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Butia odorata (7)

Butia eriospatha (6)

Butia x jubaea (6)

Butia x jubaea (Merrill Wilcox) (2)

Butia yatay x jubaea (ps) (1)

Butia x Parajubaea sunkha (ps) (1)

Butia x Parajubaea torallyi (ps)(1)

Butia supermule (1)

Butia x jubaea x Syagrus schizophylla (1)

(Butia x jubaea) x (butia x syagrus r) (ps) (1)

Brahea armata (2)

Brahea clara 'icy blue' (2)

Brahea clara (3)

Brahea edulis (1)

Chamaerops humilis (1)

Chamaerops humilis 'cerifera' (1)

Jubaea chilensis (2)

Jubaea x butia (3)

Livistona nítida (2)

Sabal minor (1)

Sabal brazoriensis (2)

Trachycarpus fortunei (9)

Trachycarpus oreophilus (1)

Trachycarpus wagnerianus (1)

Trachycarpus princeps x wagnerianus (ps) (1)

Washingtonia filifera /filibusta (1)



Brahea clara 'icy blue' (1)

Butia odorata (1)

Butia x parajubaea sunkha (1)

Butia x jubaea (1)

Chamaerops humilis 'cerifera' (1)

Chamaedorea radicalis (seedling) (4)

Jubaea x syagrus romanzoffiana (ps) (1)

Trachycarpus nanus x wagnerianus (ps) (1)

Livistona chinensis subglobosa (seedling) (4)


Total palms: 75 






  • Like 5

You can totally tell the general zone of said gardens just by what’s planted. :P

  • Like 5
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....guess I need to do inventory tomorrow.

  • Like 4

On the advice from my lawyer, I take the 5th to not self incriminate myself to my wife.   

  • Like 7
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Huntington Beach, CA

USDA Zone 10a/10b

Sunset Zone 24

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, idesign123 said:

While I won't win for the most TOTAL palms, I might be in the race for the most palms purchased in 2021 (so far). Here's a list of palms I've purchased in 2021...

- Archontophoenix purpurea (1 M, 1 S)
- Caryota maxima (1 L)
- Caryota obtusa (1 S)
- Chamaedorea costaricana (4 XL)
- Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti (1 S)
- Chamaedorea microspadix (1 L)
- Chamaedorea radicalis (1 L)
- Chamaedorea siefrizii (1 S)
- Chamaedorea tepejilote (2 M)
- Chambeyronia hookeri (1 M)
- Chambeyronia houailou (1 S)
- Chambeyronia macrocarpa (4 - S, M, L, XL)
- Coccothrinax miraguama (1 XL)
- Dypsis lafazamanga (1 M)
- Dypsis leptocheilos (1 S)
- Dypsis lutescens (2 M)
- Dypsis onilahensis "weepy" (1 S)
- Dypsis plumosa (2 M)
- Ficus dammaropsis (1 S)
- Ficus lyrata (1 XL)
- Johannesteijsmannia altifrons (1 S)
- Licuala sumawongii (1 M)
- Pritchardia martii (1 S)
- Rhopalostylis Oceana (3 L)
- Veitchia Arecina Triple (1 L, 1 M)
- Wodyetia bifurcata (1 S)

Oops, forgot about...
- Brahea decumbens (1 S)
- Coccothrinax crinita (3 S)
- Dypsis sp. 'black stem"  (1 S)
- Howea forsteriana (2 L triples + 1 L single)
- Plus a few new cycads + some exotic tropical plants from Hawaii

Is losing track of how many palms you own one of the "symptoms" of being a palm nut? If so, I've officially joined the club! Oh, and I haven't even placed my floribunda order yet (lol). I'll be making my own "thread" soon, but here are trunks of three of my favorites...


Edited by idesign123
  • Like 3

Stacey Wright  |  Graphic Designer

1 hour ago, teddytn said:

That’s a very impressive amount of sabals! What’s your thoughts on the nannorrhops arabica?

