(s) here or contact me, Jeff Searle or the nursery with the methods listed below and let us know...


South Florida Location:
Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc.
6640 SW 172nd Avenue
Southwest Ranches, Florida 33331
Western Broward County
*see Map below...

Fall 2020 Schedule:

Thursday*, October 1st - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday, October 2nd - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday, October 3rd - 8:00AM - 5:00PM 
Sunday, October 4th - 9:00AM - 4:00PM

also, the following weekend...
Friday, October 9th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday, October 10th - 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday, October 11th - 9:00AM - 4:00PM


Contact List:
Nursery Office #: (954) 658-4319 Nursery Fax #: (954) 680-2750

Jeff Searle: phone #: (954) 658-4317 Email: palms@rainforestcollection.com
Ryan (Palmarum) Email: palmthetree@yahoo.com or PM me a message through the Forum


The map below is a general street map of western Broward County, Florida showing the location of the nursery (Palm tree symbol). Using Sheridan Street would be the best option to get to the nursery if you are heading west through the area. If you are taking the Florida Turnpike, use the Griffin Road exit from the north, or the Pines Blvd. exit from the south. If you need any additional directions, please contact the nursery, Jeff or I (Ryan). When you get close to the nursery, look for large power lines as they run east and west above the nursery. Parking is along the shoulder of 172nd Avenue in front of, and down the street from, the nursery entrance. If you intend to arrive early before sunrise (and many usually do) be wary of hard-to-see speed bumps along 172nd Avenue and there is a possibility of a speed trap as well. There has been considerable construction along I-75 so the exits near Sheridan Street and Griffin Road have been changed slightly compared to previous years. Express lanes have been added to I-75, they may or may not make the trip faster.


Plant Availability, Photo Requests:

For plant availability including a copy of the ever-growing list of palms, cycads and other information regarding which plants and species will be for sale, please contact the nursery, Jeff Searle or I (Ryan). The plant selection process has already begun and will continue right up to the last day before the first morning of the Extravaganza, (sometimes even on the mornings of each event day if the need applies.) The sale lists for palms, cycads and crotons will be made available as soon as they are completed. Special selections might be pulled for sale as requests, but only if the plants are available. There will be certain species, varieties and cultivars that will only be available in limited quantities. These rarer plants will likely sell out quickly in the morning hours, so be sure to arrange your wish list accordingly. Plant groups may have been moved around the sales area, relocated or added in with others. In order to speed your way to your favorite plants please ask a nearby staff member or volunteer as to their location.

Each plant will be priced with either a lavender tag or will have the price written on the pot and/or on the display card or sign.

Featured Plant Groups:
The plant selection at the Extravaganza is constantly growing and changing. The largest and most diverse group is by far the Palms, of which there will be over 300 species available in various different sizes. The plant selection will include genera, species, hybrids, cultivars and varieties representing various plant families from around the world. A large number of Croton cultivars will also be on display as their demand has increased production to new levels. There are always new plants to be added to the selection, as the demand for new, exotic and unusual material remains constant...


Aroids: - Bromeliads:

Butterfly Plants: - Cycads: - Crotons:

Cordylines: - Ferns: - Orchids:

Heliconias, Gingers and other Zingiber order members: -

Tropical Flowering Trees, Shrubs, & Vines:

Succulents & Sansevierias:

Landscape Ornamentals: - Tropical Fruit Trees:

Rare and Unusual Exotic Species:

One-of-a-Kind and Hard-to-Find wonders of the plant world: - … and much more:
There is always a chance a newly cultivated & recently discovered species of tropical plant will make its way into the sales area.


The Sale Flyer:
The nursery will soon mail out sale flyers to everyone on our mailing list. If you are on the mailing list and do not receive one, please let Jeff or myself know. In addition, if you would like to be placed on the mailing list for future Extravaganza flyers, please send a message to Jeff or myself with your address.


Plant Carts:
We do provide a limited number of carts for customers to use, but it is recommended that you bring your own plant shopping conveyance. The carts do go quickly in the morning of each day, soon after the gates open and during busy periods. During the day when they are returned from the holding area or from the parking lot, they are placed back on the concrete pad across from the register area or near the holding area along the main road.

Information and Invitation:

If you need any more details regarding plants, directions, or anything that I have not included above, feel free to contact the nursery, Jeff Searle or myself by the methods listed above. Feel free to post any messages, questions, etc. in this topic. Jeff Searle, I and all the family members and volunteers look forward to meeting everyone including new and familiar Palmtalk Forum members and IPS members at the upcoming Extravaganza. Be sure to find one of us and introduce yourself. You will be sure to find other Forum members at the event as well, possibly walking right past you down an aisle or grabbing for the same plant. The entire Searle family and the mass of volunteers will be waiting to help you find that perfect plant.

