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After 2 frantically busy days bringing all my potted plants and hanging baskets indoors, plus all assorted backyard junk, treasures and memorabilia, bringing all the birds inside and taping up vulnerable windows, I just sat there waiting for something to happen. By the second day of nothing I was so bored I decided to install the new dishwasher that has been sitting in the kitchen laughing at for 3 weeks.  Like most good things, a lot of rolling around the floor was required but it is up and running if ever I decide to cook something. Then the cyclone came. Okay now I have lived though a real cyclone. I asked myself , "Is that all there is to a cyclone ? Is that ALL there is ?"  Ooooh spooking moment... I am channelling Peggy Lee.....quick someone cut my hair....I need to blink.

Let me assure you that taking all the plants and hangers back out is a lot harder than bringing them inside. First all the twigs and small branches have to cleaned up outside, the Chamaedorea plumosa that got torn out by the wind replanted ( it lives it lives)  and the hired help paid overtime to clean the floor after days of muddy little dogs and cats, birdseed and feathers from all parrots and a few little wee wee spots that appeared when the dogs were too scared of the heavy rain to go outdoors. Today, a week later, the place is back to normal apart from my back and the only thing left to do is load the dishwasher with a week's worth of dog plates and coffee cups. Oh there is the shade house to rearrange eventually but it took me a year to get the placements right the first time and that was without any cyclonic interventions.

Sorry to all those who think they are in my will too

Peachy, Cyclone Survivor.

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I came. I saw. I purchased



27.35 south.

Warm subtropical, with occasional frosts.


Glad you're still alive mum, although I was looking forward to the inheritance...guess I'll have to return the Rolls to the dealership.

Your loving son,

Little Jonny 

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South Arm, Tasmania, Australia - 42° South

Mild oceanic climate, with coastal exposure.


Summer: 12°C (53°F) average min, to 21°C (70°F) average daily max. Up to 40°C (104°F max) rarely.


Winter: 6°C (43°F) average min, to 13°C (55°F) average daily max. Down to 0°C (32°F) occasionally, some light frost.

5 hours ago, Jonathan said:

Glad you're still alive mum, although I was looking forward to the inheritance...guess I'll have to return the Rolls to the dealership.

Your loving son,

Little Jonny 

Aunty Hilda is on her last....I'll make sure the Kia Picanto goes to you.

Mummy Dearest.


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I came. I saw. I purchased



27.35 south.

Warm subtropical, with occasional frosts.


That’s the spirit peachy. We were lucky it was not a real cyclone as you say, imagine cyclone Tracy in Darwin that flattened the whole town now that’s a cyclone. The pooches, kitty Kats and the birds are all fine which is a good thing. And as for the plants they will regrow and look at it as if nothing happened brushing it off as wet day with a bit of wind in the sense of time in the evolution of life. I have arranged for a little present to be sent to your place I hope you enjoy this little gift. 

2 hours ago, happypalms said:

That’s the spirit peachy. We were lucky it was not a real cyclone as you say, imagine cyclone Tracy in Darwin that flattened the whole town now that’s a cyclone. The pooches, kitty Kats and the birds are all fine which is a good thing. And as for the plants they will regrow and look at it as if nothing happened brushing it off as wet day with a bit of wind in the sense of time in the evolution of life. I have arranged for a little present to be sent to your place I hope you enjoy this little gift. 

It came today thanbk you  See my poist

I came. I saw. I purchased



27.35 south.

Warm subtropical, with occasional frosts.

5 hours ago, peachy said:

It came today thanbk you  See my poist

You’re welcome I hope you get many years of joy. 


Just glad you’re ok peachy. It seems your spirit AND you survived . Torrential rain combined with high winds is a destructive combination. The Los Angeles area to the south of me has had a couple of tornado hits lately , it had to be scary. The rain saturates the ground which makes any large trees or plants vulnerable to the wind . When the trees or large palms come down they take out whatever is in their path. Harry

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12 hours ago, Harry’s Palms said:

Just glad you’re ok peachy. It seems your spirit AND you survived . Torrential rain combined with high winds is a destructive combination. The Los Angeles area to the south of me has had a couple of tornado hits lately , it had to be scary. The rain saturates the ground which makes any large trees or plants vulnerable to the wind . When the trees or large palms come down they take out whatever is in their path. Harry

I went through a small tornado in the 80s and nearly died of fright. The damage was amazing but it was all over in a few minutes. The cyclones take so long to pass over and all the waiting before hand gives the grey hair a boost.


