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Normal growth for Areca macrocalyx 'Red'?


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Might be hard to see in this photo, but this palm seems to have multiple layers of leaves, I see leaves at 3 different vertical points plus the emerging leaf - is this typical?



areca macro red.jpeg

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How long has the palm been planted in the spot? Did the longer, newer leaves emerge after it was planted?

Seems like it is getting a lot of sun, but I would guess the lower, more compact leaves are from when it was in full sun and a more shaded exposure created the newer leaves? If not then the palm is just so happy now it is producing bigger leaves for the fun of it.



South Florida

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It's probably been in that spot for about a year now from a 20" tall plant, I think the lowest leaves were the top when I got it, during the big rains it us underwater a few inches up the trunk so maybe it has enjoyed that.

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Brad, don’t worry, perfectly normal. It’s going to look that way for awhile, then the juvenile leaves will come off. You should be seeing a red ring before too long. 



Hilo, Hawaii

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For me it seems like pretty fast growth, you are correct Tim, there is a red ring now and in between all those leaves are sections with a red blush.

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Hey Brad, here’s an A. macrocalyx that’s been in the ground for a few years. It looks like yours only bigger.




Hilo, Hawaii

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Wow, nice palm,Tim and I am noticing more of that type of branching pattern on others but for some reason this one was more noticeable.  I thought I had read that this guy can be finicky but mine has been a breeze thus far anyway.

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