Thanks. I still have a few more Minors to add, Emerald Island Giant,  Etonia I have in pots & I'm germinating McCurtain seeds now. I also have Sabal Maritima & Lisa in pots but I think I won't plant those & keep them as back ups. 

Nannorrhops Arabica is definitely more cold sensitive. It's leaves burn a tad with temperatures in the low 20's. It's extremely drought tolerate once established but I suspect it won't appreciate constant moisture all winter as well as in summer. I planted 1 at my sisters house 9 years ago & its still there despite no supplemental water & fertilizer. She's even weedwhacked it a few times lol! On average we get about 6-7 inches of rain, all of it mostly in winter. Really tough palm. Mines been in the ground since spring 2019.

  • Like 2
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Hesperia,Southern CA (High Desert area). Zone 8b

Elevation; about 3600 ft.

Lowest temp. I can expect each year 19/20*f lowest since I've been growing palms *13(2007) Hottest temp. Each year *106

12 minutes ago, idesign123 said:

Is losing track of how many palms you own one of the "symptoms" of being a palm nut?


  • Upvote 1

this is not the place for the therapy i need.

species..stopped counting at 700

total count..2000 or so

  • Like 8
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The Palm Mahal

Hollywood Fla

1 minute ago, waykoolplantz said:

this is not the place for the therapy i need.

species..stopped counting at 700

total count..2000 or so

This forum can easily be called "Palm-aholics Anonymous", but instead of curing you, it enables you to buy more palms.

  • Like 5
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Huntington Beach, CA

USDA Zone 10a/10b

Sunset Zone 24

6 hours ago, James760 said:

Thanks. I still have a few more Minors to add, Emerald Island Giant,  Etonia I have in pots & I'm germinating McCurtain seeds now. I also have Sabal Maritima & Lisa in pots but I think I won't plant those & keep them as back ups. 

Nannorrhops Arabica is definitely more cold sensitive. It's leaves burn a tad with temperatures in the low 20's. It's extremely drought tolerate once established but I suspect it won't appreciate constant moisture all winter as well as in summer. I planted 1 at my sisters house 9 years ago & its still there despite no supplemental water & fertilizer. She's even weedwhacked it a few times lol! On average we get about 6-7 inches of rain, all of it mostly in winter. Really tough palm. Mines been in the ground since spring 2019.

Same here, I’ve got a lot in pots right now. I’m really interested in the emerald island giant. I’ve got seeds germinating of nannorrhops ritchiana, I think they’re worth giving a shot in a super protected raised bed here. Still pretty rare in the states, but if I lived anywhere hot and dry I would be experimenting with ritchiana and arabica for sure. 

  • Like 2
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I missed a couple in my list, though nothing too exotic...Adonidia merillii,  Acoelorrhaphe wrightii, Sabal domengensis and some what I'll call native Sabal species in the yard as well.

Should be adding more after this weekends CFPACS meeting and trip to MB Palms on Orlando.  Shhhhh, don't tell wife! :drool:

  • Like 5

In ground

Sabal palmetto 4, maybe 0 after this winter

sabal Birmingham 2

sabal Louisiana 2

sabal minor 7

sabal minor mccurtain 1

trachycarpus Takil 3


sabal palmetto 30 seedlings, 3 one gallon, 1 five gallon

sabal mexicana

sabal etonia

trachycarpus fortunei 6

Chamaerops humilis 1

washingtonia filifera 1

non palms is where the weight of my collection stands conservatively 500 other plants and trees in ground or potted. 


  • Like 3
10 hours ago, waykoolplantz said:

this is not the place for the therapy i need.

species..stopped counting at 700

total count..2000 or so

You got issues!! :D

  • Like 2
14 hours ago, joe_OC said:

On the advice from my lawyer, I take the 5th to not self incriminate myself to my wife.   

Joe, skip the count inventory and come to the confessional on the species you have represented.

