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PSSC's October 19, 2024 Banquet in El Cajon


A few PSSC members have asked me why no meeting in September; the reason is that we're saving it up for a banquet in October.


Our banquet will be held at the home and garden of Gregg and Debbie Hamann, 11123 Valley Lights Drive, El Cajon CA 92020, in San Diego County. 


(Paragraph break to catch your breath.)


Those members who've been to this garden before will be feverishly marking their calendars and trying to attend. Those who haven't, come and see! This is a truly epic garden, on more than an acre, on a high hill with natural rock formations. The Hamann garden is filled with mature specimens of many rare palms, including (but in no way limited to) Chrysalidocarpus (Dypsis) madagascarensis, Cyphophoenix elegans, plus Gastrococos, Chrysalidocarpus (Dypsis) onilahensis, Cocothrinax, Braheas, Syagrus, Pritchardtias, all towering overhead. And, right out front, a Chambeyronia hookeri "watermelon" type, towering overhead. And, there's understory ankle biters, too, so you can take a rest from gawking overhead. If you've just started your garden, come take a look and see what some of your adorable babies will grow into. 


This will be a catered event, for PSSC members only. The meal will be Mexican food, so there's plenty of options for various dietary requirements, if needed. The cost will be $65 per attendee. Here's the menu: Main dish: Enchilada, chile relleno, carne asada w/flour tortillas, rice, beans, guacamole, sour cream, chips and salsa. Desserts:  Brownies, cookies. Drinks, Water, tea and lemonade.


Palm Society of Southern California - Meeting/Event Information (palmssc.org) <==== sign up here! Or, mail check for $65 per attendee to: Kathy Van Twist, 15102 Kingston Lane; Huntington Beach, CA 92647 by Wednesday October 16, 2024. Or, contact DoomsDave by PM if you have any questions!



While the banquet will be in October, be advised that El Cajon is about 8 miles inland from the ocean and it can get a good deal hotter than coastal San Diego. Also, this garden is on a slope with paths and numerous steps - appropriate clothing and "sensible shoes" (no high heels) are strongly advised. 



There will be an auction at this meeting. Donors have a choice of donating 100% of the proceeds to the PSSC (we appreciate that!) or 50% (we appreciate that, too!) The focus is on rare palms, in 1 to 5 gallon containers, though larger ones will be accepted. Also good are nice palm-themed objects d'art, and other exotic plants, including but not limited to, bromeliads, fancy Ficus, etc. We accept credit cards, checks, and good old cash, though, due to expenses relating to credit card transactions, we greatly appreciate cash and checks, if possible. 


 Since we have a limited time in which to conduct the auction, we ask that donors provide plants that will realistically sell for at least $20. Please no Washingtonias, Phoenix canariensis, etc. We also appreciate liners and "freebie" plants as well for the plant raffle.


Thanks to all of our donors! 



9:30 a.m. PSSC Board meeting 

10:30 a.m. Tours of the glorious garden.

12:00 p.m. Catered lunch 

1:00 p.m. general meeting 

1:30 p.m. auction 

4:00 p.m. adjourn 

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