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Playing around with some lists.  Made this one of all my pots in house.  Aside from some randos I picked up in Florida and got to sprout, I have identified most all of them! Granted, I had to go back through a bunch of old message and figure out what the heck @DoomsDave and others have mailed to me over the years.  But even the store-boughts are not guarantees until you see how they look when they get older.  Not a long list, but pretty good for this hobbyist and his little shared ranch.

Adonidia merrillii
Agave americana
Aloe rubroviolacea(?)
Aloe noideaensis
Alpinia galanga
Ananas comosus
Archontophoenix tuckerii (2)
Caryota mitis (fishtail)
Chamaedorea cataractarem (big spread)
Chamaedorea costaricana (bamboo-looking thin palm)
Chamaedorea elegans
Chamaedorea radicalis
Citrus x sinensis (blood orange, maybe meyer lemon? 5 years old, flower soon?)
Coccoloba uvifera (sea grape)
Codiaeum veriegatum (croton)
Curcuma longa
Cycas revoluta
Dracaena deremensis
Dypsis lutescens(90% sure?)
Dypsis plumosa (3 seedlings w/buried pot)
Echeveria derenbergii(??)
Echeveria wtf-ia
Phoenix roebelenii
Ravenea rivularis
Trithrinax brasiliensis var acanthacoma (in the tiki-sign pot)
Veitchia arecina(?)
Zingiber officinale

Still waiting on positive ID for some of those Florida randos; one of which has nearly 5 foot fronds and I think is a brand of cane palm?  But no trunk yet and recovering from a die-back, so I'm not ready to call it...  (also I have no clue what I'm doing)  There's also a lot of "stuff I was eating" like the ginger, citrus seeds, etc. that just got planted at some point.

Some of the bigger pots like the succulents, Majesty, cycad, and pygmy date go outside in the summer.  But most of these are always indoors, and now that I have lots of windows I don't even need grow lights.  I'm not going to say they're all super healthy and loving the dry indoor Nebraska winter, but they're all still alive (so far).

What do you have?

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."


Looks like you are about 3 years away from either needing a new house or a new hobby lol. 


we are "at capacity" right now...  

And we just got this house!

  • Like 1

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."


On my patio, I've got 

Washie Robusta

Cocos Plumosa (still hasn't gone pinnate, 2 1/2 ft tall or so)

2 Ravenea Rivularis

Small D. Lutescens

And 1 C. Cataractum that may or may not last. 


Inside I've got 

Basic snake plant 

2 tiny Dracaenas


Cast Iron Plant

A little Kentia

A biggish Cataractarum

Tons of little C. Elegans in community pots

Some form of Ti plant 

Rhapsis Exselcea 

A couple baby L. Weddellanium 

A really rough looking Calthea 

And - what used to be 5 money trees braided together. Now there's one left and it's growing much better on its own. 


My office has a baby Kentia, a Mandarin Spider Plant, and 2 little pots of D. Lutescens that are much happier in this window than they were in my apartment. :greenthumb:

  • Like 1

I left out the Ponytail Palm. Tbh it's not one of my favorites and it's going to be gifted to a coworker. 


I wish I had, or had room for, a Monstera!

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."


My list:

Trachy fortunei, princeps and wagnerianus, Chamaerops humilis, cerifera and vulcano, Butia capitata, Chameadorea metallica, both bi-pinnate and pinnate, nationsiana , Livistona chinensis, rotundifolia and australis, Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, Dypsis plumosa, Rhapis excelsa and multifida, Maskarena lagenicaulis, Washingtonia robusta, Cycas revoluta, rumphi, thouarsi and panzhiahuaensis, Dioon spinulosum, Zamia pumila, Yucca rostrata and some 25 species and varieties of Citrus. 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Funkthulhu said:

I wish I had, or had room for, a Monstera!

Phil @ jungle music had little ones for $20 on his end of the year sale 


I did inventory today.

On the patio:

27 Sabal louisiana, 23 Sabal brazoriensis, 6 Phoenix dactylifera, 12 Sabal minor, 12 Sabal uresana, 7 Washingtonia filifera, 2 Cycas revoluta, 2 Macrozamia communis, 3 Cycas panzhihuaensis,
3 Cycas taitungensis, 28 coonties, 10 Dioon edule, 1 Cycas debaoensis, and 1 debaoensisXrevoluta.