My garden is a mix of Palms, Aloes, Aloidendron, Cycads and a few trees, so the Palm count isn't that high and neither the home I live in nor my previous garden which is now a rental are that big of properties (about 1/4 acre each).  I was looking at the species diversity between the two, and the newer planted garden here in Leucadia is more diverse on Palms, Cycads, Aloes and Aloidendron than my older garden.  I will skip pots in plants which may or may not stay and just list species that are in the ground in the respective properties.

Carlsbad garden palm species :

Bismarckia nobilis



Beccariophoenix fenestralis
Burretiokentia hapala
Caryota gigas
Chamaedorea no id
Chambeyronia macrocarpa
Chambeyronia macrocarpa "hookeri"
Chamerops humilis
Clinostigma savoryanum
Dypsis decaryi
Dypsis lutescens
Dypsis pembana
Foxy Lady Wodyetia bifurcata x Vetichia
Howea belmoreana
Howea forsteriana
Hyophorbe indica
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis
Kentiopsis oliviformis
Phoenix reclinata
Phoenix roebelenii
Pritchardia hillebrandii
Pritchardia maideniana
Pritchardia no id
Psuedophoenix sargentii
Ravenea glauca
Rhopalostylis baueri
Rhopalostylis sapida
Sabal mauritiformis
Veitchia spiralis
Wodyetia bifurcata

Leucadia inventory of palm species or variants:

Adonida merillii hybrid
Allagoptera caudescens
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana
Arenga engleri
Burretiokentia hapala
Burretiokentia kogihensis
Caryota urens
Chamaedorea adscendens
Chamaedorea ernest-augustii
Chamaedorea geonomformis
Chamaedorea metallica
Chamaedorea neurochlamys
Chaemaedorea oblongata
Chambeyronia houailou
Chambeyronia macrocarpa "hookeri"
Chamaedorea hooperiana
Clinostigma savoryanum
Cocothrinax argentata
Cocothrinax borhidiana hybrid
Cocothrinax crinita
Cocothrinax miraguama "azul"
Copernicia baileyana x hospita aka "x Textilis"
Cyphophoenix elegans
Cyphophoenix nucele
Cyphosperma balansae
Dypsis "lanceonada" maybe "mayotte"
Dypsis ambositrae
Dypsis basilonga
Dypsis bef
Dypsis cabadae
Dypsis crinita
Dypsis decaryi
Dypsis decipiens (2 trunk)
Dypsis decipiens (4 trunk)
Dypsis heteromorpha
Dypsis honkona hybrid
Dypsis lanceolata "normal trunk width"
Dypsis lanceolata "narrow trunk width"
Dypsis leptocheilos
Dypsis onilahensis weepy form
Dypsis lutescens
Dypsis madagascariensis 'Mahajanga'  
Dypsis malcomberi hybrid
Dypsis onilahensis hybrid
Dypsis ovobontsiar
Dypsis pembana (solitary)
Dypsis pembana (clumping)
Dypsis pilulifera
Dypsis plumosa
Dypsis prestoniana "Big Curly"
Dypsis prestoniana
Dypsis prestoniana "Jurrasic Park"
Dypsis  psammophilia
Dypsis red stem no id solitariy
Dypsis red stem no id clumping
Dypsis robusta
Dypsis santelucei
Foxy Lady Wodyetia bifurcata x Vetichia
Gausia princeps
Howea belmoreana
Kentiopsis oliviformis
Licuala peltata var sumawongii
Pritchardia bakeri
Pritchardia beccariana
Pritchardia flynnii
Pritchardia maideniana
Pritchardia no id bought as martii
Pritchardia no id (kaalae?)
Psuedophoenix sargentii ssp saonae var navassana
Ravenea glauca
Ravenea julietiae
Rhopalostylis baueri v cheesemanii
Thrinax radiata
Veitchia spiralis
  • Like 7
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33.0782 North -117.305 West  at 72 feet elevation

Posted (edited)

Okay, most are still in containers, but I have begun planting this week. Just the palms and cycads, I have a bunch of other tropicals/subtropicals as well.

