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Blue Java Banana Winter Protection

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Alright so amazing news with the blue javas! Earlier this week, I noticed that a new leaf was probably half to three quarters of the size of the previous leaves, so I was watching for the next leaf very very closely and sure enough, we’ve got a flag! Here is a pic of said flag:


Now, it is September, so this creates an issue. It’ll probably take the ~2 month time before frost threats begin for the flower to develop, and the entire winter into spring for the bananas themselves. I’ve got to figure out a way to protect this plant to its entirety, and I’m really not sure what to do at this point. In all, this clump is likely in the order of 12-14 feet tall to the top of the leaves if not more, the flower will emerge at about the 7-8 foot mark or so. So y’all can see, here’s a photo from his morning of the clump:


What should I do for winter protection? Like I’ve said, I’m really not sure what to do. I’ve never protected anything on this large of a scale before, and given this is the first flower from any of my bananas, it means quite a lot to me. Any recommendations would be extremely appreciated!

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Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
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I’ve never tried to protect a full size banana plant before but I did protect some smaller palms up to about 6’ tall. I used a light weight frost cloth to surround the palm and put a string of 25 incandescent C9 Christmas lights on the ground at the base of the palm. The heat rises and fills the enclosure pretty well. I think the temps were getting 10-15 above ambient. I didn't even take the lights out of their inner packaging. I would think that additional or heavier frost cloth and or additional lights would raise the temps even more if needed. I would think that it would simplify things if you separate out the one thats flowering and just protect that one. You have to secure the cloth really well since you don’t want the cloth coming into contact with the bare bulbs obviously.  Just my 2 cents from my limited experience. I understand your excitement though pretty cool growing your own bananas! Good luck. 

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7 hours ago, D. Morrowii said:

I’ve never tried to protect a full size banana plant before but I did protect some smaller palms up to about 6’ tall. I used a light weight frost cloth to surround the palm and put a string of 25 incandescent C9 Christmas lights on the ground at the base of the palm. The heat rises and fills the enclosure pretty well. I think the temps were getting 10-15 above ambient. I didn't even take the lights out of their inner packaging. I would think that additional or heavier frost cloth and or additional lights would raise the temps even more if needed. I would think that it would simplify things if you separate out the one thats flowering and just protect that one. You have to secure the cloth really well since you don’t want the cloth coming into contact with the bare bulbs obviously.  Just my 2 cents from my limited experience. I understand your excitement though pretty cool growing your own bananas! Good luck. 

I would protect only the one plant, however there’s two others that should be getting ready to follow suit very soon, as they are similar size to the one that is about to flower now. May also try to protect the dwarf cavendish as it is starting to approach its mature size as well. 10-15 above ambient should be adequate for 90% of my freezes. If this winter decides to be ugly like the last two, might have to step up protection, but that can be evaluated when/if that time comes. I will look into the frost cloth, and when Christmas decor hits the box stores (which should be happening sooner rather than later), im gonna stock up on lights as they have worked well for me in the past.

Did you throw the frost cloth over the palm and allow it to physically make contact with it? I’ve always tried to make sure nothing makes contact with the plant, but maybe frost cloth is different considering that’s what it’s made for haha

Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
Total: 41

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@JLM I tried a few different methods for the tops.  I also did everything I could to keep the cloth from touching the fronds though. Wherever it touches there will probably be damage if it gets hot, wet and cold or if there is frost. I’m assuming it would be the same for banana leaves as it is for palm fronds.  For palms I wrapped up the fronds the best I could and used either 30 gal containers, these frost dome things or just straight up draping the cloth over the top. I then used either those fiberglass driveway snow markers or PVC pipe to make a frame to attach to. Binder clips work ok for the small diameter rods and they make frost cloth clips for whatever size PVC you might use. I’ve wondered if bubble wrap or an extra layer of cloth or tarp might give some protection against that contact burn but I haven’t tried it yet. Some strategically placed pool noodles might also be a good way to get separation? 
Looking back at some of the pics it seems what I covered was fairly small compared to a full size banana plant.  The largest one I covered was a flamethrower about 6 -7 feet tall but I can’t seem to find pics of that. I wonder if just tying up the leaves and wrapping them with cloth then enclosing/heating the pseudostem and fruit bunch might be a good approach? Those domes used to be $18 but now thry are $50 for a 2 pack yikes! Those are probably too small for what you're trying to do anyway. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on the flower:


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Palms - Adonidia merillii1 Bismarckia nobilis, 2 Butia odorataBxJ1 BxJxBxS1 BxSChamaerops humilis1 Chambeyronia macrocarpa1 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis1 Hyophorbe verschaffeltiiLivistona chinensis1 Livistona nitida, 1 Phoenix canariensis3 Phoenix roebeleniiRavenea rivularis1 Rhapis excelsa1 Sabal bermudanaSabal palmetto4 Syagrus romanzoffianaTrachycarpus fortunei4 Washingtonia robusta1 Wodyetia bifurcata
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On 9/7/2024 at 8:59 PM, D. Morrowii said:

I’ve never tried to protect a full size banana plant before but I did protect some smaller palms up to about 6’ tall. I used a light weight frost cloth to surround the palm and put a string of 25 incandescent C9 Christmas lights on the ground at the base of the palm. The heat rises and fills the enclosure pretty well. I think the temps were getting 10-15 above ambient. I didn't even take the lights out of their inner packaging. I would think that additional or heavier frost cloth and or additional lights would raise the temps even more if needed. I would think that it would simplify things if you separate out the one thats flowering and just protect that one. You have to secure the cloth really well since you don’t want the cloth coming into contact with the bare bulbs obviously.  Just my 2 cents from my limited experience. I understand your excitement though pretty cool growing your own bananas! Good luck. 

How cold does it get in Merritt Island that you had to cover plants?

previously known as ego

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1 hour ago, Than said:

How cold does it get in Merritt Island that you had to cover plants?

I think our average low is 31 or 32F ? I know I had 31.6 on Christmas of 2022, 2021s low was 34 I think and I believe there were temps in the mid 20s in 2009/2010. I’m just trying to protect new/sensitive stuff as it gets rooted in so it has the best chance and doesn't get set back too much. I also plan to baby some 10B palms as long as I can so I can enjoy them for a while. 

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