We hope to see you there!


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South Florida


Some of the CFPACS folks will be there on Friday to pay you all a visit.

  • Like 1

Lakeland, FL

USDA Zone 1990: 9a  2012: 9b  2023: 10a | Sunset Zone: 26 | Record Low: 20F/-6.67C (Jan. 1985, Dec.1962) | Record Low USDA Zone: 9a

30-Year Avg. Low: 30F | 30-year Min: 24F


Do you guys have any plans of coming back to Sarasota?

Howdy 🤠

20 hours ago, RedRabbit said:

Do you guys have any plans of coming back to Sarasota?

Tropiflora has cancelled their fall open house sale, planned for late October I believe, so no Sarasota trip for now. If anything changes, I will mention it here or in another topic.


  • Like 2

South Florida


I might have to take some time off of work for this and stay with friends in the area so I can stop by! I’ve always missed the first few days because of work and I’m starting to get tired of it haha 

Any chance there will be some dypsis lastelliana available? 

Former South Florida resident living in the Greater Orlando Area, zone 9b.

Constantly wishing I could still grow zone 10 palms worry-free, but also trying to appease my strange fixation with Washingtonias. 


As of today, I have retrieved the plant lists for the Palms and Crotons. I will be processing them shortly and posting them here as soon as they are ready. I know Jeff has put a lot of time and effort into the lists and completed them as soon as possible. The first page is smeared with dried blood and the back page is covered with potting soil, if that says anything.

I will post them directly and include a booklet version posted as an attachment that may be printed if need be.


  • Like 1

South Florida

On 9/15/2020 at 9:15 PM, chad2468emr said:

... Any chance there will be some dypsis lastelliana available? 

Yes, there should be some available, but of what size and price I do not know yet. They could also be of the 'Highland Mealybug' variety, which is a possibility as they are often intermixed. When I get more details I shall post herein.


South Florida




Stuart, Florida

Zone 10a

So many palms, so little room


The lists are ready, and as usual Crotons first...

The list contains 144 different and unique cultivars for the Fall 'Ganza. This is an average amount for the Fall event as the numbers hover around one-hundred fifty or so. I did have to enter about a dozen new names into my master Croton database just to process the list. This is a lot when compared to only a few names that I usually have to enter. Some of the names are described as Unknowns. They may not have an identity now, but they may receive one later. We may not know what they are, but they are definitely not something we already have. Take that for what it's worth. The entire list here, plus an attached copy following in the next post. The plants are now getting labeled and will either be priced with a lavender tag or will have the price written on the pot, in the case of small plants. A few of the cultivars are also classified as landscape material, and will be in that section with a price on the sign card. The vast majority of the Crotons are in three gallon pots. I would say the list is about complete, with a slight chance more will be added. Which is always possible.


Searle Brothers Nursery, Inc. &

The Rainforest Collection®

The 22nd Annual Fall ‘Ganza

October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th – 9th, 10th, 11th - 2020


Croton List

Draft – (9-23-20) - 144 cultivars


Common Name




American Made

Andrea Searle




Aubrey Christian

Baron Rothschild

Ben Alexander

BH #3


Captain Gilbert Cutler

Catherine Gephart

Caution Light




Claude Lorraine


Colonel Bob Bullock



Compté de Castelaine

Compté de Germiny




Cornelius Halgrim

Cover Girl


Cutlers Giant

Cutlers Gulfstream

Daisy Ortega

Davis #7




Dr. Frank Brown

Dr. Lin Yu Tang

Dreer #6

Eleanor Fischler


Ernestine Delarue


Father's Day



Florida Select


Geisha Girl

General Lawrence

General MacArthur

Glen Roof

Green & Gold

Greneda (?)

Having Fun

Her Highness


High Energy


Indian Outlaw


Joanna Coppinger

Joe Friday

John Bender

José Lopez

Jungle Queen

Key Lime

Louis Dupuy

Lover's Night

Lucile Alonzo

Madame Fernand Kohl


Major Dade

Maximum (Bender #2)



Milky Way

Mona Lisa



Mother's Day

Mrs. Iceton


Old Legend

Ortega's Hybrid



Pop's Yard

President Eisenhower

President Reagan

Pride of Winter Haven

Prince of Orange

Prince Phillip

Princess Eugenia

Queen Elizabeth

R. L. Farquar


Raphael, 'Blotched'

Red Quill



Richard Krukonis

Robert Lavalois


Roseo Pictus



Rudy Bachman


Seminole Pride

Seminole Queen

Show Girl

Son of Joe Friday


Stain Glass


Sunny Star

Super Petra


Sybil Griffen 'Lrg. Leaf Form'


The Clown


Thomas Edison

Thomas Hitchcock

Tortoise Shell


Tropical Feel

Unknown #1

Unknown #2

Unknown #3

Unknown (?) from D.R.

