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Red Cedar


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Probably not tropical.

I bought a Red Cedar last March and put it in the ground.  Been growing fast as it's about 6' tall right now.

Problem w/common names is there is more than one plant listed if you Google Red Cedar.  Wonder what I have.  Perhaps a close up would help?

Oh yea that's wild tobacco next to it.  They pop up all over the place.  Wonder where the seeds came from.  LOL 





Born in the Bronx

Raised in Brooklyn

Matured In Wai`anae

I can't be held responsible for anything I say or do....LOL

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Well it’s not the Australian red cedar tree toona ciliata or is the western red cedar or the Canadian cedar all I know is the Australian cedar tree which you need to plant but not sure of the weed potential in Hawaii when they set seed they set a lot of seeds I have them as weeds this season but iam confident not a lot will make but i would be happy if they did they are a native tree in my area in certain places in fact they where one of the original pioneer trees that was descimated to the point of being wiped out virtually it was one timber tree that was highly sought after for timber it was plundered with no thought of the future there are still some trees that survived in inaccessible places and some pockets of rainforest and some farmers left them standing in the cleared paddocks and if were not for conservationists they would still be logging old growth forests Australia has a sad past when it comes to our environment with how shall I say British settlement with clearing land destroying habitat wiping out animals totally plundering the environment what Australia used to be to what is now so much land was cleared and is still being cleared to this day.

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Juniperus virginiana perhaps?  Fairly common from central Texas to the east coast I think.

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South Padre Island, Zone 10b until the next vortex.

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Yes, that's definitely Juniperus virginiana.

There is also a variety of it that is very blue / grayish.  I have two of them that I plan to plant out this coming fall.



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6 minutes ago, JeskiM said:

Yes, that's definitely Juniperus virginiana.

There is also a variety of it that is very blue / grayish.  I have two of them that I plan to plant out this coming fall.



Interesting, is that variety restricted to a certain portion of the range?  Is it present in Texas?


South Padre Island, Zone 10b until the next vortex.

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5 hours ago, JeskiM said:

It's name is simply:  Juniperus virginiana 'Glauca'

It's a cultivar.  More information can be found here:

junvire.pdf (ufl.edu)


Mahalo to all w/their information


Born in the Bronx

Raised in Brooklyn

Matured In Wai`anae

I can't be held responsible for anything I say or do....LOL

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