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Windmill Palm sick?


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Hello, now I know that the reason why windmill leaflets close is because the soil is bad or they get too much sun, but in my case I don’t know what it is! I water every few days when the soil is dry and they get full sun from 11-2ish and are in miracle grow palm citrus cactus soil. Is there anything I can do to get the leaflets to open up? I just really like a full palm. Also, how much longer until a new spear opens? This spear has grown up, but has stayed shut since maybe mid May it has looked like this. Anyways if there is anything I could do such as fertilizer or anything please let me know.IMG_0978.thumb.jpeg.e06793d82c26e516f2ac3865efd7863f.jpegIMG_0975.thumb.jpeg.697e027a46615628a5e8b0866a61bf58.jpegIMG_0976.thumb.jpeg.df098b4d331ea3223dfb7ede0dc60104.jpegIMG_0977.thumb.jpeg.da9d99a33140871fef421c529e1d9866.jpeg

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That's a very small palm in a large container, and I believe that the soil doesn't dry out nearly as fast as you think it does. I'm a big advocate of mixing my own soils for potted palms. Do not rush to "fix" your palm by adding fertilizer (a common assumption). Personally, I'd start with a more aerated soil mixture. If this was recently potted up, expect a period of inactivity while your palm acclimates. These will take full sun, but during the early stages, a half day is more suitable especially during the warmer/hotter days of summer. Overall, it looks healthy.

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3 minutes ago, Las Palmas Norte said:

That's a very small palm in a large container, and I believe that the soil doesn't dry out nearly as fast as you think it does. I'm a big advocate of mixing my own soils for potted palms. Do not rush to "fix" your palm by adding fertilizer (a common assumption). Personally, I'd start with a more aerated soil mixture. If this was recently potted up, expect a period of inactivity while your palm acclimates. These will take full sun, but during the early stages, a half day is more suitable especially during the warmer/hotter days of summer. Overall, it looks healthy.

It has been really hot lately and the first two inches of top soil have been pretty dry. I can slow watering. They were potted up a month ago in 3 gallon containers I got them from palmpeii nursery on etsy and that is what they said to do. I am not good with mixing soils, I have no idea what to add. The seller and a few people on here said that the palm citrus and cactus soil would work fine, it is cheap and easy to get therefore I used it. I’ll wait to fertilize. Thank you for your response 😊 

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