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Cindy Adair

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Thanks Marie and everyone. I am trying to get used to the new look. 

Cindy Adair

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JESUS F!*@#$! C%^@$!  


So sorry to see this! It makes so sick and angry.    At least the ones that look to be along a road appear to still have spears and will come back.     NONE of them appear to be close enough to the power lines to be outright killed however.   This is despicable on the part of the utility, and the contracted hackers they hire to do this.  This is unprofessionalism at its highest order.   At bare minimum they should have: 

1- Hired a third party not affiliated with the hacker company to oversee this and mitigate this kind of reckless "pruning". 

2. consulted with the tree / property owners before hand to come to a viable and least damaging solution as possible that would serve both parties best interest. 

This is the bare MINIMUM that should have occurred before any work began, period.    

We all know their "rights", but property owners have rights as well, and anyone that defends this or does not think this bare minimum that I laid out above is necessary or appropriate, well, id have some choice words for that. 

So very sorry this happened.  I hope that you are able to talk to them and come to a better resolution for future "pruning" work. 


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The best solution for the future would be power lines underground. This is what we have here luckily. It also makes no sense having them above ground in areas that get hurricanes.

Edited by Foxpalms
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I only saw this today Cindy.  People's carelessness never ceases to amaze me. I have had this happen to me twice while living at the old place.  One incident was utter stupidity and the other was a young idiot getting off on using a chain saw.  I was devastated, sad and furious all at the same time.  I am sure you felt all of those emotions too.  The people who bought my old house fell in love with the garden but promptly went and wrecked it. Sorry that you went through this, when it is so unnecessary.



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I came. I saw. I purchased



27.35 south.

Warm subtropical, with occasional frosts.

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Hi Peachy! Always good to hear from you!

As to putting power lines underground, it’s an excellent goal and certainly should be required on all new construction. 

However many houses in the mountains seem as close to the roads as my palms! Maybe the original road was a tiny narrow dirt road? At any rate burying the existing lines would perhaps involve destruction of houses.

My own house is far from the road and I did pay to have the electric lines buried several years ago. The previously PR owned electric company was not able to advise how or by whom to get this done. Finding a certified electrician and another person to dig the trenches was not easy. 

And yes it was me who worked quite hard with a shovel to try to even out the mess afterwards. That said, it was certainly worth it. 

Possibly the private company now in charge could have offered options as are available in the States.

I never worried about the Royals lining the road causing any issues.

Travel will delay immediate follow up, but I will persist just to understand and insist trimmers be better trained at the minimum.



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Cindy Adair

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