On the inside:

4 Zamia variegata, 11 Zamia furfuracea, 1 Ceratozamia hildae, 7 pineapples, 11 Cereus repandus(3 monstrosus), 2 Annona squamosa and a bunch of various citrus and cacti.

I've currently run out of room, but I'll be planting a lot this spring so that I have more room.

9 hours ago, Funkthulhu said:

I wish I had, or had room for, a Monstera!

Same here.


Here's my $20 Monstera. Her name is Ms. Lou, and she's going to eventually live at the front desk of my hotel. She's named after a long-term guest we tragically lost over the holidays. I really need to pot her up and take her to work. 


  • Like 1
11 hours ago, Funkthulhu said:

I wish I had, or had room for, a Monstera!

Try M. Adasonii, all the fenestrations but only a fraction of the size.

  • Like 1
  • Upvote 1

Most of my container palms stay on my back covered patio all through the year with 5 or 6 nights coming inside away from the cold for the more tender ones.  Very few stay inside all year and I also have a set-up in my office for about a third of my plants.  Timing was good for this thread as I was just considering making an inventory of my seedlings.  Last 2 years I've been germinating seeds like there's no tomorrow!  Easy to see that I've got a problem with more than 100 different species in containers...  Eventually nearly all of them will be planted out at a property I have in the Rio Grande Valley zone 10a.  So here's my list:                                         Qty

Acoelorrhaphe wrightii                                         5
Acrocomia crispa                                                  1
Adonidia merrillii                                                 2
Allagoptera arenaria                                            3
Archontophoenix alexandrae                              2
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana 'illawarra'    1
Archontophoenix maxima                                 12
Archontophoenix purpurea                                  2
Archontophoenix tuckeri                                      8
Areca triandra                                                        2
Arenga engleri                                                       1
Attalea butyracea                                                  1
Attalea cohune                                                      1
Bactris gasipaes                                                    1
Bismarckia nobilis                                                4
Brahea armata                                                       1
Brahea brandegeei                                               3
Brahea brandegeei x armata F2                        10
Brahea dulcis                                                        1
Butia odorata                                                        2
Calyptrocalyx albertisianus                                 2
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus                                   2
Carpentaria acuminata                                         4
Carpoxyon macrocarum                                       1
Caryota mitis                                                         4
Chamaedorea cataractarum                                 2
Chamaedorea elegans                                         4
Chamaedorea microspadix                                  2
Chamaedorea radicalis                                       20
Chamaerops humilis var argentea                       3
Chamaerops humilis 'vulcano'                             1
Chambeyronia macrocarpa ‘hookeri’                   3
Chambeyronia macrocarpa ‘watermelon'           8
Clinostigma warburgii                                          1
Coccothrinax barbadensis                                  14
Coccothrinax borhidiana                                       4
Coccothrinax macroglossa ‘azul’                          3
Coccothrinax miraguama                                      1
Coccothrinax miraguama ‘havanensis’                 2
Cocos nucifera                                                       4
Cocothrinax scoparia                                            4
Copernicia macroglossa hybrid F2                      5
Dictyosperma album                                            5
Dypsis decaryi                                                       1
Dypsis lastelliana                                                 2
Dypsis leptocheilos                                              7
Dypsis lutescens                                                   2
Dypsis pembana hybrid F2                                  3
Dypsis plumosa                                                    1
Dypsis prestoniana                                               4
Dypsis saintelucei                                              14
Dypsis sp. ‘mahajanga’                                         1
Euterpe edulis                                                      6
Euterpe edulis ‘orange crownshaft’                     1
Gaussia gomez-pompae                                     3
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis                                      1
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons                            1
Jubaea chilensis                                                  1
Kentiopsis oliviformis                                         1
Laccospadix australasica                                   4
Lanona dasymantha                                            1
Latania lontaroides                                             2
Licuala paludosa                                                1
Licuala spinosa                                                   2
Livistona alfredii                                                 6
Livistona chinensis                                              1
Livistona decora                                                  4
Livistona mariae x decora F2                             2
Livistona muelleri                                               3
Livistona saribus                                                 2
Normanbya normanbyi                                       8
Phoenix canariensis                                            1
Phoenix dactylifera                                            4
Phoenix reclinata                                               1
Phoenix reclinata x theophrasti                        1
Phoenix roebelenii                                             3
Phoenix roebelenii x loureiroi                          1
Phoenix rupicola                                               4
Pritchardia sp.                                                    2
Pseudophoenix vinifera                                     3
Ptychosperma elegans                                      5
Ptychosperma 'robusta'                                     5
Roystonia regia                                                  6
Sabal causiarum                                                3
Sabal domingensis                                            2
Sabal guatemalensis                                         1
Sabal maritima                                                  3
Sabal miamiensis                                              3
Sabal riverside                                                   2
Saribus rotundifolia                                          1
Serenoa repens silver                                        7
Syagrus coronata                                               2
Syagrus schizophylla x romanzoffiana            2
Syagrus romanzoffiana                                     2
Syagrus x costae                                               1
Thrinax radiata                                                  1
Trithrinax acanthacoma                                    4
Veitchia arecina                                                 3
Veitchia spiralis                                                 1
Veitchia winin                                                    1
Verschaffeltia splendida                                  1
Washingtonia filifera                                        2
Zombia antillarum                                           4

