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I'm getting ready to transplant a couple P. canariensis from 11"d x 12"h nursery pots into standard size planters. Either 17"d x 15"h  with 11"d base or 20"d x 17.5"h with 12"d base.  Could use some input on a couple of things.

One, the drain hole(s) are pretty small compared to nursery pots. Should this concern me? Change my watering habits? Drill more holes? I'm worried that a couple of small holes will just get plugged up over time.

Two, is there any reason not to go directly to the larger size planter? My only real concern here is the diameter and what that will do to the drainage since the soil will hold a lot more water than I am used to.

The general plan is to get them into the larger size and enjoy them until they are no longer happy in those pots. Would prefer to avoid transplanting twice.

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Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Sorry. Not a camera bug. Not sure what help it would be.

They are a bit over two years from germination. Good trunking and nice fronds for size. About 18" tall. The way the base of the trunks have expanded there is no doubt that there is sufficient rooting for transplant. At the same time they shouldn't be pot-bound and could over-winter in their current pots. They have been in their current pots for about one year.

I have no interest in delaying transplant. Plan to do something later this week one way or another.

Thanks in advance to anyone who has a comment about the drainage or the planter size.

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19 hours ago, PalmatierMeg said:


If you meant photos of the planters please refer to any big box store such as Home Depot. There are many to choose among at about that size. The drainage holes range from nothing to a single center hole of perhaps a few inches diameter to a couple holes of perhaps an inch or so.

I'm guessing there are a limited number of people on here experienced with planters such as these. Or that I could have done a better job titling, tagging or placing the post. Or that I could have placed the post more than a week before I intend to take action.

C'est la vie.

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Photos of the Planter AND the Palms!  I picture is worth a thousand words and all that.  And we all always want to see the palm in full color!

As for transplanting too big, that is a real concern.  Depending on the palm species and the size of the container you can get a struggling palm.  Accurately sized pots allow you to better meet the needs of the palm.  Too big a container and you'll be watering a lot of dead space that has no roots and isn't doing anything for the palm.  And you have to water the whole volume of media, because dry pockets and edges will pull moisture away from areas that your palm is using.

If you have the time and ability, it's better to repot more often.

As for your post title, I came in here to say that Pineapples belong in the Tropical Looking Plants group under off-topic forums...

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."

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1 hour ago, Funkthulhu said:

Photos of the Planter AND the Palms!  I picture is worth a thousand words and all that.  And we all always want to see the palm in full color!

As for transplanting too big, that is a real concern.  Depending on the palm species and the size of the container you can get a struggling palm.  Accurately sized pots allow you to better meet the needs of the palm.  Too big a container and you'll be watering a lot of dead space that has no roots and isn't doing anything for the palm.  And you have to water the whole volume of media, because dry pockets and edges will pull moisture away from areas that your palm is using.

If you have the time and ability, it's better to repot more often.

As for your post title, I came in here to say that Pineapples belong in the Tropical Looking Plants group under off-topic forums...


LOL to the first and last lines!  :laugh2:


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