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Licuala grandis variegated


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Hello palm People!

I have been looking for variegated licuala grandis but it's pretty hard to get the hand on decent variegated small plant.  Can see plenty on indonesia but low variegation.

Any one has some ideas where to get a good one? Or where to buy seeds? 

The one like the one in the pic is just perfect in my opinion.

Thanks ya all!


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Have you tried Indonesia or Thailand because that's where they likely are? Don't waste resources on seeds, even if a seller says they come from variegated palms (sellers often lie - no surprise). The chances of getting any variegation from 100 seeds is maybe 2% at best and near impossible for the dream palm in your photo.

Be prepared to obtain all necessary permits and phytosanitary certificates to import a palm. Be absolutely sure the seller also has all the necessary permits to send palms to France. If you don't, French Customs will almost certainly seize your plants and you will be out of a whole lot of money. In the last few years countries around the world have clamped down on shipping/importation of plant matter. And always be aware there are scads of scammers out there whose goal in life is to rip you off.

That said, the more that I look at your dream photo the more I see a variegated Rhapis excelsa not Licuala grandis. I've never seen a variegated Licuala grandis in the US, which ought to tell you something. I'm growing green grandis and my small ones look nothing like that divided leaf dream palm. I could be wrong so I hope someone knowledgeable will confirm/deny my suspicions. But if I am right the seller of that palm is already lying and angling to rip someone off. Tread with care.

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Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Hi, thanks for answering! Yes indo and thailand are many the spots 'I'm looking at. Indo looks to have quite a few but they all present low variegation.

Talking to some reputated grower they told me just like you that seeds are not a good deal at all because even from variegated parent chances are really low to have a good genetic baby.

And I grow raphis excelsa variegated they dont look like that either when growing up. The plant in the picture have several palm and not "spreaded finger palm" like my raphis.

This plant is anyway sold from an indonesian grower to another in thailand.

And it is sure quite scary to believe someone at the other end of the world that you dont know.

But one thing I've learned growing plant is not to rush the process! May be waiting to go there is a good option too!




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Going there and picking one out is certainly an option if you are willing to go to time and expense to do so. But what I want to see is a photo of an actual variegated Liacuala grandis. Rhapis excelsa should not be on the radar - variegated Rhapis are plentiful and misleading and, frankly, dime-a-dozen (yeah, they can be expensive but they are everywhere).

Have you grown Licualas indoors during winter before They cannot survive a French winter outdoors, I believe. Unless you have a designated conservatory, your house will be too cold, too dry and too dark for them to survive unless you go to herculean measures to keep them alive and healthy. Rhapis would be a far better option.


Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Hi, as I often go to thailand it could be a real option for me.

Raphis variegated I got them as a plant swap with some variegated philos, and where I live is quite tropical climate so they stay outsider all year and growing quite nicely. Some of them are almost 7 foot high.

Here are pictures that growers in thailand sent me of their plant. And the other picture is from internet from antoher grower in thailand that I talked too. His plants are growing in the ground and are almost 3 meter high.





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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a rather large one available for sale, high color. Although very expensive 😅

rare flowering trees, palms and other exotics

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