7 Phoenix dactylifera

12 Sabal minor

27 Sabal louisiana

23 Sabal brazoriensis

12 Sabal uresana

7 Washingtonia filibustas?

24 Chamaedorea microspadix

65 Chamaedorea radicalis

2 Macrozamia communis

4 Cycas revoluta

7 Cycas taitungensis

3 Cycas panzhihuaensis

28 Zamia floridana

1 Ceratozamia hildae

11 Zamia furfuracea

4 Zamia variegata

10ish Dioon edule

1 Cycas debaoensis

1 Cycas debaoensis X revoluta

18 Cycas revoluta X panzhihuaensis

1 Cycas szechuanensis X panzhihuaensis

2 Cycas bougainvilleana


Sabal mexicana

Sabal louisiana

Chamaedorea radicalis (thank you Dave)

Pure Washingtonia filifera (thank you Ryan)


Franken Brahea (thank you Dave)

Trachycarpus fortunei

Nannorrhops ritchieana

Cycas debaoensis X revoluta

Hopefully I am not forgetting anything.

Edited by amh
  • Like 4
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Love your garden @Jim in Los Altos!  

Having been to @waykoolplantz garden, the description and photos just can't do it justice.  It's something you have to see for yourself.

7 hours ago, Scott W said:

Should be adding more after this weekends CFPACS meeting and trip to MB Palms on Orlando.  Shhhhh, don't tell wife! 

Don't worry, Scott.  The CFPACS has a code of silence that would make the KGB jealous. B)

  • Like 4
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Lakeland, FL

USDA Zone 1990: 9a  2012: 9b  2023: 10a | Sunset Zone: 26 | Record Low: 20F/-6.67C (Jan. 1985, Dec.1962) | Record Low USDA Zone: 9a

30-Year Avg. Low: 30F | 30-year Min: 24F


I’m in zone 6b Ohio so I’m pretty limited in what I can pull off here. Here’s what I have planted in the ground.

1 Rhapidophyllum Hystrix

4 Sabal Minor 

1 Sabal Causiarum

2 Trachycarpus Fortunei (supposed to be the variant Winsan)

10+ Chamaedorea Radicalis

1 Washingtonia Robusta

1 Syagrus Romanzoffiana

The Washingtonia and Syagrus hasn’t been through a winter here and I doubt they’ll make it but I’m still giving it a shot.

Also not palms but I have 2 Cycas Revoluta that have been in the ground for 4 years.


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If you really know you’re not nutty yet!

I haven’t known in a long time 

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Let's keep our forum fun and friendly.

Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or lost profits or revenue, claims by third parties or for other similar costs, or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of my opinion or the use of this data. The accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way and I disclaim liability of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, liability for quality, performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use, or inability to use my data. Other terms may apply.


I guess I can ask for forgiveness now...


Acoelorraphe wrightii x 2

Actinokentia divaricata x 3

Archontophoenix cunninghamiana x 3

Archontophoenix myolensis x 3

Archontophoenix purpurea

Archontophoenix tuckeri x 2

Basselinia glabrata

Basselinia humboldtiana

Basselinia pancheri

Basselinia velutina x 4

Bismarckia nobilis

Burretiokentia dumasii

Burretiokentia grandiflora x 2

Burretiokentia hapala x 3

Burretiokentia koghiensis x 3

Burretiokentia vieillardii x 2

Carpoxylon macrospermum

Caryota mitis

Caryota mitis variegated

Chamaedorea adscendens x 5

Chamaedorea benziei

Chamaedorea brachypoda

Chamaedorea costaricana x 2 clumps

Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti x 4

Chamaedorea klotzschiana

Chamaedorea linearis

Chamaedorea metallica x 7

Chamaedorea oblongata

Chamaedorea radicalis x 5

Chamaedorea radicalis trunking x 6

Chamaedorea stolonifera x 1 clump

Chamaedorea tepejilote x 6

Chamaedorea woodsoniana

Chamaerops humilis 'cerifera'

