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I have recently received 100x alfitrons and 100x magnifica seeds. I noticed some of the outter layer shells have been cracked so I peeled them as far back as it would allow. My question is if these seeds are okay and will still grow. This is my first time with these seeds I am going to soak then 2-3 days in water with a little hydrogen peroxide changing water daily then germinate in spaghnum untill it presents its radicle and carefully put in a tall pot. If anyone has any other suggestions it would be greatly appreciated thanks everyone





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I also added a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the water bath they’re in 👍

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Yes they certainly will grow I germinated 2000 of them so from my experience they germinate good luck tip for growing them place them in a hothouse with shade cloth over the top 70 percent and keep the water up to them back the water of in winter 





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Amazing set up that’s ALOT of joeys , in your experience do you find directly sowing them in soil instead of spaghnum method is better? Also is there a specific position to place them once you put them in the soil? Thanks a lot 

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2 hours ago, Cnolf said:

Amazing set up that’s ALOT of joeys , in your experience do you find directly sowing them in soil instead of spaghnum method is better? Also is there a specific position to place them once you put them in the soil? Thanks a lot 

Yes it’s a lot iam currently germinating 1000 Kerriodoxa elegans best sow them directly in the medium you’re using then tease them out one by one as the leaf appears with a large bbq fork or directly into deep individual tubes ten inch community pot works well I used coco coir perlite mix just slightly wet bottom heating 30 degrees Celsius place your seed with the round side up there is a little flat spot with a indent face down I also have 200 magnifica joey seeds in customs awaiting clearance most likely from the same supplier happy gardening here’s the other photos of the other half of the joeys i germinated 






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2 hours ago, Cnolf said:

Amazing , very helpful thank you

Also don’t let your joeys touch the ground bench’s or air prune technique (see photos of the trays I used) tell a Joey your potting them up and they die be very careful of the roots out of two thousand joeys I broke two tap roots they both died 

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I only soaked the cracked seeds for 18-24hrs because they’re not protected by the hard shell I have them indoors till the cold goes with a humidifier on them and a heat Matt at 88f  the window will also provide light indirect light 


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