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    PalmTalk is sponsored by the International Palm Society. - an organization dedicated to learning everything about and enjoying palm trees (and their companion plants) while conserving endangered palm species and habitat worldwide. Please take the time to know us all better and register.

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Northern California Palm Society Meeting


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Please save the date for our next meeting, on Saturday, August 17 from 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., with visits to two fabulous gardens in San Jose and Los Gatos. This is a rare treat to be able to be able to visit two mature gardens curated by Dave Sylvia and Diane Wotus.

These gardens maintain dozens of rare plants, many of which have been cultivated for 10-20 years. For the interested palm tree enthusiast, this meeting should not be missed. 

Stay tuned for more information on the gardens and logistics, but please do save the date in your calendars!

If you are interested in getting on our email list, please email Caroline at 


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Modesto, California


Sunset Zone 14   USDA 9b


Low Temp. 19F/-7C 12-20-1990         


High Temp. 111F/43C 07-23-2006


Annual Average Precipitation 13.12 inches/yr.



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Dave Sylvia and Diane Wotus need to be acknowledged for opening their incredible gardens to the NCPS yesterday. The work they did to prepare their gardens for our visit was impressive. Also nice was catching up with palm friends from all around the Bay Area (and beyond). It was inspiring to see that an interest in palms is alive and well in Northern California.  Looking forward to more events like this in the future.


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