W. F. Dreer


Wild Dreams


Yellow Fever

Yellow Fin

Yellow Mammey

Yellow Mrs. Iceton

Yellow Norman Rockwell




  • Like 1

South Florida


Ditto... the same Croton list as above but as an attachment and screenshot.

I will not have printed booklet versions at the sale, so feel free to print out your own copy if you need one.


Croton List -  ExpFile_CrotonF20.pdf



South Florida


Thus enters the Palm & Cycad list...

The following list of Palms and Cycads is full with a lot of interesting taxa, numbering 365 at present. They are mostly species, with a few subspecies, varieties and hybrids. A couple 'spah's' (sp.) have been thrown in to make it more interesting. The taxa spans almost 500 different size groups, which is almost a record. Some species are represented by four or five sizes. Jeff had a lot of time to put into pulling plants and making the list, so it's almost finished, perhaps 98% complete. The plants are being tagged now, and will be priced with the iconic lavender tag. The selection along the sidewalk has been spaced out to make social distancing easier to achieve. Normally, the shadehouse sidewalk forms the borders of the sales area, but now the plants have been pushed outwards onto the ground cloth. The outer boundary will more than likely be the familiar yellow caution tape. An attached version of the list will be posted next.


Searle Brothers Nursery Inc. &

The Rainforest Collection®

The 22nd Annual Fall ‘Ganza

October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th – 9th, 10th, 11th - 2020


Palm & Cycad List    

Draft: 9-23-20 – 365 taxa at present.


Genus Species Sizes

Acanthophoenix crinita #15

Acanthophoenix rubra #3

Actinokentia divaricata #3, #7

Adonidia merrillii et al.

Adonidia merrillii var. 'Golden Form' #15

Adonidia merrillii var. 'variegated' #1, #7

Aiphanes hirsuta #3

Allagoptera arenaria #10

Allagoptera caudescens #3

Allagoptera leucocalyx #10

Alsmithia longipes = Heterospathe longipes

Archontophoenix alexandrae #1

Archontophoenix purpurea #1, #3

Archontophoenix tuckeri #1

Areca alba = catechu cv. alba

Areca aliceae = triandra

Areca caliso #15

Areca catechu #3, #7, #15a, #15b, #15T

Areca catechu cv. alba #7

Areca catechu var. 'Dwarf' #7, #45

Areca concinna #7a, #7b, #15

Areca guppyana = novohibernica

Areca latiloba = montana

Areca macrocalyx var. 'Mariae' #1

Areca montana #1, #7a, #7b

Areca novohibernica #1a, #1b, #3, #7

Areca recurvata* #1, #3

Areca triandra #1

Areca tunku #1

Areca vestiaria #3, #7

Areca vestiaria var. 'Maroon Leaf' #1a, #1b, #7

Arenga caudata #3

Arenga engleri #1, #15

Arenga pinnata #1, #7

Arenga undulatifolia #15

Asterogyne martiana #3

Astrocaryum aculeatissimum #7

Astrocaryum vulgare #1

Attalea butyracea #1, #3

Attalea cohune #7, #25

Balaka microcarpa #3

Basselinia eriostachys #1

Basselinia pancheri #7

Beccariophoenix fenestralis #7

Beccariophoenix madagascariensis (old) = fenestralis

Beccariophoenix sp. 'Windows' = fenestralis

Bismarckia nobilis et al.

Borassodendron machadonis #1, #7

Borassus aethiopum #15

Brahea decumbens #7

Brassiophoenix drymophloeoides #7a, #7b

Burretiokentia grandiflora #1

Burretiokentia koghiensis #3, #7

Burretiokentia vieillardii #1, #10

Calyptrocalyx aff. fasciculatus #7

Calyptrocalyx albertisianus #3, #7

Calyptrocalyx archiboldianus = lauterbachianus

Calyptrocalyx elegans var. 'Mara' #1, #7

Calyptrocalyx forbesii #1a, #1b, #3

Calyptrocalyx hollrungii #3, #7, #15

Calyptrocalyx lauterbachianus #7

Calyptrocalyx laxiflorus #1

Calyptrocalyx micholitzii #1

Calyptrocalyx pachystachys #1

Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus #1

Calyptrocalyx sp. #3

Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Boalak' #3

Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Mara' = Calyptrocalyx elegans var. 'Mara'

Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Red Push' = albertisianus

Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Sanumb' #7, #15

Calyptrocalyx sp. 'South Nauru Island' #3

Calyptrocalyx sp. 'Yamu-Tumune' = yamutumene

Calyptrocalyx spicatus #3

Calyptrocalyx stenochista = forbesii

Calyptrocalyx yamutumene #3

Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana #7

Calyptrogyne sarapiquensis = ghiesbreghtiana

Calyptronoma rivalis #1

Carpoxylon macrospermum #1, #3, #7, #10

Caryota gigas = obtusa

Caryota mitis et al.

