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7:05PM, 36 degrees, So. Louisiana

In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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7:28PM, 35 degrees, So. Louisiana

In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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830PM EST and a pathetic 40F here in Tarpon Springs.


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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7:49 CST and 37F on our way to a balmy 22F in the a.m. (that is of course compared to the 14F we had this a.m.).

Martin Farris, San Angelo, TX

San Angelo Cold Hardy Palms and Cycads

Jul - 92F/69F, Jan - 55F/31F


02-03: 18F;

03-04: 19F;

04-05: 17F;

05-06: 11F;

06-07: 13F;

07-08: 14F 147.5 Freezing Degree-Hours http://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?sh...ee+hours\;

08-09: 23F;

09-10: 12F 467.6 Freezing Degree Hours, Average Temperature During Freeze 24.2F;

10-11: 13F 1,059.5 Freezing Degree Hours with Strong Winds/Rain/Snow/Sleet, Average Temperature During Freeze 19.4F;

Record low -4F in 1989 (High of 36F that p.m.) 1,125.2 freezing degree hours, Average Temperature During Freeze 13.6F;

Record Freeze 1983: 2,300.3 Freezing Degree Hours with a low of 5F, Average Temperature During Freeze 13.7F.

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8:21, 34 degrees, So. Louisiana, and yes it is dropping that fast.

In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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Keith,9:35PM-48F.and dropping....My Grandad used to say bored men can lead to gunplay!(kidding)

What you look for is what is looking

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8: 37    41 degrees forecast to mid 30's

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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43.8F at my shadehouse at 21:41EST...  

I am so amazed I am only about 10 miles south of Bubba and my temp is that much different...  Is there an emoticon for microclimate jealousy? :angry:

Maybe I should go park a bunch of cars around the shadehouse and let them all idle around the shadhouse overnight!  :o

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37.6F and dropping like a rock. Incredibly low 9F dewpoint. Who said it doesn't get dry in FL???

Parrish, FL

Zone 9B

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8:50, 33 degrees, So. Louisiana.  Just slightly better than weather channel who had us going to 32 at 9pm.   That means I am headed to 26 save for a miracle.  But still zone 9b, hehe.

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9F dew point is insane for central Florida. The weather station on our lake is 35.5F taken about 20 seconds ago. North wind at 5mph. No clouds, no help from the gulf with a north wind. Not good.

NW Hillsborough County, FL (Near Tampa)

10 miles east of the Gulf of Mexico

Border of Zone 9b/10a

Lakefront Microclimate

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At 9:15, 41F with a 16F dewpoint in my part of Houston.  Insane dewpoint for here too.  Forecast low of upper 20's at the big airport.  I'll probably see 30-32F overnight.  As we say in Texas, "colder than a well digger's ass" out there.


USDA Zone 9a/b, AHS Heat Zone 9, Sunset Zone 28

49'/14m above sea level, 25mi/40km to Galveston Bay

Long-term average rainfall 47.84"/1215mm

Near-term (7yr) average rainfall 55.44"/1410mm

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Tampa International just reported dew point of 6F !!!

NW Hillsborough County, FL (Near Tampa)

10 miles east of the Gulf of Mexico

Border of Zone 9b/10a

Lakefront Microclimate

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1020PM and sitting at a most wonderful 37.2F!

Its actually "humid" here at my house as the dewpoint is 14F :D


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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9:28  40 degrees 24 degree dew point

I thought well diggers butts were low and witches breasteses were cold :)

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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9:32PM, 32 degrees (FREEZE), So. Louisiana.  Those clouds on the sat view are now within 50 miles of here.  I am praying.  

Note - Tad, I think there was something about a brass bra too.

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(keiththibodeaux @ Jan. 02 2008,22:30)

Note - Tad, I think there was something about a brass bra too.

Ill tell ya what.....this board is always the most fun when the freezes come through  :D


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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ok, it's 20.2f right now here.... my structures are struggling to keep the temps at 55f...


Long Island, New York  Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from)


Summer Highs  : 85-90f/day,  68-75f / night

Winter Lows     : 38-45f/day,   25-35f / night

Extreme Low    : 10-20f/day,    0-10f / night   but VERY RARE

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(BobbyinNY @ Jan. 02 2008,22:55)

ok, it's 20.2f right now here.... my structures are struggling to keep the temps at 55f...

