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Anybody have experience with Super Mules?


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I am very curious as to what yalls experiences are with these palms. The Super Mule is the Butia x Jubaea x Butia x Syagrus, I have one that will be coming in the mail along with a standard Mule from Frank and Elaine over in St Augustine. I seriously cannot wait for these to get here. Who here has one? How has it done for you? I dont expect cold temperatures to be an issue at all after a year in the ground.

Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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I bought a BJxQ from Patric(k) Schafer in '15 as a 2G size about 3' high. It is around 16' high with 10' leaves. It is my fastest growing palm. I would include an image, but it is unfortunately embedded in my dense jungle like garden and only the uppermost leaves are visible in a clear image capture. When I'm driving home the leaves are visible a half block away rising over my 7' cinder block wall.

Good luck with your new hybrid!

Hi 110˚, Lo 80˚ - some evening showers


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Casas Adobes - NW of Tucson since July 2014

formerly in the San Carlos region of San Diego

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The Mules arrive tomorrow, im excited!

Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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On 7/9/2022 at 8:02 PM, JLM said:

I am very curious as to what yalls experiences are with these palms. The Super Mule is the Butia x Jubaea x Butia x Syagrus, I have one that will be coming in the mail along with a standard Mule from Frank and Elaine over in St Augustine. I seriously cannot wait for these to get here. Who here has one? How has it done for you? I dont expect cold temperatures to be an issue at all after a year in the ground.

I heard if it snaps its fingers, half the universe disappears. Please keep it well pruned. 


Joking aside. No input. I have hybrids of each, but no supercross....

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Oakley, California

55 Miles E-NE of San Francisco, CA

Solid zone 9, I can expect at least one night in the mid to low twenties every year.

Hot, dry summers. Cold, wet winters.

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No experience with super mules from Moultry but the regular mules I picked up from Frank and Elaine over a year ago are doing great.

Perfectly dark green, firm and healthy with very little attention or maintenance.

They ship palms??

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They have arrived, and they look amazing! The super mule is on the right, standard mule in the middle, and a surprise seedling on the left that came in bare root. Pretty sure the surprise seedling is a pindo x jubaea. The standard mule will be the first to go in the ground.


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Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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@JLM wowee! They look adorable.

Give them LOTS OF ROOM, horizontal and vertical. @Gtlevine has a few cool mules too, for a long time, he might have some thoughts. 

Don't put them too close to utility poles, your house, walls, etc. They'll fatten up fast. 

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4 minutes ago, DoomsDave said:

@JLM wowee! They look adorable.

Give them LOTS OF ROOM, horizontal and vertical. @Gtlevine has a few cool mules too, for a long time, he might have some thoughts. 

Don't put them too close to utility poles, your house, walls, etc. They'll fatten up fast. 

Once acclimated, they will be stuck out in the open front yard. I cant wait for them to get big!

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Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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Is the super mule ( (Butia x Jubaea) x Butia ) x Syagrus, following the convention that the second listed plant is the pollinator?

Andrei W. Konradi, Burlingame, California.  Vicarious appreciator of palms in other people's gardens and in habitat

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47 minutes ago, awkonradi said:

Is the super mule ( (Butia x Jubaea) x Butia ) x Syagrus, following the convention that the second listed plant is the pollinator?

"This is a cross between three other palm varieties: the Butia (pindo palm), the Jubaea chilensis (Chilean wine palm), which grows high in the mountains of Chile which together form the basis for our super mule. From there, it is crossed with the Butia (pindo palm) again and the final step crossed with the Syagrus romanzoffiana (queen palm) to form the magnificent Super Mule." 

This was on their website.

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Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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Here’s a couple of my big babies 

Buteagrus mule from a 1 gallon about 2010

Base of trunk with Shoe for scale 



Further up trunk 



Cr of en from a distance - note the pickup truck at right for scale 


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Here’s a Jube crossed with a Butea; trunk is about 3 feet across 


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@DoomsDave Wow those are huge! How old is your BxJ?

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Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
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The Jube Butea cross is 12 years from 2 gallon on 2010.

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8 hours ago, floridaPalmMan said:

No experience with super mules from Moultry but the regular mules I picked up from Frank and Elaine over a year ago are doing great.

Perfectly dark green, firm and healthy with very little attention or maintenance.

They ship palms??

Yes, i chose the smallest ones on purpose. Although right before purchasing, we had contemplated going over there and picking them up in person, but believe it or not the Panhandle is extremely long and it would have been a 6 hour drive. To put that into perspective, it takes us about 6-7 hours to get from here to near the Tennessee/Kentucky border. We had them shipped here lol

Also, you must post pics of your Mules lol

Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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I have about 3 that are doing well ----- where did this "Supermule " BS come from ? I thought they were called the "Jackass" Palm 

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3 minutes ago, edbrown_III said:

I have about 3 that are doing well ----- where did this "Supermule " BS come from ? I thought they were called the "Jackass" Palm 

It's the super jackass variety.