Caryota mitis var. 'Variegated' #3

Caryota monostachya #3, #10

Caryota obtusa #3

Ceratozamia hildae #3

Chamaedorea arenbergiana #1

Chamaedorea cataractarum et al.

Chamaedorea deckeriana #1, #3

Chamaedorea erumpens = seifrizii

Chamaedorea glaucifolia #7

Chamaedorea hooperiana #7

Chamaedorea klotzschiana #1, #3

Chamaedorea metallica #5

Chamaedorea oblongata #1

Chamaedorea seifrizii #7

Chamaedorea woodsoniana #1

Chamaerops humilis var. argentea #3

Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera = humilis var. argentea

Chambeyronia macrocarpa #1, #3, #7, #15

Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. 'Houailou' #1

Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. hookeri #1, #7, #15

Chelyocarpus chuco #7

Chuniophoenix hainanensis #7

Chuniophoenix humilis = nana

Chuniophoenix nana #3, #7

Clinostigma exorrhizum #7

Clinostigma ponapense #7, #10

Clinostigma savoryanum #1

Coccothrinax argentea #15

Coccothrinax barbadensis #1

Coccothrinax borhidiana #7

Coccothrinax clarensis #1, #3, #20

Coccothrinax crinita #7

Coccothrinax crinita subsp. brevicrinis #3

Coccothrinax crinita × borhidiana #3

Coccothrinax inaguensis #3

Coccothrinax macroglossa #1, #7, #45

Coccothrinax moaensis #1

Coccothrinax montana #7, #20

Coccothrinax saxicola #7

Coccothrinax scoparia #7

Coccothrinax sp. 'Azul' = macroglossa

Coccothrinax spissa #1

Cocos nucifera cv. 'Malayan Green' et al.

Copernicia alba #15

Copernicia baileyana var. 'Silver' #1, #7

Copernicia ekmanii #15

Copernicia fallaensis #25

Copernicia gigas #7

Copernicia glabrescens #15

Copernicia hospita #3

Copernicia macroglossa #15

Copernicia prunifera #7

Copernicia rigida #1, #7, #20

Copernicia x vespertilionum #20

Copernicia yarey #1

Copernicia yarey × 'Hybrid' #15

Corypha umbraculifera #1, #45

Corypha utan #1

Cryosophila albida = warscewiczii

Cryosophila warscewiczii #7, #15

Cryosophila williamsii #7

Cyphophoenix alba #3, #7

Cyphophoenix elegans #7

Cyphophoenix nucele #3, #7

Cyphosperma naboutinense #15

Cyphosperma trichospadix #3

Cyrtostachys loriae #15a, #15b

Cyrtostachys renda #1, #3, #7, #15

Cyrtostachys sp. 'Hybrid' #15a, #15b

Deckenia nobilis #1, #3

Dictyosperma album #15

Dictyosperma album var. conjugatum #15

Dictyosperma album var. furfuraceum = album

Dictyosperma album var. rubrum = album

Drymophloeus sp. 'Patipi', 'Irian Jaya' #3

Drymophloeus subdistichus = Veitchia subdisticha

Dypsis albofarinosa #3, #7

Dypsis ambositrae #1

Dypsis ampasindavae #3

Dypsis arenarum #3, #7

Dypsis cabadae #1, #45

Dypsis carlsmithii #7, #25

Dypsis crinita #7, #15

Dypsis decaryi #3, #15

Dypsis dransfieldii #3

Dypsis fibrosa #3

Dypsis florencei = mirabilis

Dypsis forficifolia #1

Dypsis heteromorpha #7

Dypsis hovomantsina #3

Dypsis lastelliana #7

Dypsis leptocheilos #15

Dypsis lutescens et al.