Oh Boo Hoo Bobby!

My poor Fiji Fan Palm (amongst a few hundred other tender palms) is out there shivering in the bitter cold and you are complaining that your palmscrapers are in the middle 50's!!?!??  Forgive me if I do not feel much sorrow nor feel much empathy....Thats like Key West in there!  :P


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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Oh Boo Hoo Bobby!

My poor Fiji Fan Palm (amongst a few hundred other tender palms) is out there shivering in the bitter cold and you are complaining that your palmscrapers are in the middle 50's!!?!??  Forgive me if I do not feel much sorrow nor feel much empathy....Thats like Key West in there!  

believe me, Larry.... I'm feeling for you guys, big time.... I've been watching the temps in the tampa bay area for the last few hours and I just can't believe it's gotten that cold... That's colder then we've been here for the past few weeks (and I was still freezing)... But the thing is that down there it really can't last...  That florida sun will come up and fix everything by 10am.... (i hope)


Long Island, New York  Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from)


Summer Highs  : 85-90f/day,  68-75f / night

Winter Lows     : 38-45f/day,   25-35f / night

Extreme Low    : 10-20f/day,    0-10f / night   but VERY RARE

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(BobbyinNY @ Jan. 02 2008,23:10)

That florida sun will come up and fix everything by 10am.... (i hope)

Yeah....we should be warmed right up to low 50's tomorrow...yeehaaaaw!

That was sarcasm by the way :D


Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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10:39, 31 degrees, So. Louisiana.  Temperature drop has slowed.  There are no more stars visible to the Northwest as cloud cover has almost arrived.  Got my fingers crossed.

In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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Yeah thanks Keith yall stole our clouds GRR!!   :angry:  :angry:

they just dropped our fcst from 38-33

Still beter than the 20's they are predicting in Houston but still what does ma nature think this is WINTER?

without the clouds (theres no reinforcements coming till the late AM!) we might make 30 in my part of the island...   the only thing that might save me would be for the wind to totally stop which isnt likely!  Or possibly an abrupt about face to south???  one can dream right?

Oh, ive been meaning to ask is an 8 degree dewpoint a bad thing??  :)

Btw Larry, I was looking at your station and holy sheit!  it looks like yall are in for a little rougher night than I was hoping for this AM



Galveston Island Tx


8' Elevation

Sandy Soil

Jan Avgs 50/62

Jul Avgs 80/89

Average Annual Rainfall 43.5"

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I don't know how y'all stand that brutal humidity.  Dewpoint here is a sticky 7F!  I guess that's better than the 3F we were at this time last night.  Lots of clouds tonight, not that it matters at this point, anything that couldn't take the cold would be toast by now anyway.  So far the only thing that looks bad are the fronds on the Queen.  They are a dull green that I fully expect to become brown when we hit the 70's later this week.  Hopefully, it's still alive thanks to the Christmas tree lights and blanket wrapped around the trunk.

Martin Farris, San Angelo, TX

San Angelo Cold Hardy Palms and Cycads

Jul - 92F/69F, Jan - 55F/31F


02-03: 18F;

03-04: 19F;

04-05: 17F;

05-06: 11F;

06-07: 13F;

07-08: 14F 147.5 Freezing Degree-Hours http://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?sh...ee+hours\;

08-09: 23F;

09-10: 12F 467.6 Freezing Degree Hours, Average Temperature During Freeze 24.2F;

10-11: 13F 1,059.5 Freezing Degree Hours with Strong Winds/Rain/Snow/Sleet, Average Temperature During Freeze 19.4F;

Record low -4F in 1989 (High of 36F that p.m.) 1,125.2 freezing degree hours, Average Temperature During Freeze 13.6F;

Record Freeze 1983: 2,300.3 Freezing Degree Hours with a low of 5F, Average Temperature During Freeze 13.7F.

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I think brooksville currently has the lowest forecast in Florida tonight at 17F!  (Actually, looks like archer, FL will be 16F).  Currently 31.6F here.


