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Winterization of 2023 Chicago Tropical Garden


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Sadly winter will come at some point, bringing the beautiful plants to be covered up, and since I am really hoping that the new winterization protections will work, Im also wondering about a couple things, also coldest temps usually start in decemeber with -4f to -3f at night or day to -7f to -10f at night during february, anyways Im wondering about a couple things. First of all, Im wondering if I can mulch the canna and elephant ear bulbs and put a tarp over it or a frost cloth for the winter and then reapply some mulch on the tarp to keep the bulbs warm during the winter? Second of all, can I also leave the musa basjoo in the ground, which Im asking because if it had been planted earlier then maybe it I would worry about it, but since its still small and was only planted in august? If you guys also have any tips or more ways to protect the rest of my tropicals, please post them, because while 80 degree weather is still here, by october 4th or 5th thats gonna be 50-60s in day and 40-30s at night. 


Also hopefully my cannas can finish blooming so I can get some seeds and atleast have them living while its cold at night.

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Weather will actually be warmed with two days in high 50s and days in high 60s and low 70s, too cold for me because I love heat, but nights still in high to low 40s and 50s and sometimes low 60s, so thats some nice news.

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I'm sure some members from the more challenging zones will be able to supply some advise. I've seen some videos from those regions and there's a variety of options depending on your level of commitment, ingenuity and capital.

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Also a couple things I will be planting next year, no. 1 cold Hardy running bamboo Phyllostachys atrivaginata, will use rhizome barriers, two, lady palm as a small little jungle area with a Sabal minor on the left side of the house, since there will not be much sun on that side it will have shade loving plants, so I’ll have a small jungle over there, including bananas, bamboo, Sabals and lady palms.

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We've had three days at freezing point at night, also some more info on the palm, since it was grown in nc outside it is considered local to there and has hardened off already, so these cool days haven't effected the growth of the palm because its 6th spear opened today! Fast grower especially for a bulgarian!

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