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 I am pleased to announce that our May 18, 2024 PSSC meeting will be at two gardens in northern San Diego County, the adjoining homes and gardens of Dorian Ouer and Scott Leonard, Encinitas, CA. 

Ouer Garden: On the south side of the street at 455 Naiad, this garden was started decades ago by Dorian Ouer's father, Dean Ouer, who heads up the International Palm Society's "Palm Talk" website. After son Dorian acquired the property in 2005, he picked up the torch and ran with it. It's one of those gardens you run out of superlatives to describe. There's a combination of variety and age that's hard to beat: mature Chrysalidocarpus (Dypsis) decipiens, Prestoea montana, C. baronii "Black Stem"; Ceroxylon species (trunking overhead); Ravenea glauca, plus numerous Chrysalidocarpus species, mature Rhopalystylus and a super rare Ravenea monticola, plus numerous cycads and Schizolobium and Enterlobium trees. Need to stop here, limited space. Just come see!

Leonard Garden: Directly across the street from the Ouer Garden, this garden was started in 2014. Highlights include mature or maturing Benetickia condapanna, Caryota gigas, Ravenea julietae, Chrysalidocarpus leptocheilos, Chambeyronias, Rhopalistylus, Pritchardtias, and a big blue Bismarckia. This garden is also full of other plants, including a "tropical fruit orchard."

Self-guided tours of both gardens start at the same time; start in one, walk across the street to the other. Both gardens are on the large side, but the terrain is relatively level. 

The Board Meeting, general meeting, potluck and auction will all be at the Ouer garden.


We'll be having a potluck lunch with chicken provided. Bring your favorite dish to share; meat, vegetables, dessert, or any combination all greatly appreciated. Make it yourself, or buy and bring it - if you like it, we will too! If it's your grandma's favorite recipe, so much the better. We don't care if your grandma was from Phoenix, Passau or the Punjab. Cook it up and we'll eat it! Come feast on food, and the joint joys of palms and good fellowship on a glorious spring day.  


 9:30 AM   Board of Directors Meeting

10:30 AM  Begin Tours of both the Ouer and Leonard Gardens (across the street from each other)

12:30 PM   Potluck Lunch at the Ouer Garden

1:00 PM  Potluck lunch (please bring a dish) – Chicken, water, soda and utensils provided by PSSC - Donations welcome.

 2:15 PM  Begin Formal Meeting, Announcements

 2:30 PM  Plant Auction and Raffle

 3:30 PM   Adjourn Meeting – Clean Up Help Requested


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So who’s coming to thi sone?  We love to hear from alla y’all!

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1 hour ago, DoomsDave said:

So who’s coming to this one?

Meeeeeee!!!! (hopefully)

I’ve been wanting to step inside the Ouer gates for a looong time now. And for once, there’s not a conflicting child event… so save me a spot please! My husband will likely be coming as well.

:: excited ::


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Stacey Wright  |  Graphic Designer

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