Brooksville, FL 9a

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11:27PM, 30 degrees, So. Louisiana.  Come on clouds, come on clouds

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Temps at 11:30 p.m on Wed. night in Panama City Florida is between 30.6 degrees and 32.4 degrees acording to the two closest weather stations on Weather Underground. They are forcasting 26 degrees tonight.................uuuuggggg!!!

I hate this crap!...........if it were not for family and business I would be Bo's newest neighbor as we speak.

David Simms zone 9a on Highway 30a

200 steps from the Gulf in NW Florida

30 ft. elevation and sandy soil

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12:29AM: 47.2 F

South Florida, Zone 10a/b line, very low humidity and some disturbing wind.


South Florida

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Temps at 11:30 p.m on Wed. night in Panama City Florida is between 30.6 degrees and 32.4 degrees acording to the two closest weather stations on Weather Underground. They are forcasting 26 degrees tonight.................uuuuggggg!!!

I hate this crap!...........if it were not for family and business I would be Bo's newest neighbor as we speak.

David Simms zone 9a on Highway 30a

200 steps from the Gulf in NW Florida

30 ft. elevation and sandy soil

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28.0F at 11:58pm here in downtown Natchez. Really cold out in the countryside and generally to the east and northeast of here. Keith, you're right about the cloud-shield, it looks like it's just over you and it looks to be about 10-20 miles to the west of us. Hurry up!!!!! Meanwhile the gaping hole to the east of us and over all of peninsular Florida is scary-bleak.

Michael Norell

Rancho Mirage, California | 33°44' N 116°25' W | 287 ft | z10a | avg Jan 43/70F | Jul 78/108F avg | Weather Station KCARANCH310

previously Big Pine Key, Florida | 24°40' N 81°21' W | 4.5 ft. | z12a | Calcareous substrate | avg annual min. approx 52F | avg Jan 65/75F | Jul 83/90 | extreme min approx 41F

previously Natchez, Mississippi | 31°33' N 91°24' W | 220 ft.| z9a | Downtown/river-adjacent | Loess substrate | avg annual min. 23F | Jan 43/61F | Jul 73/93F | extreme min 2.5F (1899); previously Los Angeles, California (multiple locations)

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David - it's 8 p.m. and 70F. May drop to 67F...! :P

Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm


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(Palmarum @ Jan. 03 2008,00:25)

12:29AM: 47.2 F

South Florida, Zone 10a/b line, very low humidity and some disturbing wind.


1:07 AM St. Pete (my house) 40.1F.  Hanging on by a thread.

St. Pete

Zone - a wacked-out place between 9b & 10

Elevation = 44' - not that it does any good

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12:10AM, 29.8 degrees, So. Louisiana.  Well folks, I am done for the evening.  Got that day job thing ya know.  Cooling has really tapered off, maybe the arriving cloud cover will help, but I suspect by the morning we won't be too far off of that predicted low of 26.

Good night all, and good luck.


In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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(bgl @ Jan. 03 2008,00:57)

David - it's 8 p.m. and 70F. May drop to 67F...! :P


You forgot your dewpoint.  Here at 5 AM Brazilian central time it is 75 F with dewpoint at 73 F and the relative humidity 94 percent.    ???

Don Kittelson



03° 06' 07'' South 60° 01' 30'' West

Altitude 92 Meters / 308 feet above sea level

1,500 kms / 932 miles to the mouth of the Amazon River


Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil - A Cidade da Floresta

Where the world´s largest Tropical Rainforest embraces the Greatest Rivers in the World. .



Click here to visit Amazonas


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(galveston1602 @ Jan. 02 2008,23:46)

Btw Larry, I was looking at your station and holy sheit!  it looks like yall are in for a little rougher night than I was hoping for this AM


What do you mean?  I thought 30F here this AM was wonderful!  heheheheheehe  :P



Palm Harbor, FL 10a / Ft Myers, FL 10b

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6:36AM EST-40F.No freeze here and by looking at other temp's in Florida it certainly did not look as bad as advertised.That usually is the case but NOAA has liability if they miss low and accordingly they are extremely conservative. The difference in Florida compared to the West is how quickly we normally heat up.That I think is the key factor between survive and flourish.Good luck to all and I hope things were good at your house and palms/plants!

What you look for is what is looking

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6:19AM, 26.7 degrees, Damage reports coming over next several weeks.

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