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Passiflora racemosa hardiness

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There are conflicting opinions on the cold hardiness of this plant, does anyone grow it?
My plant unexpectedly survived a winter with -3°C without any damage


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32 minutes ago, Tomas said:

There are conflicting opinions on the cold hardiness of this plant, does anyone grow it?
My plant unexpectedly survived a winter with -3°C without any damage


Per iNat data, looks like it originates in the same region of  S. Brazil where several Sennas / Cassia cultivated in CA and other parts of the U.S. south survive pretty easily.

Those include:  Cassia leptophylla, a very common tree in Cen/ S. CA.  Senna macranthera ..Which had been sold under the wrong name ( S. splendida ) in CA, and S. pendula ..Another S. American Senna sp. that is widely sold under the wrong name in the Hort. trade  up here.


I wonder if Patrick Worley, a well known Passiflora hybridizer in the 80's / 90's ( might still be actively hybridizing?? ), had tried  growing it in California.

FYI: Species name has been changed.. It is apparently the only species within the Passiflora section Calopathanthus  as well.


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