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Local Palm (and cycad) haul

Josue Diaz

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I took a trip to Sago Rey Nursery here in Fresno for a nice palm haul and ended up bringing home a few nice cycads along with some palms. The cycads will go in the ground, and the palms will go into 5 and 15 gal pots to grow out for a few years. 


This is Macrozamia miquelii


A hybrid encephalartos - if anyone can ID it I'll try to remember the name. Looks part trispinosus. 



Livistona decora


A few Sabal Riverside


Sabal rosei


and a few Sabal uresana liners



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Can you buy out and bulldoze the neighbors adjacent property? 

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Oakley, California

55 Miles E-NE of San Francisco, CA

Solid zone 9, I can expect at least one night in the mid to low twenties every year.

Hot, dry summers. Cold, wet winters.

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Nice! I love good palm adventure. Harry

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2 minutes ago, Patrick said:

Can you buy out and bulldoze the neighbors adjacent property? 


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1 hour ago, Josue Diaz said:


A hybrid encephalartos - if anyone can ID it I'll try to remember the name. Looks part trispinosus. 





Honestly, I just see a lot of Lehmanii in that plant. I don’t think there is Trispinosis. Picture of the caudex would be good. 

Looks nice and healthy tho. More people need to use Encephalartos. 




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1 hour ago, Patrick said:

Can you buy out and bulldoze the neighbors adjacent property? 

Haha! That's a thought! We've actually had our eye on the house immediately south of us if the market takes a dip a bit. We did recently buy acreage in Madera which is where most of these will go. 

1 hour ago, Harry’s Palms said:

Nice! I love good palm adventure. Harry

I always end up with more than I intended to

42 minutes ago, Billeb said:

Honestly, I just see a lot of Lehmanii in that plant. I don’t think there is Trispinosis. Picture of the caudex would be good. 

Looks nice and healthy tho. More people need to use Encephalartos. 




I'll try to get a better Pic tomorrow!

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Nice little haul of plants a fun day shopping for plants.

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9 hours ago, Billeb said:

Honestly, I just see a lot of Lehmanii in that plant. I don’t think there is Trispinosis. Picture of the caudex would be good. 

Looks nice and healthy tho. More people need to use Encephalartos. 




Here's a better look Dale




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@Josue Diaz Hybrids are so tough to ID, especially when young cuz they have strange traits. To me what’s different about yours is the leaflets all the way to the caudex like a Munchii would have but your leaflets look nothing like Munchii.  I’m thinking it could be a Lehmanii x Altensteinii. 

Curious what others think. 


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It could be the "Bushman's River" hybrid, Alt x Tri or the reverse.  But it could also be be something else, as Dale noted they are hard to positively ID.  I have one with very similar leaves as an Altensteinii x Lehmanii, I will try to remember to take a picture tomorrow.

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@Josue Diaz I finally remembered to take a photo of my hybrids.  I checked the other ones like Longifolius x Horridus, and none of them looked right.  This one is Altensteinii x Lehmannii.  It's only vaguely blue because the rain here washes off any blue tint within a few weeks of a flush.  This is my closest guess for your plant:



I do have an Aemulans x Trispinosus, but it looks very different.  It retains much of the oddball Trispinosus leaf shape and oddly hooked thorns:


And just next to it is a Longifolius x Horridus.  It has that curved Longifolius frond shape but also the occasional random big hooked spine on the bottom side of the leaflet.  It's definitely different than yours:


And the only other sorta-close is Aemulans x Lehmannii, which is mostly spineless.  It looks mostly like a Lehmannii with the occasional thorn:


There's also the chance that it's a 3 way cross, like Leh x (Alt x Tri).  That might have a small amount of the Trispinosus 3 weird thorns, but my best guess is Alt x Leh.

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1 hour ago, Merlyn said:

@Josue Diaz I finally remembered to take a photo of my hybrids.  I checked the other ones like Longifolius x Horridus, and none of them looked right.  This one is Altensteinii x Lehmannii.  This is my closest guess for your plant:

it's a 3 way cross, like Leh x (Alt x Tri).  That might have a small amount of the Trispinosus 3 weird thorns, but my best guess is Alt x Leh.

Sweet! Thanks for doing that. Any encephalartos is a YES in my book, so I'm happy to have whatever this is. And happy to have a plausible ID on it. 

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