Joking aside, the super mule is:

17 hours ago, JLM said:

"This is a cross between three other palm varieties: the Butia (pindo palm), the Jubaea chilensis (Chilean wine palm), which grows high in the mountains of Chile which together form the basis for our super mule. From there, it is crossed with the Butia (pindo palm) again and the final step crossed with the Syagrus romanzoffiana (queen palm) to form the magnificent Super Mule." 

This was on their website.


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yeah I got 3 from Patrick --- largest is about 6 foot of trunk 

looks a bit different from a Mule or Butia x Jubaea --gotta find somme images to post 

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1 hour ago, edbrown_III said:

yeah I got 3 from Patrick --- largest is about 6 foot of trunk 

looks a bit different from a Mule or Butia x Jubaea --gotta find somme images to post 

I would imagine its a bit more marketable as the "super mule" than the jackass palm lol

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I am acclimating them to sun, but im becoming impatient lol

I asked when i bought them how much sun they got everyday, i was told they grew in shade for half the day and sun for the other half give or take. I have these sitting out in about 75% sun, so i guess that could be considered partial shade. How long do i need to wait until i can plant them in full sun? Im not too sure if they will still burn after being in partial shade for almost a week. Im probably moving this along too fast, but im just curious. The spot it will be planted in receives about 10-11 hours of pure sun during the summer. The spot they are in now is probably 7-8 hours of full sun.

Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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1 hour ago, JLM said:

I am acclimating them to sun, but im becoming impatient lol

I asked when i bought them how much sun they got everyday, i was told they grew in shade for half the day and sun for the other half give or take. I have these sitting out in about 75% sun, so i guess that could be considered partial shade. How long do i need to wait until i can plant them in full sun? Im not too sure if they will still burn after being in partial shade for almost a week. Im probably moving this along too fast, but im just curious. The spot it will be planted in receives about 10-11 hours of pure sun during the summer. The spot they are in now is probably 7-8 hours of full sun.

Hmm. Interesting detail!

How much direct sunlight do they get? If they burn, they should recover if you give them plenty of water. Good drainage, mucho aqua, soon you'll have monsters!

My big jubutea produces fertile seeds!

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7 minutes ago, DoomsDave said:

Hmm. Interesting detail!

How much direct sunlight do they get? If they burn, they should recover if you give them plenty of water. Good drainage, mucho aqua, soon you'll have monsters!

My big jubutea produces fertile seeds!

Right now about 7-8 hours. In the spot i plan to plant them they will get a few hours more. Im not sure how long they had direct sunlight at the nursery, probably less than 6 hours. I will plant tomorrow and make sure to water everyday that it doesnt rain.

Edit: I am only planting the standard mule for now. The other two will remain in pots until i figure out where they will go.

Edited by JLM

Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
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46 minutes ago, JLM said:

Right now about 7-8 hours. In the spot i plan to plant them they will get a few hours more. Im not sure how long they had direct sunlight at the nursery, probably less than 6 hours. I will plant tomorrow and make sure to water everyday that it doesnt rain.

Edit: I am only planting the standard mule for now. The other two will remain in pots until i figure out where they will go.

Put the ones you're waiting on in bigger pots. They'll fill them up oh yeah. And toughen up too.

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1 hour ago, DoomsDave said:

Put the ones you're waiting on in bigger pots. They'll fill them up oh yeah. And toughen up too.

I will repot the super mule, but the butia x jubaea will stay in the current pot. It had a small rootball and that size pot is perfect for it at the moment.

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Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
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a few in the garden --- I call em Jack ass palms ----- super mules seem just so square and corporate.




Jackass palm.jpg

Jackass palm1.jpg

Jackass palm2.jpg

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18 hours ago, DoomsDave said:

My big jubutea produces fertile seeds!

You selling these seeds yet ? I can't imagine you giving these away like C.Radicalis =) 

T J 

T J 

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1 hour ago, OC2Texaspalmlvr said:

You selling these seeds yet ? I can't imagine you giving these away like C.Radicalis =) 

T J 

Yeah, there's a huge problem . . . 

The seeds are big like Jube seeds, and they'll cost a bit to ship. Also, they don't have a high germination rate, though the jury's still out on that. Might end up selling plants, at least in the U.S. 

I'll be curious to see what the F2 babies turn out like.

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2 hours ago, DoomsDave said:

Might end up selling plants, at least in the U.S. 

Hoping you learn to ship then haha j/k 

T J 

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T J 

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