Dypsis madagascariensis #3

Dypsis malcomberi #1

Dypsis mananjarensis #7

Dypsis mirabilis 4in, #3

Dypsis ovobontsira #7

Dypsis pembana #7, #15

Dypsis pembana var. 'Solitary' #3

Dypsis pilulifera #1, #7

Dypsis pinnatifrons #1

Dypsis plumosa #1

Dypsis prestoniana #1, #7, #10, #25

Dypsis psammophila #3

Dypsis pusilla #7

Dypsis robusta #3, #7, #10

Dypsis rosea #1

Dypsis saintelucei #7

Dypsis sp. 'Baby Red Stems' #3

Dypsis sp. 'Fine Leaf' = plumosa

Dypsis sp. 'Hybrid' #7

Dypsis sp. 'Jurassic Park' = pilulifera

Dypsis sp. 'Lafazamanga' #7a, #7b

Dypsis sp. 'Pink Crown' = rosea

Dypsis sp. 'red blush, thin stem' = Baby Red

Dypsis sp. 'White Crownshaft' = albofarinosa

Euterpe oleracea #3, #7

Euterpe precatoria var. 'Variegated' #1, #3, #7

Euterpe sp. 'Orange Crownshaft' #3

Gaussia gomez-pompae #1, #3

Geonoma schottiana #1

Gronophyllum microcarpum = Hydriastele microcarpa

Gulubia longispatha = Hydriastele longispatha

Hemithrinax ekmaniana #1

Heterospathe brevicaulis #3, #15

Heterospathe cagayanensis #7a, #7b

Heterospathe longipes #3

Heterospathe negrosensis #7

Heterospathe phillipsii #1

Heterospathe uniformis #7

Hydriastele beguinii #1

Hydriastele beguinii var. 'Obi Island Form' #7, #10

Hydriastele dransfieldii #1, #3, #7, #15

Hydriastele longispatha #7

Hydriastele microcarpa #1, #3, #15

Hydriastele pinangoides var. 'Highland Form' #3

Hydriastele rostrata = wendlandiana

Hydriastele sp. 'Highland P.N.G.' #1

Hydriastele wendlandiana #3, #7a, #7b

Hyophorbe indica #3

Hyophorbe lagenicaulis et al.

Hyophorbe verschaffeltii et al.

