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Josue Diaz

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Just signed for this lot a few miles north of me in Ranchos Madera - and while it will be several years before we make the move to build, I will probably start planting a few things. Unlike my current home, this area is outside of the "urban heat bubble" which lets me get away with some tender stuff in Fresno, I think most of what I can plant here will have to withstand some pretty tough heat and frost. Thinking I might start with a few Jubaea :) 




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I grow it in Fresno just fine, but a few years ago another PTer who lived in this area lost his to a pretty "mild" cold front. Mine in Fresno was untouched. His were torched - even under canopy. 


1 hour ago, ahosey01 said:

How about Jubaeopsis?


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3 hours ago, Josue Diaz said:

Just signed for this lot a few miles north of me in Ranchos Madera - and while it will be several years before we make the move to build, I will probably start planting a few things. Unlike my current home, this area is outside of the "urban heat bubble" which lets me get away with some tender stuff in Fresno, I think most of what I can plant here will have to withstand some pretty tough heat and frost. Thinking I might start with a few Jubaea :) 




 Congrats!  That's definitely a blank slate which means the eventual layout is going to be totally unique.. 

While the future location might not be quite as warm as at the house, esp. since there is no tree cover present,  looks like you'll still be in 9B, and once you get some tree canopy up, i'd bet you'll be able to work in some tender stuff there as well..  Another 20 years from now, you might be straddling the 9b / 10A border anyway so..

That said, for the time being, can see anything that does well here or in Tucson doing well there:  Brahea - anything,  Sabal, < S. uresana obviously >  Nannorrhops..

You might not ever plant any but i know if i were in the same situation, i'd already be figuring out how to create some sort of retention basin / pair of.. on either side of a future driveway  close to the road to take advantage of runoff ...so i could grow some Majesties / Royal or two..  Got plenty of space for smaller pond elsewhere too.

Any early thoughts of where a future house might sit on the property?

Regardless,  already see BIG things ahead in the future for that grassy rectangle..  :greenthumb:


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The dream begins try lanonia dasyantha chamaedorea radicalis when you have sufficient canopy later on.

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