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Washingtonia palm maintenance question


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Hi! Please help me understand what I should be doing with these palms my parents planted years ago.  They had dead fronds trimmed when they were reachable but now I cannot find anyone to trim them and someone told me I actually shouldn’t trim them because they will just fall off/down when ready.  Also, is the trunk supposed to do this (sort of shed)? Any tips appreciated.  Located in central Florida and would like to keep them. Thank you. 





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1 hour ago, Floridapalmnovice said:

Hi! Please help me understand what I should be doing with these palms my parents planted years ago.  They had dead fronds trimmed when they were reachable but now I cannot find anyone to trim them and someone told me I actually shouldn’t trim them because they will just fall off/down when ready.  Also, is the trunk supposed to do this (sort of shed)? Any tips appreciated.  Located in central Florida and would like to keep them. Thank you. 

Yes, it's perfectly normal for the palm to shed its old fronds and leaf bases.  You can leave the dead fronds alone and the palm will create a "skirt" like the one on the left in your first photo.  Problem is that this "skirt" creates an ideal haven for rats to live and nest in.  Washingtonia palms are nice palms for a while but then they become too tall and difficult to maintain.  This is why most people here would suggest planting other species.  In your area there are so many better options of palms available that are easily grown and much easier to maintain.

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Jon Sunder

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Welcome to PalmTalk.  Since you would like to keep them, you can just keep them, as is.  No need to do anything.

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Andrei W. Konradi, Burlingame, California.  Vicarious appreciator of palms in other people's gardens and in habitat

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Is this south of I4? Chainsaw all the Washes and Queens. Contact CFPACS, the local IPS branch. Members can help you choose more interesting palms for your solid z9b locale. 

Yes, I know this sounds cruel, but in five years you'll be happier for it.

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I have a service that trims my palms now and then . They do 8-10 palms for around $1200 . They are very fast and the palms grow back quickly. Lately I’ve been holding off because the last time they trimmed them very close . I will probably wait until fall before the Santa Ana winds come. Here is how my Washingtonia looks now . Harry



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In 5-10 years those palms will become pretty solid lightning rods. Enjoy them until then.

Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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