Chambeyronia macrocarpa

Chambeyronia macrocarpa 'hookeri' x 3

Chambeyronia macrocarpa 'watermelon' x 5

Chambeyronia sp. 'Houailou' x 4

Chuniophoenix hainanensis x 2

Chuniophoenix nana

Clinostigma savoryanum x 5

Coccothrinax barbadensis

Coccothrinax crinita

Coccothrinax fragrans

Cryosophila stauracantha

Cyphophoenix alba

Cyphophoenix elegans x 4

Cyphophoenix nucele x 2

Cyphosperma balansae x 3

Dictyosperma album

Dictyosperma conjugatum

Dypsis albofarinosa x 2

Dypsis ambositrae x 4

Dypsis ampasindavae x 3

Dypsis arenarum

Dypsis baronii

Dypsis baronii 'black stem'

Dypsis basilonga

Dypsis carlsmithii x 2

Dypsis concinna x 2

Dypsis decipiens x 3

Dypsis forficifolia x 2

Dypsis heteromorpha

Dypsis ifanadianae

Dypsis lanceolata x 3

Dypsis leptocheilos. x 4

Dypsis lutescens

Dypsis mananjarensis x 2

Dypsis marojejyi

Dypsis onilahensis upright x 2

Dypsis onilahensis weeping x 3

Dypsis ovobontsira x 2

Dypsis pembana x 2

Dypsis pilulifera

Dypsis plumosa x 3

Dypsis prestoniana

Dypsis saintelucei x 2

Dypsis sp. 'Ambanja' x 3

Dypsis sp. 'bef' x 2

Dypsis sp. 'Bejoufa' x 2

Dypsis sp. 'betefaka'

Dypsis sp. 'dark mealy bug'

Dypsis sp. 'Lamana's baroni'

Dypsis sp. 'Mahajanga'

Dypsis sp. 'Mayotte'

Dypsis sp. 'Orange Crush'

Dypsis 'tri-bear' x 2

Euterpe edulis 'orange crown shaft'

Hedyscepe canterburyana x 5

Howea belmoreana

Howea forsteriana

Kentiopsis magnifica x 3

Kentiopsis oliviformis x 3

Kentiopsis piersoniorum x 4

Kentiopsis pyriformis x 3

Kerriodoxa elegans

Lanonia dasyantha x 4

Lepidorrhachis mooreana

Licuala fordiana x 3

Licuala peltata var. 'sumawongii'

Licuala ramsayi x 2

Licuala spinosa

Pinanga coronata

Pinanga philippinensis

Pritchardia minor

Ptychosperma elegans x 2

Ptychosperma lineare

Ptychosperma schefferi

Ptychosperma waitianum

Ravenea glauca x 3

Ravenea julietiae

Ravenea sambiranensis

Ravenea xerophila

Rhapis excelsa

Rhapis humilis

Rhapis multifida

Rhopalostylis baueri 'cheesmanii' x 8

Rhopalostylis sapida 'chatham island'


  • Like 8
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Huntington Beach, CA

USDA Zone 10a/10b

Sunset Zone 24

21 hours ago, joe_OC said:

This forum can easily be called "Palm-aholics Anonymous", but instead of curing you, it enables you to buy more palms.

That’s one way to deal with a compulsive addiction - just give in! Joyfully!!

  • Like 6
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Let's keep our forum fun and friendly.

Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or lost profits or revenue, claims by third parties or for other similar costs, or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of my opinion or the use of this data. The accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way and I disclaim liability of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, liability for quality, performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use, or inability to use my data. Other terms may apply.

8 hours ago, amh said:

Okay, most are still in containers, but I have begun planting this week. Just the palms and cycads, I have a bunch of other tropicals/subtropicals as well.

