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Looking for the Copernicia fallaensis seed


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Currently,ALL Copernicia fallaensis seed still has to come from those habitat trees in Cuba. That island has pretty much isolated itself from the rest of the world again,due to the pandemic. Rare palm seeds.com has offered the fallaensis seeds only twice in recent years. (2016/2018) and seeds were priced at $5/$6 each seed,10 seed minimum. They currently are out of stock.

This is one of those species that you have to buy when you see them,because they are almost never available. There are a few trees in South Florida now that should just about be producing seed,but the problem with Copernicia species is that they hybridize easily, so you don't really know if those seedlings will grow into the real deal until you've spent several years growing them. Right now,there are plenty of fallaensis trees available for sale in South Florida grown from the habitat collected seeds. Expect to pay about $400 for a 15 gallon size specimen.



Mesa, Arizona



Mesa, Arizona


Temps between 29F and 115F each year

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5 hours ago, aztropic said:

Expect to pay about $400 for a 15 gallon size specimen.

When you say $400 for a 15 gallon size specimen, that is in Florida.  If you live elsewhere the price to get that palm to you is a lot higher.

33.0782 North -117.305 West  at 72 feet elevation

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And that is exactly what I said. Florida is the ONLY place you are going to find a 15 gallon fallaensis for sale. Currently,there are NO 15 gallon size fallaensis for sale on the west coast,anywhere,at any price. Last year,I sold several 2 gallon size fallaensis, grown from RPS seed, at $45 each. Far cry from a 15 gallon size though.




Mesa, Arizona


Temps between 29F and 115F each year

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21 hours ago, aztropic said:

And that is exactly what I said. Florida is the ONLY place you are going to find a 15 gallon fallaensis for sale. Currently,there are NO 15 gallon size fallaensis for sale on the west coast,anywhere,at any price. Last year,I sold several 2 gallon size fallaensis, grown from RPS seed, at $45 each. Far cry from a 15 gallon size though.




There is a couple 15 gallon on the west coast :evil:

none for sale though :P

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