  • Like 5
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Jon Sunder


^^^ wow. 


My "30 plants in a studio apartment" doesn't seem so wild now lol 

  • Like 1
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16 minutes ago, Fusca said:

Most of my container palms stay on my back covered patio all through the year with 5 or 6 nights coming inside away from the cold for the more tender ones.  Very few stay inside all year and I also have a set-up in my office for about a third of my plants.  Timing was good for this thread as I was just considering making an inventory of my seedlings.  Last 2 years I've been germinating seeds like there's no tomorrow!  Easy to see that I've got a problem with more than 100 different species in containers...  Eventually nearly all of them will be planted out at a property I have in the Rio Grande Valley zone 10a.

You're worse than me:D.

  • Like 1
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16 minutes ago, JohnAndSancho said:

^^^ wow. 


My "30 plants in a studio apartment" doesn't seem so wild now lol 

It'll be 100 by the end of the year.

This is almost as addictive as caffeine.

  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, amh said:

It'll be 100 by the end of the year.

This is almost as addictive as caffeine.

Well, yeah but a lot of that will be splitting up multiples and a big envelope of seeds from @DoomsDave - lol plus a huge window in a tiny office. 

  • Like 1

butia odorata

chamaerops humilis

chamaerops humilis cerifera

trachycarpus wagnerianus

rhapidophyllum hystrix

archontophoenix cunninghamiana illawarra

Phoenix theophrasti

phoenix rupicola

ravenea Rivularis



Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, JohnAndSancho said:

^^^ wow. 

My "30 plants in a studio apartment" doesn't seem so wild now lol 


10 hours ago, amh said:

You're worse than me:D.


10 hours ago, Keys6505 said:

Try M. Adasonii, all the fenestrations but only a fraction of the size.

My list was only palms and only a handful of them have adult leaves ready for planting so they're pretty small.  I also have a small Monstera adansonii and a couple of other plants that remain inside.  Plus a few citrus, delonix regia, moringa, papaya, Ebenopsis ebano, Bauhinias.  None of these will remain in San Antonio - good thing I have an acre of property to plant on!

Edited by Fusca
  • Like 1

Jon Sunder


Here's what's at my office - no windows in current location so I got the plant light on a timer.  Heat mat with thermostat and baggies plus about 20% of the seedlings here.



  • Like 4

Jon Sunder


You have excellent taste in planters @Fusca


  • Like 4
13 hours ago, amh said:

I did inventory today.

On the patio:

27 Sabal louisiana, 23 Sabal brazoriensis, 6 Phoenix dactylifera, 12 Sabal minor, 12 Sabal uresana, 7 Washingtonia filifera, 2 Cycas revoluta, 2 Macrozamia communis, 3 Cycas panzhihuaensis,
3 Cycas taitungensis, 28 coonties, 10 Dioon edule, 1 Cycas debaoensis, and 1 debaoensisXrevoluta.

On the inside:

4 Zamia variegata, 11 Zamia furfuracea, 1 Ceratozamia hildae, 7 pineapples, 11 Cereus repandus(3 monstrosus), 2 Annona squamosa and a bunch of various citrus and cacti.

I've currently run out of room, but I'll be planting a lot this spring so that I have more room.

Same here.

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, that over 170 plants...  *respect claps*

  • Like 2

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."

11 hours ago, Fusca said:

Most of my container palms stay on my back covered patio all through the year with 5 or 6 nights coming inside away from the cold for the more tender ones.  Very few stay inside all year and I also have a set-up in my office for about a third of my plants.  Timing was good for this thread as I was just considering making an inventory of my seedlings.  Last 2 years I've been germinating seeds like there's no tomorrow!  Easy to see that I've got a problem with more than 100 different species in containers...  Eventually nearly all of them will be planted out at a property I have in the Rio Grande Valley zone 10a.  So here's my list:                                         Qty


Nvrmnd, amh, Fusca's got over 325!