7 Phoenix dactylifera

12 Sabal minor

27 Sabal louisiana

23 Sabal brazoriensis

12 Sabal uresana

7 Washingtonia filibustas?

24 Chamaedorea microspadix

65 Chamaedorea radicalis

2 Macrozamia communis

4 Cycas revoluta

7 Cycas taitungensis

3 Cycas panzhihuaensis

28 Zamia floridana

1 Ceratozamia hildae

11 Zamia furfuracea

4 Zamia variegata

10ish Dioon edule

1 Cycas debaoensis

1 Cycas debaoensis X revoluta

18 Cycas revoluta X panzhihuaensis

1 Cycas szechuanensis X panzhihuaensis

2 Cycas bougainvilleana


Sabal mexicana

Sabal louisiana

Chamaedorea radicalis (thank you Dave)

Pure Washingtonia filifera (thank you Ryan)


Franken Brahea (thank you Dave)

Trachycarpus fortunei

Nannorrhops ritchieana

Cycas debaoensis X revoluta

Hopefully I am not forgetting anything.

You said 27 sabal Louisiana....that’s almost more than my entire palm collection with one cultivar you have! Lol. Wife can’t argue with the numbers, I need more palms!!!

  • Like 1

I would love to see someone’s howea belmoreana please 

  • Like 1

That's the spirit @joe_OC !  Besides, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. :)

  • Like 2

Lakeland, FL

USDA Zone 1990: 9a  2012: 9b  2023: 10a | Sunset Zone: 26 | Record Low: 20F/-6.67C (Jan. 1985, Dec.1962) | Record Low USDA Zone: 9a

30-Year Avg. Low: 30F | 30-year Min: 24F


Some of the seedlings I bring in over the winter. Considering how harsh this climate is I don't feel as deprived as I thought I would when I left California.

Beccariophoenix alfredii

Bismarckia nobilis

Brahea aculeata

Brahea clara

Butia (mutt)

Butia (mutt) x Jubaea x Queen

Butia (mutt) x Parajubaea cocoides

Butia (mutt) x Parajubaea sunkha

Butia (mutt) x Queen

Butia paraguayensis x Parajubaea cocoides

Butia yatay x Queen

Chamaerops humilis var. argentea

Coccothrinax borhidiana

Coccothrinax hioramii

Copernicia alba

Jubaea chilensis

Jubaea x Butia (mutt)

Jubaea x Queen

Jubaeopsis caffra

Livistona alfredii

Livistona mariae

Livistona victoriae

Medemia argun

Parajubaea sunkha

Phoenix canariensis

Phoenix dactylifera

Phoenix rupicola

Ravenea xerophila

Rhapis (mutt)

Sabal "Riverside"

Sabal sp. Tamaulipas

Sabal uresana

Trithrinax campestris

Washingtonia filifera

Hi 102˚, Lo 63˚

  • Like 9

Casas Adobes - NW of Tucson since July 2014

formerly in the San Carlos region of San Diego

2 hours ago, teddytn said:

You said 27 sabal Louisiana....that’s almost more than my entire palm collection with one cultivar you have! Lol. Wife can’t argue with the numbers, I need more palms!!!

Yes, you do need more palms. The Sabal louisiana are only in pint containers right now. I purchased 100 seeds last year and 27 germinated, so I collected the seeds that didn't germinate and replanted them this spring. So far, a bunch more are popping up. The chamaedorea species will be used in mass plantings for privacy and noise control in my forest.

Never toss out palm seeds that haven't rotted.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, DoomsDave said:

That’s one way to deal with a compulsive addiction - just give in! Joyfully!!

Its still cheaper than tobacco, alcohol, other drugs and vices.