Hyphaene coriacea #20

Iguanura speciosa #1

Iguanura tenuis #1

Iriartea deltoidea #1

Itaya amicorum #3, #7, #15

Johannesteijsmannia altifrons #1

Johannesteijsmannia perakensis #3

Kentiopsis magnifica #7

Kentiopsis oliviformis #1, #3, #7, #15, #25

Kentiopsis pyriformis #3, #7, #15

Kerriodoxa elegans #3, #7a, #7b

Lanonia acaulis #1, #3

Lanonia centralis #1

Lanonia dasyantha #3, #7

Latania verschaffeltii #15

Lepidozamia peroffskyana #7

Licuala aurantiaca = paludosa var. aurantiaca

Licuala bayana #3

Licuala dasyantha = Lanonia dasyantha

Licuala distans 4in, #3

Licuala dransfieldii = ridleyana

Licuala fordiana #7

Licuala glabra var. selangorensis #2

Licuala grandis #3a, #3b, #7a, #7b

Licuala lauterbachii #15

Licuala merguensis #3

Licuala montana #3, #7

Licuala naumannii #1, #3

Licuala paludosa #1, #3, #7, #15

Licuala paludosa var. aurantiaca #7

Licuala peekelii #7

Licuala peltata #1a, #1b, #3

Licuala peltata var. sumawongii #1, #3, #7

Licuala poonsakii #1, #3

Licuala ridleyana #7

Licuala rumphii #7, #15

Licuala sallehana #2

Licuala sp. 'Fairchild Garden' #3

Licuala sp. 'Yal Bral' = Lanonia acaulis

Licuala spinosa #3, #15

Licuala stenophylla #2

Licuala terengganuensis #1

Licuala thoana #2

Livistona jenkinsiana #1

Livistona rigida #15

Livistona robinsoniana = Saribus rotundifolius

Livistona rotundifolia = Saribus rotundifolius

Livistona rotundifolia var. luzonensis = S. rotundifolius

Loxococcus rupicola #1, #3

Lytocaryum hoehnei = Syagrus hoehnei

Lytocaryum weddellianum = Syagrus weddelliana

Marojejya darianii #1

Mauritia flexuosa #3, #7

Metroxylon vitiense #3, #15

Neoveitchia storckii #7

Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum #3

Normanbya normanbyi #1, #3

Orania decipiens var. montana = palindan

Orania palindan #1, #7, #15

Orania sylvicola #3

Pelagodoxa henryana #3, #15

Phoenicophorium borsigianum #1, #7

Phoenix rupicola #15

Phytelephas macrocarpa #1

Pinanga adangensis #1, #7

Pinanga coronata #1, #7, #15

Pinanga fractiflexa* #7

Pinanga heterophylla #1

Pinanga insignis #1

Pinanga kuhlii = coronata

Pinanga maculata #1

Pinanga sobolifera #1

Pinanga sp. 'Kanchanaburiensis' #3

Pinanga sp. 'Thai Mottled' 4in, #7a, #7b

Pinanga speciosa #1, #3

Polyandrococos caudescens = Allagoptera caudescens

Ponapea ledermanniana #7

Pritchardia beccariana #25

Pritchardia hillebrandii #1, #3, #25

Pritchardia martii #3

Pritchardia schattaueri #7

Pritchardia vuylstekeana #3, #7, #15

Pseudophoenix sargentii #7

Pseudophoenix sargentii var. navassana #7

Ptychococcus lepidotus #7

Ptychosperma caryotoides #1, #7

Ptychosperma cuneatum #7, #15

Ptychosperma elegans et al.

Ptychosperma lauterbachii #7

Ptychosperma ledermannianum = Ponapea

Ptychosperma macarthurii et al.

Ptychosperma pullenii #7

Ptychosperma sp. #7

Ptychosperma sp. 'Wotoboho' #3

Ptychosperma waitianum #1, #7

Raphia sudanica #20

Ravenea dransfieldii #7, #10

Ravenea glauca #15

Reinhardtia latisecta #1

Rhapidophyllum hystrix #1, #7

Rhapis excelsa et al.

Rhapis excelsa cv. nana 'Super Dwarf' #2

Rhapis gracilis* #7

Rhapis humilis #7

Rhapis multifida = humilis

Rhapis sp. #3

Rhopaloblaste augusta #3, #7

Rhopaloblaste ceramica #1

Roscheria melanochaetes #7

Roystonea oleracea #3

Salacca magnifica #7

Salacca zalacca #3

Saribus rotundifolius #3

Satakentia liukiuensis #3, #15

Schippia concolor #1

Serenoa repens var. 'Silver Form' #3

Siphokentia beguinii = Hydriastele beguinii

Siphokentia dransfieldii = Hydriastele dransfieldii

Syagrus coronata #3

Syagrus hoehnei #3, #7

Syagrus quinquefaria = coronata

Syagrus ruschiana #3, #7

Syagrus sp. 'Hybrid' #3

Syagrus weddelliana #7

Thrinax parviflora #7

Thrinax radiata #3, #7

Trachycarpus takil #3

Veillonia alba = Cyphophoenix alba

Veitchia arecina et al.

Veitchia metiti #3

Veitchia montgomeryana = arecina

Veitchia sp. = arecina

Veitchia subdisticha #3

Veitchia vitiensis #7

Verschaffeltia splendida #1, #7, #25

Voanioala gerardii #3

Wodyetia bifurcata et al.

Wodyetia × Veitchia F2 #1

Zamia inermis #1, #7

Zamia standleyi #3

Zombia antillarum #3, #20



  • Like 2
  • Upvote 2

South Florida


The same list as above, in a downloadable (.pdf) format with screenshots.

As mentioned above, I will not have printed sale booklets at the sale. Feel free to print out either version if you need a copy to take with you.


- Palm & Cycad List - ExpFile_PalmCycadF20.pdf

1574252234_PalmCycadF201of3.thumb.jpg.c9d7a1f243b9b2adfed14cfd2dd7bc16.jpg 1789187566_PalmCycadF202of3.thumb.jpg.3475e642c72b9f50d26725d7be414dcd.jpg 1694509284_PalmCycadF203of3.thumb.jpg.569ea2398f150295a4688df98bf89464.jpg


  • Like 2

South Florida


Oooooo... Clinostigma exorrhizum and C. ponapense! And of course, Cyrtostachys:w00:  

Not to mention, that Croton list, wow!!!

Wish I could make it this year.  I’m sure it is going to be a blast for everyone!  Enjoy and I hope it is the most successful sale yet Ryan and Jeff.



Nice Job Ryan and Jeff. It's going to be a great weekend dreaming about the plants and building my buy list.  Woohoo!


Stuart, Florida

Zone 10a

So many palms, so little room

On 9/13/2020 at 9:02 PM, kinzyjr said:

Some of the CFPACS folks will be there on Friday to pay you all a visit.

Yes, that's what I heard. I will welcome all with open arms!!! Lol

  • Upvote 1

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

On 9/14/2020 at 12:39 AM, RedRabbit said:

Do you guys have any plans of coming back to Sarasota?

We did bit I think the Tropiflora Sale has been canceled.  