  • Like 2

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."

4 hours ago, Fusca said:

Here's what's at my office - no windows in current location so I got the plant light on a timer.  Heat mat with thermostat and baggies plus about 20% of the seedlings here.





What timer setting do you have on the grow lights.  Also, what potting medium are you using for the seedlings, as well as in the baggies.  Curious minds what to know.



Unified Theory of Palm Seed Germination


(Where: bh = bottom heat, fs = fresh seed, L = love, m = magic, p = patience, and t = time)

DISCLAIMER: Working theory; not yet peer reviewed.

"Fronds come and go; the spear is life!" - Anonymous Palmtalker

3 hours ago, Funkthulhu said:

Nvrmnd, amh, Fusca's got over 325!


4 hours ago, JohnAndSancho said:

You have excellent taste in planters

Thankfully there's not 325+ containers!  Now you can see why I'm using drink cups!  :lol:

  • Like 2

Jon Sunder

2 minutes ago, GoatLockerGuns said:

What timer setting do you have on the grow lights.  Also, what potting medium are you using for the seedlings, as well as in the baggies.  Curious minds what to know.

Hey Rich.  It varies with the species but the standard mix I'm using in most containers is roughly a 50/50 mix of Turface MVP and Scott's topsoil or potting mix which results in a mix that drains fast.  For some species I use coco coir and pine bark chips instead of the topsoil/potting mix for really quick drainage.   In my baggies I just use sphagnum moss.  I set my grow light timer for 12 hours each day.  In my old office location I had a window with great filtered sunlight and didn't need grow lights, but here in the new location at Medina there's no windows at all in the building.  So far it seems to be working OK - I've noticed more growth since setting it up this past summer.


  • Upvote 1

Jon Sunder

5 hours ago, Funkthulhu said:

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, that over 170 plants...  *respect claps*

There's more, but they are still seedlings.

1 hour ago, Fusca said:


Thankfully there's not 325+ containers!  Now you can see why I'm using drink cups!  :lol:

I've found that the Styrofoam cups are superior to the nursery style pots for seed starting and young plants.


Like @Fusca, many of my potted palms stay outside for most of the year (except for the hard core tropicals).  My meager list:

Adonidia merrillii, 7 Potted

Arenga engleri, 1 Potted

Bismarckia nobilis, 1 Potted

Brahea armata, 1 Planted (received from @TexasColdHardyPalms)

Brahea "Super Silver" 1 Planted (received from @TexasColdHardyPalms)

Butia odorata, 2 Potted

Chamaedorea elegans, 2 Potted

Chamaerops humilis, 2 Planted and 1 Potted

Dypsis lutescens, 4 Potted

Dypsis pembana 1 Potted (received from @Fusca…possible hybrid)

Jubaea chilensis, 1 Potted (received from @TexasColdHardyPalms)

Latania loddigesii, 1 Potted

Livistona chinensis, 2 Planted and 5 Potted

Livistona decora, 2 Potted

Nannorrhops ritchiana, 1 Planted

Phoenix canariensis, 3 Potted

Phoenix dactylifera, 1 Planted and 20 Potted

Phoenix loureiroi, 1 Potted

Phoenix reclinate, 1 Potted

Phoenix roebelenii, 16 Potted

Phoenix theophrasti, 2 Potted

Pseudophoenix vinifera, 2 Potted (received from @Fusca)

Roystonea regia, 1 Potted

Sabal causiarum, 1 Planted and 1 Potted

Sabal mexicana, 1 Planted and 3 Potted

Sabal minor, 2 Planted

Sabal palmetto, 1 Planted

Sabal uresana, 1 Potted

Serenoa repens, 3 Planted and 1 Potted

Syagrus romanzoffiana, 1 Potted

Thrinax radiata, 4 Potted

Trachycarpus fortunei,  1 Planted

Trithrinax brasiliensis, 1 Planted (received from @Fusca)

Washingtonia filifera, 10 Planted and 4 Potted

Wodyetia bifurcate, 1 Potted (received from @Fusca)

  • Like 3
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Unified Theory of Palm Seed Germination


(Where: bh = bottom heat, fs = fresh seed, L = love, m = magic, p = patience, and t = time)

DISCLAIMER: Working theory; not yet peer reviewed.