  • Like 2


Backyard palms...Planted

Archontopheonix Cunninghamiana (5)
Dypsis Ambositrae (1) 
Howea Forsteriana (2) 
Beccariophoenix alfredii (2) 
Rhopalostylis sapida (3) 
Wodetyia bifurcata (2) 
Parajubaea toralalyii (1) 
Hyophorbe vershafeltii (2) 
Archontopheonix Myolensis (1) 
Beccariophoenix Madagascariensis (1) 
Roystonia regia (2) 
Archontopheonix purpurea (2) 
Chambeyronia Macrocarpa (1) 
Chambeyronia hookerii (1) 
Dypsis basilonga (1) 
Dypsis lutescens (2) 
Dypsis saintelucii (1) 
Dypsis decipiens (1) 
Dypsis lanceolata (1)
Burretiokentia grandiflora (1) 
Burretiokentia dumasii (1) 
Brahea armata (1) 
Hedyscepe canterburyana (1) 
Archontopheonix “teracarpa” (1)
Foxy Lady (2) 
Dypsis leptocheilos (2)
Kentiopsis oliviformis (1) 
Bismarkia Nobilis (1)
Dypsis decaryi (1)
Bentinckia condapanna (2) 
Cyphosperma balansae (2) 
Total as of 6-10-21 = 48 (7 more should be going in by end of summer).
Frontyard Palms......Planted
Syagrus romanzoffiana (5) (will be removed/replaced soon)
Phoenix roebellini (3) (will be removed/replaced soon)
Archontopheonix Cunninghamiana (2)
Tri-bear (1)
Chambeyronia Macrocarpa (1)
Cyphophoenix nucele (1)
Burretiokentia Hapala (1)
Dypsis ambositrae (1)
Hedyscepe canterburyana (1)
Clinostigma savoryanum (1)
Dypsis lanceolata (1)
Kentiopsis pyriformis (1)

Total as of 6-20-21 = 19

Plus dozens of 5 gallon or larger palms all over the place.

  • Like 6
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On 6/9/2021 at 9:01 PM, joe_OC said:

On the advice from my lawyer, I take the 5th to not self incriminate myself to my wife.   


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On 6/9/2021 at 12:42 AM, Fukuoka Scott said:

I’ll start:

1 Archontophoenix cunninghamiana

7 Arenga engleri

3 Beccariophoenix alfredii (2 seedlings still in pots)

2 Chamaedorea cataractarum

1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa

5 Syagrus romanzoffiana

2 Syagrus weddeliana 

21 palms and 7 species officially but I get a lot of windmill palm seedlings that come up as weeds because they have naturalized in the wooded areas nearby…

One of the best threads I’ve seen!!

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16 hours ago, Chris Wilson said:

I’m in zone 6b Ohio so I’m pretty limited in what I can pull off here. Here’s what I have planted in the ground.

1 Rhapidophyllum Hystrix

4 Sabal Minor 

1 Sabal Causiarum

2 Trachycarpus Fortunei (supposed to be the variant Winsan)

10+ Chamaedorea Radicalis

1 Washingtonia Robusta

1 Syagrus Romanzoffiana

The Washingtonia and Syagrus hasn’t been through a winter here and I doubt they’ll make it but I’m still giving it a shot.

Also not palms but I have 2 Cycas Revoluta that have been in the ground for 4 years.


That’s impressive for Ohio, heavy protection on some of those?

  • Like 1
16 hours ago, Chris Wilson said:

I’m in zone 6b Ohio so I’m pretty limited in what I can pull off here. Here’s what I have planted in the ground.

1 Rhapidophyllum Hystrix

4 Sabal Minor 

1 Sabal Causiarum

2 Trachycarpus Fortunei (supposed to be the variant Winsan)

10+ Chamaedorea Radicalis

1 Washingtonia Robusta

1 Syagrus Romanzoffiana

The Washingtonia and Syagrus hasn’t been through a winter here and I doubt they’ll make it but I’m still giving it a shot.

Also not palms but I have 2 Cycas Revoluta that have been in the ground for 4 years.


I grew up in that neck of the woods, incredibly impressive to be growing any of that stuff, great work. 


Here on my 1/4 acre in FL -

Dypsis lutescens

Dypsis decaryi 

Phoenix roebelenii

(These first three were the only palms on the property when I moved in. The triangle is a great specimen that I'm proud of, can't say the same for the others.)

Here's what I've added over the past two years, along with several hundred non-palm species: 

Serenoa repens

Chamaedorea elegans

Chamaedorea metallica

Chamaedorea seifrizii

Chamaedorea cataractarum

Licuala peltata var. sumawongii

Chambeyronia macrocarpa

Veitchia arecina

Saribus rotundifolius

Pinanga 'Thai Mottled'

Roystonea regia (I potted up some volunteer seedlings, and there's a big one overhanging the property line.)