  • Like 1

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.


I can't make it Thursday but I'll be there Friday morning!

On 9/13/2020 at 9:02 PM, kinzyjr said:

Some of the CFPACS folks will be there on Friday to pay you all a visit.

I'm going to make the trip down for the sale. Cant wait 

  • Like 1
On 9/15/2020 at 9:15 PM, chad2468emr said:

... Any chance there will be some dypsis lastelliana available? 

Part two...

- Yes, we have a single specimen for sale and I found it. It is well-overgrown in a 7-gallon pot. It is $125.00 and really needs to go into the ground.

DSC_0079.thumb.JPG.9e8259412612b4ea4a637b84fbcfa7f3.JPG DSC_0078.thumb.JPG.f3af30dfa1d250175a29edf60d45b1d2.JPG DSC_0084.thumb.JPG.5d9e6dca2a508effcf984860f22de785.JPG

- The crownshaft and lower leaf bases. The pot is more roots than soil. Clippers for scale.

DSC_0080.thumb.JPG.4d00919abab358f9ea82472448ba0494.JPG DSC_0081.thumb.JPG.be2142bdba5770732e359c92e9694e40.JPG DSC_0082.thumb.JPG.ccb3a1de0061e1428d45df942db63360.JPG


South Florida


A popular request...

- Cyrtostachys sp. 'Hybrid' - #15a gallon (smaller specimen on left) $1800.00 - #15b gallon (larger specimen on right) $2200.00

DSC_0085.thumb.JPG.fd98c068234a83f980afabb81a28e72b.JPG DSC_0086.thumb.JPG.ed33d78f9c0405c7da9680df387634f0.JPG

- Closer view of the larger, 15-gallon specimen and a tighter shot looking at the leaf bases of the same palm.

DSC_0087.thumb.JPG.ae5e1a5814710af7e61c1dc31fe2a642.JPG DSC_0088.thumb.JPG.c2cd04a3fc881e833fe27ac6d87b3299.JPG

- The bases of both plants. (B) The bases and suckers of the larger plant. (C) Both plants again.

DSC_0089.thumb.JPG.7774571ab0f58daf25a57a77f9b1a5b6.JPG DSC_0090.thumb.JPG.8a703eaae25903329882d733cfd1fd4b.JPG DSC_0091.thumb.JPG.fcc05b2511960dadb31a72e9343a57fa.JPG


South Florida


- The tables at the moment. Some odd an' end positioning still left to do, but most of the gallons and smaller plants are in place. Tables placed all the way off the sidewalk to create space.

DSC_0067.thumb.JPG.45eb4d9bf43de9014cd0ec10ccede08d.JPG DSC_0068.thumb.JPG.bfdbfe5bd0ef6861856a07c9caf32587.JPG

- Got to figure out what fits where, where how and when...

DSC_0069.thumb.JPG.b049ad2291e409451478ab1aeac81276.JPG DSC_0070.thumb.JPG.e46d59064e48657ef59952fb4e2aa1f1.JPG


  • Like 3

South Florida


- A few quick random shots down the sidewalk. Looks bigger with all the plants pushed off onto the ground cloth.

DSC_0071.thumb.JPG.8fea5aeccab21d5e07b6092c6c54966b.JPG DSC_0072.thumb.JPG.7949d8c6c1241a1bdb02296358607384.JPG

DSC_0073.thumb.JPG.5d67ce9e30dea0f7b84c2658a9e88791.JPG DSC_0074.thumb.JPG.db605337fb31a7a100ecd8fd674f019a.JPG DSC_0075.thumb.JPG.dba491390971ee259a0d6c6297b088e6.JPG

DSC_0076.thumb.JPG.b3ae85c2c0656a10b02d95d8f586728c.JPG DSC_0077.thumb.JPG.e86680f66946f886fc84abab5d825fc7.JPG


  • Like 1
  • Upvote 2

South Florida


A few key notes in regards to the sale. Due to the pandemic and other factors certain things will be different during this 'Ganza:


- Social distancing and Mask requirement. - All the expected requirements for social distancing and the use of masks will be enforced. I could recommend multiple masks as they may get dirty easily in the heat and humidity. Sanitizer will be available, but you are welcome to bring your own as well. We spaced out areas as much as possible but extra care will be needed as we figure customers can easily lose track of where they are as they are browsing through the selection.

- No Checklist - I was not able to make my usual location and verification checklist. I will not be able to quickly locate a certain species along the sidewalk nor verify if a species or size has been pulled. We would have to look for it the old fashion way.

