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What if . . .


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you could only grow two palms in your yard? What if there were only space for two, what would you grow?

This question popped in my head an lingers still.

1. If I were in the tropics, probably P.pacifica and C.renda.

1. If I lived in z9, I would opt for J.chilensis and B.armata, but I'd need an extra 100+ years added to my lifespan.

What are your choices, given the limits?

Edited by SeanK
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Euterpe edulis and Brahea moorei 

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Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Somewhat common, but C. leptocheilos (“Teddy Bear”) and C. macrocarpa (“Flamethrower”) were gateway palms for me, and I have several of each. If I only get two palms, those would be my picks.
🐻🐻🐻 🔥🔥🔥

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Stacey Wright  |  Graphic Designer

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Being in zone 7, I would go with Sabal 'Birmingham' and Trachycarpus fortunei. Birmingham is rare and fortunei is marginal here, but both have been able to make it long term here in D.C. unprotected, if well sited (south-facing wall, especially important for fortunei). They are perhaps the 2 hardiest trunking palms of all.



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1 hour ago, SeanK said:

What if there were only space for two, what would you grow?

Assuming I get to freely pick my climate, I'd maximize my total hypothetical space by choosing a Lodoicea and a Tahina, and then I bet I'd find plenty of space to grow lots of understory palms in between.

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In the ground:

Sabal palmetto 'Lisa' (discovered in SWFL)

Cocos nucifera 'Dwarf Red Spicata'

BONUS: In a pot:

Chamaedorea tuerckheimii

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Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Sabal antillensis,  and Cryosophila nana..   Even if neither flower in my lifetime..

Then again,  i wouldn't live anywhere where i could only grow two palms, lol.

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I would go with Areca Catechu (Betel nut palm) and Hyophorbe Lagenicaulis (Bottle palm). Two palms you can never grow in CA :D

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Where I live most palms would not grow without shade so I would have to go with Roystonea regia!!! At least I could enjoy the shade!!

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Without putting too much consideration in to it. 
In my current location - 

1, Pseudophoenix sargentii

2. Satakentia liukiuensis

In the perfect climate. 

1. Bentinkia condopanna

2. Neoveitchia storkii 

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Maybe Cocos "fiji dwarf" and Pritchardia pacifica with some papayas, heliconias, ti plants, plumerias, lava rock, truck parked on the grass, and roosters running around the yard. You get the picture.....

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12 hours ago, SeanK said:

you could only grow two palms in your yard? What if there were only space for two, what would you grow?

If I only had space for two palms I'd go with Attalea butyracea and Mauritia flexuosa.  I prefer a large lot!

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Jon Sunder

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Easy. Roystonea regia and blue form of Serenoa repens. These are pretty close to native to this area (but not exactly…although Roystonea is vouchered native in Desoto county here which gets colder in winter than where I am at and the blue form of Serenoa hails from the Atlantic coast I think) and could be used to great effect in a landscape only allowed two palm species. 

Edited by ruskinPalms

Parrish, FL

Zone 9B

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Probably Hedyscepe and Chambeyronia macrocarpa (not sure which variant, can I have them all 😂). 

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Tim Brisbane

Patterson Lakes, bayside Melbourne, Australia

Rarely Frost

2005 Minimum: 2.6C,  Maximum: 44C

2005 Average: 17.2C, warmest on record.

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My zone,

1- Sabal causiarum 

2- Jubaea chilensis 

Outside my zone, 

1- Medemia Argun 

2- Ceroxylon quindiuense

Hesperia,Southern CA (High Desert area). Zone 8b

Elevation; about 3600 ft.

Lowest temp. I can expect each year 19/20*f lowest since I've been growing palms *13(2007) Hottest temp. Each year *106

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I've always wished I lived in a climate that could accommodate one of these. 

Johannesteijsmannia altifrons and then next it Johannesteijsmannia magnifica

Hey,  a guy can wish, right??



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My climate 

Kentiopsis pyriformis and dypsis Lanceolata 


however the other large chambeyronia, and dypsis pembana and lafazamanga would be a close 2nd and 3rd. 

love clumpers and newcal! 

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