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Fall Reveal


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This has been a good season for revealing pretty nice crown shaft color due to leaf sheath fall. It seems like every week something new is giving a splash of color in the garden. It was a rather hot, dry summer for Hilo, but the rain has finally returned this week. 

Here are a few photos.


Basselinia eriostachys and pancheri.



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Hilo, Hawaii

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The Lemurophoenix dropped another leaf sheath, not quite as colorful as the last time, but just incredible just the same. 


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Hilo, Hawaii

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A couple of Dypsis.

D. basilonga, D. 'orange crush', D. saintelucei





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Hilo, Hawaii

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Dypsis mananjarensis, not a crown shaft, but the new leaf spear.

D. lafazamanga





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Hilo, Hawaii

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Dictyocarum lamarckianum. Just an amazing palm and the three of them shed leaf sheaths within weeks on one another.


IMG_E6084 (1).jpg

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Hilo, Hawaii

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Finishing up with...

Clinostigma samoense and Satakentia liukiuensis. The Satakentia was from a few months back, but I love this photo. 




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Hilo, Hawaii

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2 hours ago, realarch said:

Here are a few photos.


Basselinia eriostachys and pancheri.

Ahh Tim, makes me want to travel to the Big Island to see the Autumn colors changing on living plants and leaves.  I never did get the appeal of seeing dying leaves change color :D , but that's coming from a native of Southern California.  Perhaps this is my own little way of returning the comments of people who move here and complain about the lack of seasonal variation.  Some people just need to get out a snow shovel to feel the seasons have changed, while others of us appreciate some more subtle differences.

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33.0782 North -117.305 West  at 72 feet elevation

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Spectacular colors! That Dictyocarum Lamarckianum looks like it has fluorescence effects under a black light.

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Mission Viejo, CA

Limited coastal influence

5-10 days of frost

IPS and PSSC Member

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Thanks PalmTalkers, always a pleasure looking at and sharing garden photos.



Hilo, Hawaii

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