- Shadehouse Organization - Due to the lack of a checklist, some of plants in the shadehouse will be out of order. One of the functions of the checklist is to organize all the plants in the shadehouse into species groups so they share the same display card. I have been working on moving things around manually, but without a global view provided by the checklist, it's slow going. Some groups will not have a card present as it is in front of another group somewhere else along the sidewalk.

- Booklets - As I mentioned above, there will not be any sale booklets or sale sheets at the sale. The lists posted above can be printed out in different ways or just kept at the ready on your phone.

- Reduced Staff and Volunteers - The pandemic has made it difficult for the usual amount of volunteers to attend the sale as they would like to. They will not be on hand to answer questions with typical speed. Certain parts of the sales area will have reduced staff and volunteers and so it might take longer to get assistance in loading plants. Bring extra elbow grease if needed.

- No Food - No BBQ this time. Too difficult to work it into all the current guidelines. We will have drinks on hand, I believe.

- Rain - There will be an increased chance of rain during the first weekend. This isn't all-together different, but it has been forecast so don't forget your rain gear. I was foreseeing people crammed together under tents or in the barn with no spacing what-so-ever; so with more rain gear it should be able to keep things more spaced out.


I will post more notes if I think of anything or if it comes up tomorrow and/or during the week.


  • Upvote 3

South Florida


I’m coming on Saturday, good idea on multiple masks. They can get saturated over time. Looking forward to the sale. 


mask in hand...headed to Jeffs for their 8 am opening.

The Palm Mahal

Hollywood Fla


Great sale at Jeff's today. Lots of stuff to be had. Picked up some items that I had never seen on sale anywhere. Very cool day. 

Thanks Jeff and Ryan!

  • Upvote 1


Stuart, Florida

Zone 10a

So many palms, so little room


Went by today, awesome selection, picked up a few different palms to add to the collection. 




  • Like 2

Second weekend starting tomorrow. I know Jeff had spent the last few days pulling plants, mostly trying to replace what had sold during the first weekend. The weather should be slightly better than what we experienced during the first four days last week, but still bring your rain gear. The notes posted above still apply.

In regards to messages asking about what plants may still be available, I will try to track them down tomorrow during the sale and have the info for Saturday.


  • Like 1

South Florida

  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/29/2020 at 6:49 PM, Palmarum said:

Part two...

- Yes, we have a single specimen for sale and I found it. It is well-overgrown in a 7-gallon pot. It is $125.00 and really needs to go into the ground.

DSC_0079.thumb.JPG.9e8259412612b4ea4a637b84fbcfa7f3.JPG DSC_0078.thumb.JPG.f3af30dfa1d250175a29edf60d45b1d2.JPG DSC_0084.thumb.JPG.5d9e6dca2a508effcf984860f22de785.JPG

- The crownshaft and lower leaf bases. The pot is more roots than soil. Clippers for scale.

DSC_0080.thumb.JPG.4d00919abab358f9ea82472448ba0494.JPG DSC_0081.thumb.JPG.be2142bdba5770732e359c92e9694e40.JPG DSC_0082.thumb.JPG.ccb3a1de0061e1428d45df942db63360.JPG


I've been so swamped with work lately that I haven't been on here much and it also caused me to miss this sale. Needless to say I have bruises from kicking myself now because that palm was EXACTLY what I was looking for. 

Former South Florida resident living in the Greater Orlando Area, zone 9b.

Constantly wishing I could still grow zone 10 palms worry-free, but also trying to appease my strange fixation with Washingtonias. 

Just now, chad2468emr said:

I've been so swamped with work lately that I haven't been on here much and it also caused me to miss this sale. Needless to say I have bruises from kicking myself now because that palm was EXACTLY what I was looking for. 

Being very busy at this time was a common trend during the sale. I talked with customers that attended the second weekend because they simply could not make the first, due to work and other conditions. I got a number of messages afterwards from those who missed both weekends. That D. lastelliana did go home with someone. I do not remember selling the palm myself, but I do remember placing a group of restocked palms in that spot.

On a related note, the regular topic describing the Fall Extravaganza has been started in the main sub-Forum:

Link: The 22nd Annual Fall 'Ganza


South Florida

  • 3 months later...
11 minutes ago, V-Cycle said:

When is the next one?

March 4th-7th and 12th-14th I just received the flyer today 


  • Like 2
  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone go to this? Looking for a Caryota Obtusa, and Kentiopsis Oliviformis. 

40 minutes ago, RayRay said:

Anyone go to this? Looking for a Caryota Obtusa, and Kentiopsis Oliviformis. 


Yes I did and they had both this morning


I went on the past Saturday.

Lots of plants.  I probably went too late as they didn't have many crotons left.

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