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Help! What is wrong with my potted palm?


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I love my palm! I’ve had it about 8 years and was always healthy. 

i moved house last July, but it remained in good condition. From January, it has started to lose its deep green colour. The leaves are turning a pale, faded green, even slightly yellow. The tips are brown and some leaves are even crispy. It’s usually pretty bushy.. but I’ve had to cut all the dried branches away and it’s starting to thin out.

I dont think I’m over watering, I wait until it’s dried mostly until I water again which I’ve always done.

its not in the sunniest of spots as I live in a terraced house so in the winter the house is quite dark so I have been moving it close to a window every day. The house will brighten soon in spring and summer.

in January I started using a dehumidifier as my Victorian house is experiencing damp. This is when I think the issues started occurring. Getting a humidifier is not an option as I need to draw out the moisture from the walls of my house.

what do I do now, is it a humidity thing or to do with watering/ light?

Im really attached to this plant so want it to came back to its green, perky, healthy self. 





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Check carefully for spider mites, including the underside of the leaves.

Zone 6b maritime climate

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Leelanau has got it correct spider mites raise the humidity take it outside and hose the undersides of the leaves if that fails pyrethrum spray stay away from synthetic miticide chemicals your asking for health problems especially on indoor plants and give your plant a nice drink of a mild seaweed solution extract being careful of overwatering that will give your palm a vitamin hit to help it from being attacked by mites predators will pick on the weak in nature 

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There doesn’t seem to be any form of mites at all on the plant. 

I can’t raise the humidity generally as my Victorian house doesn’t cope but I’ve now been spraying the leaves too.

I have attached clearer pictures of the leaves. It’s as if the colour is draining from them.  Is it a light issue?

I also haven’t given any from of nutrients since last year.. literally just watering. Could that be it? What nutrients are best to feed my palm? I’m useless at these things.



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Generally, I take indoor plants outside for deep watering and insecticide even in winter. Just choose a nice day.

I would give yours some iron. Maybe rose fertilizer would do the trick. A 2:3:2 ratio with Fe

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When I had houseplants , I would always take them out for an afternoon in the shade . Let the circulating fresh air dry them after misting them down . Also consider some palm food , time release works well . Most nurseries can advise what works best in your area. Low humidity is the cause of a lot of potted palm maladies, as is low light. Repotting , even if just freshening up the soil a bit is necessary every few years . Harry

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