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Dead Palm Risk Assessment


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Hi palm enthusiasts!  

I was hoping that someone could help me identify the mold on this tree?  We think it’s been dead a while, since the deep freeze in February in Texas but the landlord was holding on to it in case it survived another season.

anyhow, both myself and my dog are having crazy reactions to something in our air and I’m wondering if it could be this mold spores from the palm?  

Is this a palm specific mold or just a general dead tree mold?  
How long do we have till the tree falls?  Will it infect our neighbors palms? 

Symptoms experienced include:

- foul acid/metallic taste in mouth

- nausea

- fatigue 



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Mold is generally opportunistic, feeds on dead tissue material  I would be very concerned that you are experiencing odors and tastes(?).  Mold often produces mycotoxins which can be very bad for humans.  Forget about the palm its a goner, no it wont spread, but you shouldnt be "taste testing" that thing.  I'd get it removed.

Formerly in Gilbert AZ, zone 9a/9b. Now in Palmetto, Florida Zone 9b/10a??


Tom Blank

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I would be very concerned that you have some sort of gas leak.  Either in your house, or maybe from underground utilities nearby?

Some sort of other chemical exposure?

I think the likelihood of both you AND your dog having sensitivity to mold spores from a tree that is located outside, are very low.  Unless there are clouds of spores pouring off this plant and flowing into your windows.

Please be careful.

Edited by Joe NC
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I have mold allergies but have never experienced symptoms like yours other than fatigue.  Might be a combination of multiple issues.  I agree with Tom, the palm isn't going to recover and should be removed.  Mold inside houses can be a bad health concern for sure but I also doubt that the main problem is from the palm.

Edited by Fusca
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Jon Sunder

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Thanks people!

I think I might get an environmental tester out if there is no easy “oh it’s that palm disease” answer.  Already tested for gas with no luck.  The palm is a good test for me because if I walk closer, taste and symptoms gets worse, especially when ground is wet.

Definitely got lots of peaks in my indoor air quality meter. 

I appreciate you taking a look at my photos!

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Rotting vegetation gives off methane and other gases, so if there is a lot of dead stuff around it *might* cause problems.  I had somewhat similar issues after a hurricane here in FL.  Huge piles of rotting branches and leaves and palms gave me a sore throat, cough, and mild nausea any time I was near the piles.  It took the city over a month to come by and pick up our neighborhood.  Within a day or two I was back to normal.

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I purchased my house years ago and it had 2 Leyland Cypress. After a year I had them removed. Extreme allergic reactions to them I could not even go 20’ near them without itching, eyes burning, throat swelling, etc. let alone attempt to saw them down or handle myself. Could possibly be the rotting palm, hire a pro to remove, as exposing yourself to exploding mold spores during the saw process could be a trip to the ER.

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