"Fronds come and go; the spear is life!" - Anonymous Palmtalker


My palmlist:

Howea forsreriana x 2

Archontoohoenix alexandrae

Hyophorbe lagenicaulis

Dypsis lutescens x 14

Phoenix canariensis


Monstera deliciosa 'Albo variegata'


  • Like 2
17 hours ago, cisco said:

Monstera deliciosa 'Albo variegata'


Tuija, nice looking Monstera!  Here's my small M. adansonii that I just got recently.


  • Like 1

Jon Sunder

20 hours ago, cisco said:

My palmlist:

Howea forsreriana x 2

Archontoohoenix alexandrae

Hyophorbe lagenicaulis

Dypsis lutescens x 14

Phoenix canariensis


Monstera deliciosa 'Albo variegata'


Great looking monstera, I really like the variegation.

  • Like 1
On 1/7/2021 at 10:16 AM, Funkthulhu said:

I wish I had, or had room for, a Monstera!

Fwiw Jungle Music has the Monsteras on sale for $20/1 gal on their weekly specials again right now. 

  • Like 1
  • 9 months later...

Who made it inside this month?

Adonidia merrillii
Agave americana
Aloe rubroviolacea(?)
Aloe noideaensis
Alpinia galanga
Ananas comosus
Archontophoenix tuckerii (1!)
Caryota mitis (fishtail)
Chamaedorea cataractarem (big spread)
Chamaedorea costaricana (bamboo-looking thin palm)
Chamaedorea elegans
Chamaedorea radicalis
Citrus x sinensis (blood orange, maybe Meyer lemon? 6 years old, flower soon?)
Coccoloba uvifera (sea grape)
Codiaeum veriegatum (croton)
Curcuma longa
Crassula ovata
Cycas revoluta (Repot, bigger than ever!)
Dracaena deremensis
Dypsis lutescens(90% sure?)
Dypsis plumosa (2 seedlings)
Echeveria derenbergii(??)
Echeveria wtf-ia
Epipremnum aureum (3?)
Ficus carica
Ficus lyrata

Monstera deliciosa (neat!)
Parodia magnifica (??? - my niece gave my wife one this year)

Phoenix roebelenii
Ravenea rivularis
Strelitzia nicolai

Trithrinax brasiliensis var acanthacoma 
Veitchia arecina (2)
Zingiber officinale

new in Bold

I also need to decide if I will dig up a couple varieties of Colocasia, an Ensete, and Musa basjoo I still have out front.

We just moved into this place 2 years ago and I already need more room for plants.  (arguably I needed more room when we moved in, but whatevs...)

  • Like 1

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."

  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/18/2021 at 12:13 PM, Funkthulhu said:

Who made it inside this month?

Adonidia merrillii
Agave americana
Aloe rubroviolacea(?)
Aloe noideaensis
Alpinia galanga
Ananas comosus
Archontophoenix tuckerii (1!)
Caryota mitis (fishtail)
Chamaedorea cataractarem (big spread)
Chamaedorea costaricana (bamboo-looking thin palm)
Chamaedorea elegans
Chamaedorea radicalis
Citrus x sinensis (blood orange, maybe Meyer lemon? 6 years old, flower soon?)
Coccoloba uvifera (sea grape)
Codiaeum veriegatum (croton)
Curcuma longa
Crassula ovata
Cycas revoluta (Repot, bigger than ever!)
Dracaena deremensis
Dypsis lutescens(90% sure?)
Dypsis plumosa (2 seedlings)
Echeveria derenbergii(??)
Echeveria wtf-ia
Epipremnum aureum (3?)
Ficus carica
Ficus lyrata

Monstera deliciosa (neat!)
Parodia magnifica (??? - my niece gave my wife one this year)

Phoenix roebelenii
Ravenea rivularis
Strelitzia nicolai

Trithrinax brasiliensis var acanthacoma 
Veitchia arecina (2)
Zingiber officinale

new in Bold

I also need to decide if I will dig up a couple varieties of Colocasia, an Ensete, and Musa basjoo I still have out front.

We just moved into this place 2 years ago and I already need more room for plants.  (arguably I needed more room when we moved in, but whatevs...)

I'm a few weeks behind you and am trying to figure out where I can stash everything. I'm hoping La Nina will give me a warm 8B winter instead of my usual 8A. Luckily most of my palms and cycads are cold hardy and will handle anything above 18F in pots. I'm going to have a busy spring planting sabals.

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