Looking through this thread I'd say my list is way too short!


  • Like 3
57 minutes ago, teddytn said:

That’s impressive for Ohio, heavy protection on some of those?

Yeah, the only palms I’m growing unprotected is Sabal Minor and Rhapidophyllum Hystrix. I actually left some Chamaedorea Radicalis seedlings unprotected this past winter they defoliated after a low of 7F but all of them are growing back.

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14 hours ago, joe_OC said:

I guess I can ask for forgiveness now...

See Joe, it wasn't so painful.  Now you can go out and plant some more knowing that you have confessed for your past transgressions, compulsive purchases and acquisitions of species you already had.  Perhaps a future thread will be what have you purchased or planted since you last confessed.

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33.0782 North -117.305 West  at 72 feet elevation

1 hour ago, Chris Wilson said:

Yeah, the only palms I’m growing unprotected is Sabal Minor and Rhapidophyllum Hystrix. I actually left some Chamaedorea Radicalis seedlings unprotected this past winter they defoliated after a low of 7F but all of them are growing back.


Are those rads from any of my seeds?

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5 minutes ago, DoomsDave said:


Are those rads from any of my seeds?

Yes! They came from you, all 5 seedlings I left unprotected are still alive. Here they are today.


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42 minutes ago, Tracy said:

See Joe, it wasn't so painful.  Now you can go out and plant some more knowing that you have confessed for your past transgressions, compulsive purchases and acquisitions of species you already had.  Perhaps a future thread will be what have you purchased or planted since you last confessed.

That would be tropical/sub-tropical fruit trees!

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Huntington Beach, CA

USDA Zone 10a/10b

Sunset Zone 24

Posted (edited)

California Zone 9b delta waterways 

Queen x 5

Sago x 5 (yes i know they arent really a palm)

king palm clusters x 3

washigntonia robusta x 3

Pygmy date x 3

Pony Tail x 3

Majesty x 3

Mediterranean fans x 2

Chinese windmill x 2

Pindo/Jelly/Butia x 2

Cardboard palm x 2 (again i know not a real palm)

Arenga engleri x 1

European Fan x 1 

Fish Tail x 1

Bolivian mountain coconut x 1

Parrot x 1

bamboo x 1

Dypsis onilahensis x 1 

Dypsis Baronii x1

Dypsis psammophilia x 1

CIDP x 1

Phoenix Dactylifera x 1

Kentia Hapala x 1

probably not the most palms - have plenty room for more. I also have 4 species of banana, and a few taro too!

open to any suggestions or seeds to try!

Edited by EJ;)
  • Like 5
18 hours ago, DoomsDave said:

If you really know you’re not nutty yet!

I haven’t known in a long time 

lol! i forget!

how could i forget my poor palm trees! i need to make labels! 

On 6/9/2021 at 3:01 AM, Jim in Los Altos said:

Pretty standard 1/4 acre. Lots of palm density. I left a few genus out of my list like Jubaeopsis and Polyandrococcos. Here are a few garden shots...

James you never cease to amaze with your beautiful garden! 





















On 6/9/2021 at 6:51 PM, Tyrone said:

I love your garden Jim. It seems to be an endless jungle. Apart from all the absolutely healthy fruiting palms I especially love your pond and bridge surrounded by lush jungle. Inspirational stuff.

BTW, what the 70's car in the driveway? It looks like a Ford of some sort. Real cool.

Thanks! The car is a 1973 Mercury Cougar. It’s color goes well with the landscape. 




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Jim in Los Altos, CA  SF Bay Area 37.34N- 122.13W- 190' above sea level

zone 10a/9b

sunset zone 16

300+ palms, 90+ species in the ground

Las Palmas Design

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Las Palmas Design & Associates

Elegant Homes and Gardens

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