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I came. I saw. I purchased



27.35 south.

Warm subtropical, with occasional frosts.

9 hours ago, peachy said:

I went through a small tornado in the 80s and nearly died of fright. The damage was amazing but it was all over in a few minutes. The cyclones take so long to pass over and all the waiting before hand gives the grey hair a boost.


That recent weather event reminds of a certain media hysteria event we had about 5 years ago. Did the media jump on this one too, money in bad weather to be made go figure. 

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On 18.3.2025 at 11:39, peachy said:

Nach zwei hektisch arbeitsreichen Tagen, an denen ich all meine Topfpflanzen und Blumenampeln sowie allen möglichen Kram, Schätze und Erinnerungsstücke aus dem Garten ins Haus geholt, alle Vögel hereingeholt und empfindliche Fenster abgeklebt habe, saß ich einfach nur da und wartete, dass etwas passiert. Am zweiten Tag ohne etwas war mir so langweilig, dass ich beschloss, die neue Spülmaschine einzubauen, die seit drei Wochen lächerlich in der Küche stand. Wie die meisten guten Dinge musste man sie viel auf dem Boden herumrollen, aber sie läuft, falls ich mal etwas kochen möchte. Dann kam der Zyklon. Okay, jetzt habe ich einen richtigen Zyklon erlebt. Ich fragte mich: „Ist das alles, was einen Zyklon ausmacht? Ist das ALLES, was es gibt?“ Ooooh, unheimlicher Moment … Ich rufe Peggy Lee in Erinnerung … schnell kann mir jemand die Haare schneiden … ich muss blinzeln.

Ich kann Ihnen versichern, dass es viel schwieriger ist, alle Pflanzen und Kleiderbügel wieder rauszunehmen, als sie reinzuholen. Zuerst müssen alle Zweige und kleinen Äste draußen weggeräumt werden, die vom Wind herausgerissene Chamaedorea plumosa neu eingepflanzt werden (sie lebt, sie lebt) und die angeheuerte Haushaltshilfe muss Überstunden machen, um den Boden zu wischen, nachdem er tagelang voller schlammiger kleiner Hunde und Katzen, Vogelfutter und Federn von allen Papageien und ein paar kleiner Pipi-Flecken war, die entstanden, als die Hunde zu viel Angst vor dem starken Regen hatten, um nach draußen zu gehen. Heute, eine Woche später, ist alles wieder in Ordnung, abgesehen von meinem Rücken, und das einzige, was noch zu tun bleibt, ist, den Geschirrspüler mit Hundetellern und Kaffeetassen für eine Woche einzuräumen. Oh, und schließlich muss noch das Schattenhaus neu angeordnet werden, aber ich habe ein Jahr gebraucht, um die Platzierung gleich beim ersten Mal richtig hinzubekommen, und das ohne Zykloneinsätze.

Es tut mir leid an alle, die glauben, dass sie auch in meinem Testament stehen

Peachy, Zyklon-Überlebender.

good recovery for your back and hope all comes good. 

we've had storms on the lake here too, but of course never on the same scale as yours. however, i've almost drowned twice myself when the storm came faster than the weather lights indicated. lucky, so to speak, and became more careful.
during a rockslide, a neighbor's house next to my uncle's was swept away. my uncle and aunt were lucky. the neighbors were on vacation. i saw it on site a few days later. the power of mother nature is extreme ...


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Nature can be kind, gentle and beautiful but also cruel and dangerous too.  When I see what people are doing to this planet I am amazed that Nature has not killed all of us for destroying her perfect creations.


I came. I saw. I purchased



27.35 south.

Warm subtropical, with occasional frosts.

1 hour ago, peachy said:

Nature can be kind, gentle and beautiful but also cruel and dangerous too.  When I see what people are doing to this planet I am amazed that Nature has not killed all of us for destroying her perfect creations.


Let’s see how artificial intelligence looks after the planet when they build there robots that are going to run the planet. Call me old fashioned but bring back the good old days. I feel for the planet for what we have done to Mother Natures beauty.


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